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goldendog55 07-17-2013 09:21 AM

I received a f8 yesterday from Arizona KAT. Travelinggramma- do you know where to fond your PM box? I sent you a message. Judy

debfaye 07-17-2013 11:09 AM

I found out to late to get in on a swap group. but i was wondering if any one would like to do an extra side swap?

Let me know

alikat110 07-17-2013 11:55 AM

Brat, you are positively wearing me out! Lol. Your energy oozes from your post. Obviously, you don't work or have children. I think I will come visit you for some straight, uniterupted sewing time. This seems reasonable, doesn't it? Hehehe. Wonder if my job would still be here for me when I decide to drag myself back to reality. Keep encouraging us. This swap is gonna be fun.

terriamn 07-17-2013 02:26 PM

I sent out all my squishies today. Thanks Terriamn

Elisabrat 07-17-2013 07:35 PM

Alikat lmao I dont have kids or work but I am on kidney dialysis which wears me out more than kids or working ever did. I sew because its therapy for me.. I get tired easy stop halfway through a block, take a break, get up go for more. it keeps my mind off of 'life' stuff. So good we can both sew til our fingers fall off. Come on over!! sewing party at my house! gourmet snacks included!! start cooking ladies the party is about to start. shall I make some bruchetta with fresh shaved parmesean to start with? wiggling eyebrows.. someone? anyone?

YAHOO TERRIAMN! you did it! rah rah rah shish boom bah! I am thinking we seriously can kick some rear on the other teams as far as participation and finishing this swap on time. Its super easy to put it all on the back burner and then run out of time or rush. Even two a week your done in no time at all. early even. I was so proud of my first swap last summer finishing 6 weeks early. Boy was I thrilled. Then I just determined it wasnt that hard and one a day was 7 a week takes the same amount of time to watch a reality show as it does to create something beautiful. easy choice for me. now I listen to the cooking channel and sew. best of both worlds :) only looking up when something sounds like a recipe I need to have. try it its fun!

alikat110 07-17-2013 08:13 PM

Brat, I hear you on the Dialysis. Had an uncle on it for years and saw first hand what it can do to you. Lost him this year to a heart attack. I always thought the kidney failure would get him. He had two kidney transplants, his body rejected the 1st. Sorry to hear you are so challenged, but you spunk is evident. Happy sewing and yes, I think we can all do this! (I still think you have too much energy! Hehehe)

catgirl807 07-17-2013 08:52 PM

sending a block home to brat tomorrow!

Elisabrat 07-17-2013 10:07 PM

Alikat, I am sorry you lost your uncle. I had a liver transplant last year and my body has had no troubles at all :) I am confident I can make a kidney transplant. trick is to find one first! I am patient and I am a very lucky person. Never a moment I don't realize I am so fortunate to be here right now. I can take tired. its all part of the game.

I have just updated my folder with pictures for those who are curious if I have done your block yet.. otherwise DONT LOOK be surprised when it arrives :) thirty blocks to do 8 down. I can handle that. and a couple side swaps.. no issues at all! if the fabric comes I will sew it. lucky lucky you! lol..

catgirl807 07-18-2013 10:30 AM

Received fabric from NanaKath55 and Alikat110!

benndm 07-18-2013 10:37 AM

I received F8s from Alikat110 and NanaKathy55 today

NanaKathy55 07-18-2013 02:48 PM

Hello Ladies
I received f8's today from


Gaijin 07-18-2013 02:54 PM

I received fabric from catgirl807 and ljdugas on 7/17.
Pretty fabric!

Deborah (Gaijin)

terriamn 07-18-2013 05:33 PM

I received fats from anne, Diana, Gaijin and NannaKathy55


travelinggramma 07-18-2013 06:35 PM

Just spent a week with my grands (8,7 and 4 mth) and their parents. They all came to AZ and we never stopped - horseback riding, jeeping in Sedona, geocaching in the mountains, fishing and then the grand canyon.
Yip - I am very tired!! But had so many things in my mailbox
Got f8's from ArizonaKat, benndm,catgirl807,Dahna42,jupitar, and ljdugas -
Brat - nothing from you YET!!
AND I received an adult from catgirl807 - waahooo

travelinggramma 07-18-2013 06:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My first received and its a beauty - I LOVE it - thank you catgirl

travelinggramma 07-18-2013 06:39 PM

I opened all the fabric, mark my list and put in the description of the fabric. This way I know if I have the colors to match and who wants what.
Question - I have been playing with paper piecing. Working on a table runner with teacups and coffee mugs. Was wondering if any of you would like to get a block with one of those on? PM if you would like. Otherwise i will go tradional.

alikat110 07-18-2013 06:42 PM


alikat110 07-18-2013 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by travelinggramma (Post 6184635)
Question - I have been playing with paper piecing. Working on a table runner with teacups and coffee mugs. Was wondering if any of you would like to get a block with one of those on? PM if you would like. Otherwise i will go tradional.

I am a HUGE fan of paperpiecing! However, do whatever the fabric tells you to do!


alikat110 07-18-2013 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by travelinggramma (Post 6184630)
My first received and its a beauty - I LOVE it - thank you catgirl

Love this block! Can't wait to work with your adorable fabric....

catgirl807 07-18-2013 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by travelinggramma (Post 6184627)
Just spent a week with my grands (8,7 and 4 mth) and their parents. They all came to AZ and we never stopped - horseback riding, jeeping in Sedona, geocaching in the mountains, fishing and then the grand canyon.
Yip - I am very tired!! But had so many things in my mailbox
Got f8's from ArizonaKat, benndm,catgirl807,Dahna42,jupitar, and ljdugas -
Brat - nothing from you YET!!
AND I received an adult from catgirl807 - waahooo

Sounds like you've been busy with lots of fun! I've had my nieces here this week (7, 4, and almost 3), and we've been all over the Joplin, MO area trying to keep busy. I am so worn out!

Glad you liked your block. I knew I was saving that fishy fabric for a good reason!

ArizonaKAT 07-19-2013 06:55 AM


Received Swishies: Alikat110; benndm; catgirl807; Dahna42; elisabrat; Jupiter; ljdugas; NanaKathy55; travelinggramma.

Sent Grownups: travelinggramma

ArizonaKAT 07-19-2013 07:09 AM

I fear I may have limited people in some of my holiday boom requests. So if you are inclined and have the fabric laying around, it's ok not to listen to my request. You can use holiday fabric to match up with what I sent.

I hope this didn't confuse you as much as it did me.


travelinggramma 07-19-2013 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by ArizonaKAT (Post 6185290)

I hope this didn't confuse you as much as it did me.


i am always confused :) I have the St Pat fabric and lotsa greens and ideas.

Elisabrat 07-19-2013 08:41 AM

I received a plethora of fabric squishies in the mail! you guys are awesome. I am sure I have more than half of the fabrics due! keep it up keep it up keep it up! I finished two blocks for the fast group this morning so one for you guys this afternoon. I figure I will be one with the fast group by the end of this month which leaves me oodles of time to finish this stuff out. :) I love the wide variety of fabrics I am seeing!

benndm 07-19-2013 09:33 AM

I received F8 from Gaijin today. Beautiful fabric.

ArizonaKAT 07-19-2013 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by travelinggramma (Post 6185365)
i am always confused :) I have the St Pat fabric and lotsa greens and ideas.

Run with whatever is in your head!

catgirl807 07-19-2013 10:26 AM

Received fabric from terriamn and gaijin!

benndm 07-20-2013 12:52 PM

Good afternoon. It sure is quiet around here. Everyone must be sewing. I received a F8 from terriamn today. I love the colors.

I have 4 blocks finished, 4 planned and cut and 3 more waiting for inspiration. Still waiting on F8s from 5. Hope to have several in the mail Monday morning.

dahna42 07-20-2013 01:22 PM

Received F8's from benndm, nanakathyand ,alikat and Terriamn

ArizonaKAT 07-20-2013 01:30 PM

Brat! You fabric talked to me! It said "how many times are you going to rip me out before you get it right?"

ArizonaKAT 07-20-2013 01:31 PM

Finished Brat's (finally) and Jupiter grownups. Will be in the mail first thing Monday. I think I put them in my album, they were pending.

catgirl807 07-20-2013 01:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Received my first finished block from this group, and it is gorgeous! Thank you, nanakathy55!

catgirl807 07-20-2013 04:46 PM

Finished up a block for Jupiter and sending it home on Monday! Picture in my album if you want to peek!

Elisabrat 07-21-2013 05:01 AM

Hello world! I just got the computer up and running again. sigh its like no water in the desert! I need internet! I need internet send the computer doc.. lol tada. here I am again to bug the heck out of you all :) HAS ANYONE NOT RECEIVED MY FABRIC? I mailed it day one. I have one in my other group who hasn't either. I realize things go out by horseback around here at the post office but surely they should have arrived by now. PM me and I will send a new piece of fabric out with my apologies asap.

I think I have a large amount of the fabrics from this group.. 11 which isn't bad. there should be a few more in the mail on Monday perhaps? I am devoting today and tomorrow to block making which should put a good dent in the blocks I have to make. at least half of them. Wish me luck!

travelinggramma 07-21-2013 08:28 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Good Morning one and all. I think this is the fast group as I rec two more adults along with my pile of F8's yesterday. Received one from NanaKathy - love the variety of fabric that all matches.
And ArizonaKat really wowed me with her fish. Is that cool or what!! Thank you - thats three adults in just a few days - wow!

catgirl807 07-21-2013 09:24 AM

Sending home several blocks tomorrow. Here are the lucky recipients:


I've posted pictures in my album for anyone who wants to peek!

Elisabrat 07-21-2013 02:13 PM

WHOOO WHOOOO some mighty fine blocks coming in! I am so happy to see not the norm. Its nice to find a break up in patterns being chosen. And it makes a finished quilt that much more interesting :) I wonder who will be done first. probably not me as I am on the last fast block I needed to make but surely not the last either. I am pretty happy with that. how about you? have you not started yet? if you figure you can do two blocks a week you will finish a bit early if you squeeze in three per week darned doing better and four your golden! I want seriously this group to be the group that finished all our blocks all of us before the deadline. I am thinking its time to show those who delay their work that its possible its not hard and its fun. I sometimes cut a block before clinic which btw I leave for at 6:30 in the morning.. and sew it together later in the day. even on overworked days I still get one done. just an idea... (ps they don't call me a brat for nothing...)

Gaijin 07-21-2013 02:42 PM

Good for you Elisabrat! Wow, you must be tough to be able to come home and not just crash! My dad goes in to clinic at 5:00 AM and usually manages to eat a bit and then takes a long snooze-either in bed if he makes it there or on the front porch in his favorite chair. Of course you are so much younger than he!
I try to come home, eat dinner, sit a few minutes, and then make a block before bed! I usually have to look at the fabric the day before, pick out companion fabrics, decide on just the right block, and lay everything out. I joined three groups, a total of 50 blocks, and I have a goal to finish sometime in September. Whether I make it or not depends on everyone sending me their fabric well before the deadline!

Jupiter 07-21-2013 03:46 PM

Yes I peeked, Catgirl ! What a lovely bright block. Can't wait to put it on my design wall with it's sisters. thank you!

hugs. Jupiter

Jupiter 07-21-2013 03:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I just received my first grown up block in this swap, from NanaKathy55. Thanks so much. It is perfect! I posted a photo here, but it is also in my album of Received blocks.

hugs,. Jupiter

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