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-   -   February Mug Rug Swap (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/february-mug-rug-swap-t294182.html)

dharen7 02-16-2018 02:40 PM

Cleaned my sewing room sort of to start the mystery train. Now I can't find my mug rug. Going to start all over. It will be in the mail on tuesday. Post office is closed on Monday. I feel quilty I am enjoying mine and my partner is still waiting.

Linny 02-16-2018 02:44 PM

Really cute mug rug Deb made for you Linda.

snownannie 02-17-2018 11:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my teaser for Ann59.

Armylady2012 02-17-2018 04:42 PM

The March 2018 Mug Rug Swap announcement has been posted. Please note that I will be hosting for the next three months so make sure to send your info to me.

terriamn 02-18-2018 08:48 AM

For the first time my mug rug will be going out late. Woke up early Thursday and long story short had emergency surgery Thursday evening. Home now but need to rest before up to sewing binding and getting package ready to go.

so sorry Linny

Linny 02-18-2018 09:15 AM

Take care of yourself first. No worries about being late in sending. Hope you feel better soon.

JuneBillie 02-18-2018 11:57 AM

I have my mug rug done, and think it turned out so pretty, but I came down with the crud so I am trying to cough up, and have been running a fever.

With all the overlapping autoimmune disorders I have it concerned me that I needed to avoid the flu if possible. This is why it's been awhile since I have joined any swaps.

Went to the doctor and got a z-pac, with hubby who is sick too. Saturday it was pouring the rain with some low places under flood watch, so mine will go out Tuesday. I don't think the post office is open Monday due to President's Day. I won't be late, but down to the last day.

I look forward to seeing all the mug rugs, and thinking of all the others that have been sick or had surgery. You're in my prayers.

Texastam 02-18-2018 12:11 PM

Terriann-I am so sorry to hear you had to have surgery. Praying for complete and speedy recovery.

JuneBillie-Yuck....I also struggle with autoimmune disorders and I catch everything so I totally understand where you are at right now. I had the flu last month and it really knocks you down. I am praying for you and hope that you get the rest you need to recover.

All the mugrug so far are so adorable!!! I love looking what others have created!

JuneBillie 02-18-2018 06:10 PM

Texastam thank you. That is very sweet of you. I am sorry to hear you have some type of autoimmune disorder too.

DebJ 02-18-2018 07:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]589382[/ATTACH]I am trying this again so it might just get posted twice. This is the sweet mug rug Linda Flannery sent with fabric goodies & a nice card. Had some of the cutest shamrock fabrics I've ever seen. Thanks Linda

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