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-   -   (Corrected) - Scrappy & White 9 Patch Blocks -- Signup Closes January 31st 2019 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/corrected-scrappy-white-9-patch-blocks-signup-closes-january-31st-2019-a-t302295.html)

Honchey 01-15-2019 01:30 PM

(Corrected) - Scrappy & White 9 Patch Blocks -- Signup Closes January 31st 2019
Scrappy and White 9 Patch Block Swap... signups close Jan 31st 2019

Blocks due by Fabruary 21st, 2019

Join us for a very fun way to use up your scraps! Please read this entire post! The blocks are the same as the last swap hosted by Sewbiz. 5 scrappies and 4 solid whites. No creams, no off whites.

Sign ups require a commitment to communicate. You will be required to check in with your thread at least once a week, so we know you are still involved. Post your pics of blocks or anything else you are working on, reply to other’s pictures and comments, or chat a bit. The nice community in this group is dependent on all of you posting and sharing.

Also, if I need to pm or email you, I expect you to respond in a timely manner, (not longer than 48 hours). Failure to do so may result in your being banned from future 9P swaps.

Sign ups are open until January 31st.. Blocks must be here in my hands no later than Feb 21st.

We are swapping sets of 10 blocks per bag, up to 10 bags. Each bag must contain 10 completely different blocks (no fabric repeats in a bag.) This shouldn't be a problem if you are using scraps. Each bag can contain the same set of fabrics, just no duplicates in any one bag. I need the bags ready to swap bag-for-bag.

The finished blocks will be 6.5” and will be made of white and scrappy 2.5" squares. Use what, in your best judgement, is true white. Not cream. Not white on white. Just true white. Please use a white that is at least as thick as your fabrics (not see-thru). The blocks should contain 5 scrappy squares and 4 white squares in the north, south, east and west positions. The configuration must be like this or I can't swap your blocks:

You will need quart size bags (not sandwich) to accommodate the size of the blocks. Please put your board name on each bag. Before mailing, put all your bags into a big gallon bag with your name and address clearly on the bag, along with your board name. Then ship in either a tyvek or padded flat rate envelope. No paper envelopes, as they don’t hold up. Be sure to include your return postage! The fees for the padded flat rate envelopes I will use for return U.S. shipping is going up to $8 as of the 31st of January so be sure to include the correct amount when you send your package to me. Do not send me stamps or stamped envelopes!

Please use good fabric in your blocks… like you would hope to receive. 100% cotton, only. No thin fabrics. If you have to starch it to make it acceptable, don’t use it for this swap. Prewashed or not really doesn’t matter in pieces this size, so just use what you have.

Your finished blocks must measure 6.5”. In a follow-up post I will tell you how to insure they do. Most people did great with this last time… let’s strive to get 6.5" blocks. If they come out smaller, it is your responsibility to adjust seams or remake them, to get them to 6.5". The center square should be 2" square.

As always, regular Quilting Board swap rules apply: https://www.quiltingboard.com/member...-a-t20154.html

Sign up by pm’ing me your real name and address, and your email address. I will include my address when I confirm your PM to me.

Let the fun begin!


Cheesehead 01-15-2019 02:00 PM

I'm in...sending a PM.

Queenbarbiej 01-15-2019 02:35 PM

I'm in. I sent you my info once. Would you like it again?

Honchey 01-15-2019 03:01 PM

Hi Guys, I can't believe I did it again.. I will get one of the adin.s to correct it..I hope


Queenbarbie, No, not necessary. You're in too Cheesehead! as well as Wannabee!.

I hope I've given enough time for everyone to finish on time. If I remember correctly the last swap there were quite a few of you that had the patches sent in waaaaay ahead of time .

I ask that the envelopes not be sent out for at least another 10 days.. I will be in NC then and I don't want to overwhelm my neighbor that collects my mail when I'm not around..

I have 2 blocks made so far.. I made them in work. some of the ladies were very curious seeing all the squares laid out :)

Honchey 01-15-2019 05:12 PM

At the rate I'm going this is going to be a lot of fun and boo boo's.. Wannabe let me know about the mistake. She is not along for this ride....

Beside myself we now have 3 signups.

1. QueenbarbieJ

2. Cheesehead

3. Trish b.

trish b 01-15-2019 05:16 PM

Hi, I'm new to this swap. Looking forward to the fun. My guild group is making 9 patch blocks for a raffle quilt. I belong to the Birthday Swap so I have lots to choose from.

Queenbarbiej 01-16-2019 04:22 AM

Welcome Trish. I am also a newbie to this swap. I am looking forward to go through lots of my scarps and see what fabrics I had forgotten about.

Honchey 01-16-2019 08:15 AM

A Hint. I find that when I use a finer thread my blocks are more accurate.. The thread doesn't take up space.. The Coats and Clark thread is thicker than Guuterman and Aurifil even tho they are the same weight.

I would also like to know the number of sets of 10 you will send before the signup date of January 31.

Queenbarbiej 01-16-2019 08:44 AM

Honchey, I can do 10 sets of 10.

Jordan 01-16-2019 01:26 PM

I am interested but not sure what kind of white fabrics you need. Are you talking about solid white like kona cotton? Just please PM me. I would be a newbie also. And--do I put different fabrics in one block or does each block need the same fabric with the white? Thanks for any info.

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