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-   -   January to March 2020 Table Runner Swap (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/january-march-2020-table-runner-swap-t309406.html)

CarolinePaj 01-24-2020 03:27 PM

January to March 2020 Table Runner Swap
Welcome to our ongoing Table Runner Swap! This swap will run from 1st January 2020 to the 31stMarch 2020.

You have until the 31st March 2020 to make a table runner - the theme this time is………..... Night or Day. This means that you need to make a table runner that represents the theme in any way…. i.e. style, pictorial, colourway, fabric choice etc.

Size ofTable runner

The table runner should be a minimum of 12” x 30”.
You can use any technique/any style.
All fabrics used should be 100% cotton.
The runner must have wadding and be quilted.

Sign Up list

There is no deadline so you can sign up at any time during the 3 months as this will be just an intention to participate. When you have made and are ready to mail your runner you can then sign up to the “ready to mail” list which is binding commitment.

But please remember that the only list that counts is the Ready to Mail list posted at the end of March 2019.

Ready to Mail list

The first Ready to Mail lists will be posted around 26th March 2020 if you are not on this list and think you should be, please contact me asap and let me know because if you are not on the list you will not get an address to send to. The final list will be posted on the 31stMarch 2020.

Midnight on the 31st March 2020 – is the deadline to get on the “Ready to Mail” list. If you want to take part, I will need the following:-

Real name
Your address
Whether you are willing to send international or not (Please consider this as it enables everybody to take part)
Allergy info
Pet and smoking information
Email address

As long as you have a table runner ready to mail you can join the ready to mail list by letting me know any time before the deadline.

Addresses Sent Out:

I will send out the name and address of the person you should send to on the 1st or 2nd April 2020. You will have 7 days to get your table runner in the mail - No Longer. If you are unable to keep this commitment - please do not sign up.

You will send your table runner to the quilter who's address you get. You will receive from a different quilter than the one you send to.

This is not a partner swap.

Please remember that there are quilters of all abilities on this board and you should appreciate the table runner you receive as your sender will have worked hard to make it for you.

You are welcome to send some goodies in your package if you would care to, but please don't expect anything other than the table runner

Please Note.... You must let me know when you mail and when you receive. Also, please PM the person that sends to you when you receive to say thank you and to let them know that the table runner that they have sent you has arrived - it is only polite to do so!

So come and join our fun.



lawsonmugs 01-24-2020 04:59 PM

Well this one sounds interesting. Caroline it isn't right that you make us think. lol. Everyone have a great weekend.

m-fay 01-24-2020 05:23 PM

Thanks Mary.Its "Australia Day this weekend. Jan 26. Lots of parties! I'm in again Caroline, interesting theme.

Blueridgebeverly 01-26-2020 05:51 AM

I like the theme. And I have fabric I think is perfect for night. Just need to figure out best pattern.

m-fay 01-27-2020 11:00 PM

I'm going to endeavor to do a beach scene. some applique

lawsonmugs 02-02-2020 08:59 AM

That sounds good Marion. I love seeing everyone's take on the themes

juliasb 02-02-2020 09:58 AM

This is tempting me. I will have to let you know.

Northern Sue 02-23-2020 02:13 PM

Almost the end of February, and I'm hoping spring will soon be in sight! We have actually had a fairly decent winter. Haven't come up with a plan yet for the current swap. How about everyone else? Anyone out there? lol

m-fay 02-23-2020 04:14 PM

I have made 2 with night theme. I will keep 1. . I am now looking for day fabric for backing for my swap i.

R-sea 02-24-2020 11:43 PM

mine is a sunset theme The top is made just have to work out how to quilt it

CarolinePaj 02-25-2020 02:23 AM

Hi Ladies,

Lovely to see all the cogs in those brains going round and round - LOL.



m-fay 03-03-2020 04:54 AM

March tr swap
My table runner is all finished and ready to post

R-sea 03-04-2020 05:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My table runner is ready to post. It is meant to be the sun setting over the Indian Ocean from Cervantes

Northern Sue 03-04-2020 05:10 PM

I have sandwiched my runner today, Night theme. Hope to get it quilted sometime this week. Is it just my imagination or is the Board unusually quiet? Hope we haven't lost any participants! I'll try to post a tease tomorrow.

m-fay 03-05-2020 04:12 AM

it is very quiet Sue, mine is a night theme too love your sunset Rosalyn.

Northern Sue 03-05-2020 05:14 AM

Love your runner R-sea!

Northern Sue 03-07-2020 08:59 AM

A sneak peek :)
Still not quilted, but ready for it! I chose the night theme, so the runner is primarily black, with white/gold/black pieces to represent the moon, stars & night sky. The pattern is Dogwood Blossoms by HollyAnne Knight of String & Story.

Northern Sue 03-07-2020 09:00 AM

ok can someone help me add the attachment? It won't let me today.?

Northern Sue 03-07-2020 09:13 AM

March Runner - a tease
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 623007Dogwood Blossoms - March table runner

R-sea 03-08-2020 03:38 AM

Northern Sue, when you described your tablerunner , I screwed up my face wondering what it would look like. What a lovely out come those colours made. It's beautiful

m-fay 03-08-2020 02:47 PM

Wow sue that is beautiful I love the colours and the pattern

Northern Sue 03-09-2020 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by R-sea (Post 8367219)
Northern Sue, when you described your tablerunner , I screwed up my face wondering what it would look like. What a lovely out come those colours made. It's beautiful

lol It made you think didn't it? It's one of my rare ventures into abstract thoughts or interpretations of fabric! :)

Northern Sue 03-23-2020 10:47 AM

what is the latest with everyone? Hoping everyone is healthy & safe & tucked into your homes, working of projects. COVID-19 is worldwide and unnerving to say the least! I certainly don't have any shortage of fabric, or things on my wish list to make, but seem to be having trouble just buckling down and working on something! Anyone else feel that way too? Still have to quilt my runner and time is running out! Our post offices are still open but not sure if that will change. Drop a note and tell us how you are please?

lawsonmugs 03-23-2020 11:37 AM

Glad to hear you are ok. Sue. I'm fine just staying in. My husband is 82 and had pnemonia last winter, I am 71 and have a mechanical heart valve and diabeties so we are staying in. Have several family and friends checking on us. We live way out in the sticks on a farm. so I always have supplies. Especially during winter. We had a bull butchered last month and have half of it in our freezer and hens laying fresh eggs. so we are set. Hope everyone else is doing good too. Keep the faith and pray for each other. Hugs to everyone.

m-fay 03-23-2020 02:45 PM

Staying in
Like lawsonmugs I live out of town,alone but son lives next door. I'm 76 and my grandkids are going to shop for me and deliver. I worry about my daughter in law,next door as she is a smoker,I hope she lets the grandkids shop for her too. Our little town has no shops now,very rural and nearest town a are about 30 kms away.. my March swaps are all ready for posting and now I'm blitzing the house. When the virus finally leaves us I'll have a lot of stuff for st Vinnies and a garage sale as well and a half empty but clean house and garden.

lawsonmugs 03-23-2020 04:52 PM

Marion, so glad to know you also have help nearby.Stay well my friend.

R-sea 03-23-2020 11:27 PM

I am doing fine I am 78 and live in a coastal town of around 500 , although in holiday time the number swells. People have been asked not to holiday anywhere in the country, Even our borders between states are closed . I have my runner ready to send

CarolinePaj 03-25-2020 04:43 PM

Hi Ladies,

Well it is that time.... please let me know if with everything that is happening if you still wish to participate in this swap. I am happy to go ahead although I will not be able to get proof of posting as I cannot go to the Post Office.... but I can buy postage on line so you will just have to trust that I have mailed!!!!

If we don't have enough I will postpone... so letting me know asap would be helpful!



m-fay 03-26-2020 07:33 AM

Count me in again
Hi Caroline, I'm good to go again and it's ready to post. Stay well everyone but if you need to cancel I'll be ready for the next one

Northern Sue 03-26-2020 04:34 PM

I haven't had a chance to quilt my runner yet, but hope to have it ready to go! No problem if you/anyone wants to delay/postpone. As far as I know our Post Office is still open for mailing out. I'm rural so can't do from home. When is our absolute last day to let you know if we are in?

R-sea 03-27-2020 02:44 AM

I have let Caroline know that I am giving this one a miss . Mine will be ready for the next swap

Blueridgebeverly 03-27-2020 02:39 PM

I think I can have mine ready to go. But I’m okay if everyone wants to postpone. I found this very cute fabric from the “wee wanderer” collection I’m using for the table runner. I thought it be sweet for summer.

I’m glad to hear how you are all doing. My husband and I are in our late 60’s and retired. So we have been able to limit our outings to grocery needs. We live in a small rural town. Our son still lives at home and has been scheduled for work. He works retail, and they have remained open for customers. We try to be careful with washing hands, wiping down commonly touched areas, and keeping our distance from people.

jaba 03-27-2020 02:47 PM

My doctor quarantined me 3 weeks ago because I’m very high risk, cancer, oxygen, etc. I didn’t even start one so won’t swap this time around. I’ll miss getting a new runner, I really look forward to receiving them. Next time I hope.

m-fay 03-27-2020 03:08 PM

I had mine all finished in early March as I planned to be travelling till Easter but I cancelled the trip and have been holed up in my little rural town of nabawa ever since. No shops here,just a school and shire office where we get our mail. My grandkids have volunteered to do any shopping for me and bring it out and share a cuppa on the verandah. Isolation is the way to go if you can do it but you do need outside help and those people are at risk and I pray for them. My GD Kim, is a RN and works in the high dependancy unit at the hospital. Australia has shut down a lot of things including travel between states. Our state,west Aust is so huge, we are confined to our own region. Just have to contain the spread God be with you all throughout this crisis

Northern Sue 03-27-2020 03:30 PM

I have also let Caroline know that I'm sitting this one out - have to get my sew-jo back; the runner is almost done, but needs to be quilted. I'm retired so I have as much time to sew as I want, but for some reason, more distracted and harder to concentrate on quilting right now. I'm watching way too much news! Stay safe and healthy everyone!

CarolinePaj 03-28-2020 04:24 AM

Hi Ladies,

Okay.... I think that I will postpone this round of the swap. I am going to keep the theme and as soon as this darn pandemic is over and we go back to being allowed out I will reinstate the swap and allow 4 weeks for everyone to finish their items and then it will be all systems go! How does that sound to everyone!

I hope you are all staying inside and keeping well.... we have a lovely group of ladies who take part in the swap and I want all of you to be safe.

I am going to miss seeing your lovely creations, but if anybody just wants a chat please feel free to email me at [email protected]......... or if you want to chat... PM me and I will send my phone number!

Take care all of you and we will see each other on the other side!



Northern Sue 03-28-2020 06:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I think that's a good plan Caroline! Thanks for not giving up on us! lol
I'm trying to tackle my Frolic Mystery Quilt - it isn't a mystery anymore as all the clues & final pic have been released, but I'm immersed in putting together 25 blocks at the moment, then it's on to corner blocks. Here's a peak at my block!
Attachment 623730

lawsonmugs 03-28-2020 08:10 AM

I haven't said anything about this months swap,as I wasn't able to join it. I'm glad everyone is doing well.Hopefully this mess will be done soon. I hope I can join in the fun when it is over. Sue I love your blocks. Can we post pictures of what we are sewing now? or is it against the rules? I been working on 18 " doll clothes.

Blueridgebeverly 03-28-2020 12:00 PM

Thanks, Caroline. I also think it is best. I sort of dreaded going in to the post office.

Sue, that is a lovely block. It looks difficult to make.

Mary, I’d love to see your doll clothes. My grandma used to make our dolls clothing. It was so fun to get a package in the mail and see what she had made. I never really learned to sew. Quilting is as close as it gets for me. I confess I received a D+ on apron in Home Economics. :rolleyes:
Everyone, please be well. This virus has me worried for all of you.


lawsonmugs 03-28-2020 05:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I will show a picture not sure if it is OK since it has nothing to do with this thread, OK so it's 2 pictures. lol. I make the shoes and purses too.and jackets. First is a raincoat and matching boots. second is a jogging suit and coveralls.

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