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-   -   July to October 2021 Wall Hanging Swap (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/july-october-2021-wall-hanging-swap-t315745.html)

Teen 10-03-2021 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is WH Lena1952 made for the swap…. So pretty!!

Annaquilts 10-03-2021 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8511289)
Here is WH Lena1952 made for the swap…. So pretty!!

I love it Lena1952. It is beautiful. Someone will be a lucky recipient.

Annaquilts 10-03-2021 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8510953)
That’s really pretty, R-Sea! Like you, I brainstormed and decided to do a pieced pattern with a touch of applique..

My Wallhanging is complete…here it is…. I decided to do a barn quilt this round. This is the pattern I’ll be using to paint a barn quilt for my front porch. I even really like the colors so I may just replicate this in paint. It is 22”sq. I sewed the sleeve on last night…So I am officially ready to ship! Woohoo!

as always Teen, you entered a stunning wall hanging. Very pretty.

Teen 10-03-2021 10:13 AM

Thanks, Anna!!

skaduzy 10-03-2021 06:45 PM

Hi Lena, Your wall hanging is very nice….maybe it will be mine! Never know with this swap. That’s part of what makes it fun. Glad you are joining us.

skaduzy 10-03-2021 06:52 PM

Teen, Love your wall hanging! Did you decide on the corner appliqués or were they in a pattern?
It adds a lot of interest. Very nice!

Teen 10-03-2021 09:44 PM

Thanks, Skaduzy….applique is my add-on….I wanted wall hanging to be bigger so I put a wide border and applique..

R-sea 10-04-2021 01:59 AM

Your wall hanging is really lovely Teen . I just have the binding to finish then mine will be ready to send . I have spoken to Rhonda about the post as I heard that parcels from USA will be returned to sender. If it hasn't been sorted out by the time we are to send I will drop out . I will have one ready to send when the next one starts.Things could be back to some kind of normal by the end of October

Annaquilts 10-05-2021 10:44 AM

Oh I sure hope that is not true and if so it will be resolved quickly. I for one enjoy you being part of this swap.

MarionsQuilts 10-09-2021 07:31 AM

I'm in, it's been a crazy summer - so much going wrong - back yard, front yard, driveway, my feet, accepted a full time job with benefits (yeah) close my corporation down and found out I have to pay $45K in taxes from accumulated income I didn't spend over the last 15 years. I cried - I had saved up over $75K as "just in case" money, and now more than half is gone to taxes and I just had a vertigo attack three weeks ago, and turned 50 two weeks ago ... really hoping this year ends soon!

One of my friends said, well it could be worse - I almost snapped - really? this is what you tell me?????

I'm not looking for pity, but you know, a bit of sympathy won't get turned away ... we are all struggling with different things - some more than others, and some are better equipped to handle more than others - some have "broader shoulders / bigger plates" ... but to placate someone with "it could be worse" ... i hope if someone ever says that to you - you tell them flat out ... well for me, right now, this is about all I can handle so take a hike ...

Originally Posted by R-sea (Post 8511416)
I have spoken to Rhonda about the post as I heard that parcels from USA will be returned to sender. If it hasn't been sorted out by the time we are to send I will drop out . I will have one ready to send when the next one starts.Things could be back to some kind of normal by the end of October

Returned to sender? Why? That's crazy ... will they accept Canada? what is happening here??? Crazy, crazy, crazy ...

On a happier note ...
My pets are awesome so that's good, and I can still quilt so that's even better, and I'm looking forward to picking a wall hanging from the many I have made to send to someone.

Hope everyone is hanging in there, doing awesome, thriving ... or just getting by day by day ... hang in there, it does get better (I think LOL)


Lena1952 10-10-2021 03:32 AM

Marion, sometimes people don't know what to say so they open their mouths when they should have just kept them closed. Years ago when I was under a huge amount of stress some one said "the good Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle". And I snapped and said, " Then He has me confused with someone else"! I am sure she meant well but at the time it didn't help. I'm sorry for all your troubles. And I know how hard it is to see through to find some good. You have your pets and quilting so it sounds like you have at least a few good things going for you. Sending a virtual hug and wishes for better days ahead.

Teen 10-10-2021 09:42 AM

Geesh, Marion!! Those taxes are ridiculous. Thank goodness you had it covered. I’m so sorry. Happy 50th Birthday and congratulations on your new job opportunity. No more stress of your own business so here’s hoping this coming year is the best ever. Super happy you are participating in the swap, too. Always love your pretties!

​​​​​…been thinking of you as I read the crap happening in your country, too.

The weather has cooled, finally…no more of Calif smoke..ugh! My allergies were a mess the past couple of months. After the multitudes of small projects, I have finally started another quilt project. I’ve had it kitted up for over a year so it feels good to finally work on it. Fairly easy piecing and applique so it shouldn’t be long in finishing. I will likely gift it and I’m thinking of gifting to my neighbors adult daughter. She is who I think about as I sew so it makes sense to gift to her…

You guys take care and enjoy the upcoming season. Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!!

Rhonda 10-11-2021 10:41 AM

Well Covid is still alive and making life difficult. Australia is not accepting US mail and the US has halted mail to several overseas countries. including Australia. I don't know about Canada yet.
Sooooo I have the choice to swap Marion with Rosalym which I did last time and they are well acquainted with this as over the years it has been the result.
I am thinking IF Canada can mail to Australia I could have someone mail to Marion who would then send to Rosalyn. and the other way around. This would mean I need 2 people who are willing to mail international. I would pay the difference for sending it on from Canada to Australia and Australia to Canada.

Sooo give me some feedback. Anyone willing to send to Canada?

Rhonda 10-11-2021 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by MarionsQuilts (Post 8512571)
I'm in, it's been a crazy summer - so much going wrong - back yard, front yard, driveway, my feet, accepted a full time job with benefits (yeah) close my corporation down and found out I have to pay $45K in taxes from accumulated income I didn't spend over the last 15 years. I cried - I had saved up over $75K as "just in case" money, and now more than half is gone to taxes and I just had a vertigo attack three weeks ago, and turned 50 two weeks ago ... really hoping this year ends soon!

Hope everyone is hanging in there, doing awesome, thriving ... or just getting by day by day ... hang in there, it does get better (I think LOL)


I so understand Marion! When my kids were growing up I would remind them "it could be worse" and when I found out I had to have surgery ,my 6 ft son was walking behind me down the hall saying -- Mom It could be worse!!! I did NOT want to hear my words coming back at me! There is a time and place for that and it isn't when you are feeling down.

Concentrate on the Sunshine and look for laughter in your life to help you feel up and help you cope!!

Wishing you Sonshine and Laughter!!!

Rhonda 10-11-2021 10:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is some Happiness to share

Rhonda 10-12-2021 09:01 AM

Ready to Mail List!
Ready to Mail List!

Ok here is the list you must be on!! If you are not on this list you will not receive an address to send to.
You must have a wall hanging ready by midnight on Oct 31 and have let me know you are ready to mail

You must send me a pm letting me know you are ready to mail your wall hanging,
You MUST also let me know when you receive your wall hanging


Happy Quilting!!

Rumbols 10-12-2021 12:38 PM

Sent my info in July, as I was going in hospital. Must of got lost. Sending again. Looking forward to swap.

MarionsQuilts 10-12-2021 12:40 PM

thanks for the happy thoughts!!!! I'm not doing horribly, just for dang fed up right now!

Rumbols 10-12-2021 12:51 PM

MarionQuilts, just caught up on your posts. I am crying for you. Sending hugs and good wishes your way. Thought this year was going to be better but I guess not. Hang in there, 2022 has got to be better than these last two years. Right?
Everyone, love all your wall hangings. They all look so great.
Hoping everyone is as healthy as you can be. Wishing everyone much happiness.

Rhonda 10-12-2021 02:53 PM

Ready to Mail List!
Ready to Mail List!

Ok here is the list you must be on!! If you are not on this list you will not receive an address to send to.
You must have a wall hanging ready by midnight on Oct 31 and have let me know you are ready to mail

You must send me a pm letting me know you are ready to mail your wall hanging,
You MUST also let me know when you receive your wall hanging


Happy Quilting!!

Lena1952 10-13-2021 03:41 AM

I sent mine and Teen posted a photo for me.

Rhonda 10-13-2021 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Lena1952 (Post 8513281)
I sent mine and Teen posted a photo for me.

That was for the last swap right?

skaduzy 10-13-2021 04:59 PM

I’m working on mine and will let you know, Rhonda, as soon as I’m finished. 😊

Rhonda 10-13-2021 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Lena1952 (Post 8508216)
I'd love to post a photo but I've never had any luck getting this accomplished. Not for the lack of trying, I can assure you. I've read the posts on how, but after hours of trying just gave up. So I guess my WH will sadly be a surprise to everyone.

Lena I know you have your wall hanging ready but I need you to send me a pm saying you are ready to mail. I put these pms in a folder so I have a record of who is ready. That way I don't miss anyone when I send out the addresses.
I have to be a bit strict on the pms. I have missed people before and then it gets complicate trying to sort it all out so everyone is included. I can't rely on seeing anything on the thread to get the answers I need.

Thanks Rhonda

Rhonda 10-13-2021 10:07 PM

Please understand everyone it is important for you to send me a PM letting me know you are ready to mail.
I may not see your answers on the thread. I rely on pms to see who said what.
Sometimes people tell me at the beginning of the swap they have a wh ready and by the end of the swap I've forgotten they told me. So the PMs are very very important in this swap.

There aren't very many rules in this swap but sending pms when you are ready / sending pms when you mail / and sending pms when you receive your WH is absolutely vital for me to keep track of all the swaps.

I so appreciate each one of our swappers!! You all keep this swap going!! Thank you so much for playing in our swaps!!

If this mail situation does not get better we may have to make some changes. I hope the international mail will be reinstated soon. Rt now US can not mail to Australia and I still don't know for sure about Canada. As for now there is no problem with US mail in the states.

Rhonda 10-15-2021 05:27 PM

Ready to Mail List!

Ok here is the list you must be on!! If you are not on this list you will not receive an address to send to.
You must have a wall hanging ready by midnight on Oct 31 and have let me know you are ready to mail

You must send me a pm letting me know you are ready to mail your wall hanging,
You MUST also let me know when you receive your wall hanging


Happy Quilting!!

Rhonda 10-18-2021 07:56 PM

Ready to Mail List!

Ok here is the list you must be on!! If you are not on this list you will not receive an address to send to.
You must have a wall hanging ready by midnight on Oct 31 and have let me know you are ready to mail

You must send me a pm letting me know you are ready to mail your wall hanging,
You MUST also let me know when you receive your wall hanging

7. Heathermom2opmc

Happy Quilting!!

Heathermom2opmc 10-19-2021 03:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello All--well I am going to be brave and post a photo of the wall hanging I made. I am very new to quilting and rather petrified about this swap--but also excited because I wanted to participate. I guess it is scary knowing how many people are so much more experienced then I am, but yet I know everyone had to grow just as I am doing as a quilter. Here is the background inspiration for the piece:

I am naming it "NY Four Seasons". This 4 block wall hanging is one of the NY beauty line of quilt blocks. I live in very northern NY State and one of my favorite things is that we have 4 distinct seasons. I live in a 150+ year old farmhouse and I don't have a lot of large wall space to hang quilts or pictures. What I do have are quite a few small wall areas between doorways or in rooms with sloped ceilings that a small wall hanging would be perfect for. I figured that perhaps others would appreciate a smaller wall hanging for spots like I have in my house.

I hand quilted this piece, and it has been washed and dried. Finished it is about 14 1/2 inches square. It also has hanging corner pockets in all 4 corners so that it can be hung in any direction. The 4 sections are made with fabric for that individual season.

I am very new to quilting--but very pleased and happy with how this turned out. I hope whoever receives this likes it.

Annaquilts 10-19-2021 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by Heathermom2opmc (Post 8514398)
Hello All--well I am going to be brave and post a photo of the wall hanging I made. I am very new to quilting and rather petrified about this swap--but also excited because I wanted to participate. I guess it is scary knowing how many people are so much more experienced then I am, but yet I know everyone had to grow just as I am doing as a quilter. Here is the background inspiration for the piece:

I am naming it "NY Four Seasons". This 4 block wall hanging is one of the NY beauty line of quilt blocks. I live in very northern NY State and one of my favorite things is that we have 4 distinct seasons. I live in a 150+ year old farmhouse and I don't have a lot of large wall space to hang quilts or pictures. What I do have are quite a few small wall areas between doorways or in rooms with sloped ceilings that a small wall hanging would be perfect for. I figured that perhaps others would appreciate a smaller wall hanging for spots like I have in my house.

I hand quilted this piece, and it has been washed and dried. Finished it is about 14 1/2 inches square. It also has hanging corner pockets in all 4 corners so that it can be hung in any direction. The 4 sections are made with fabric for that individual season.

I am very new to quilting--but very pleased and happy with how this turned out. I hope whoever receives this likes it.

Wow! You are new to quilting? This is stunning. I have never even attempted anything like it.

Grandma’sgirl 10-19-2021 07:58 PM

That is gorgeous! Your new is my experienced!

Heathermom2opmc 10-20-2021 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by Annaquilts (Post 8514435)
Wow! You are new to quilting? This is stunning. I have never even attempted anything like it.

My father ran a re-upholstering business in the summer to add to his teachers salary in the summers. I was his right hand person and learned re-upholstering from him. My Grandmother (his Mother) taught him. They grew up very poor and she made furniture coverings and drapery from feed sacks. I learned very young to knit, needlepoint, cross stitch, embroidery etc, but never tried quilting. When I met my husband (25 years ago) his Grandmother was a quilter. I asked several times about learning, and my Mother in law was very critical and would tell me it took decades to learn to quilt well, and that I should not bother. Well unfortunately I let her negative thoughts cloud my quilting ambitions until Covid. I decided that enough was enough with people telling me what I could and couldn't do and decided to watch a bunch of videos and try it. I don't have any fancy quilting machines--just vintage heavy duty Singers and a 1958 Singer 99 which is what I did this piece on. It is a little 3/4 machine I bought at an estate sale and I love it. As it turned out, the biggest issue I have with quilting is I do not have a sewing room or a very large floor area to lay things out--no design walls just a kitchen table and a full size bed.

Annaquilts 10-20-2021 04:34 AM

So sorry to hear. Most quilters are amazing and inclusive but I have ran into a couple like that too. Glad you are coming to join us. What a beautiful story of your family's side and how you are building on that now to quilt. Those old machines are the best. I piece on a Feather Weight but have many older machines my hubby bought for me and fixed up. I do not have a 99, it is on my bucket list. You can do the actual quilting on your vintage heavy duty Singer. Just google and you will even have videos coming up.

Rhonda 10-20-2021 08:21 AM

Wow Heather! that is fantastic! You have no reason to think less of your work! You may be new but you have great talent! As you say we all started somewhere. I think starting with other kinds of needlework can give a quilter a boost when starting to learn to quilt. I started with crewel work and did several different kinds of needlework before teaching myself to do quilting.

Love your WH!!

skaduzy 10-20-2021 09:29 AM

Heather, Your wallhanging is very pretty! Love all the bright colors in it and so much detail….

You are definitely farther along then me as I am still plugging away on mine but it will be finished before the deadline.😊

Heathermom2opmc 10-20-2021 12:14 PM

Thank you very much everyone. Your comments are so very kind and appreciated. I cannot wait to get the wall hanging that one of you made.

Heathermom2opmc 10-20-2021 12:26 PM

Forgot to ask--are people putting labels on the wall hangings and if so what info is included for this swap?

Rhonda 10-21-2021 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Heathermom2opmc (Post 8514543)
Forgot to ask--are people putting labels on the wall hangings and if so what info is included for this swap?

It's up to you. You can sew on a label or not You can write on the back if you prefer. There is no special way to do it.
I would put on the name of the maker to the receiver and then add the swap name.
This is just a suggestion. You do whatever you like.
Some will use embroidery machine to make a label and some will print it in pen. Anything goes.

Made by Rhonda
for Marion
Rhonda's WH Swap
October 2021

Rhonda 10-21-2021 08:44 PM

Ready to Mail List!

Ok here is the list you must be on!! If you are not on this list you will not receive an address to send to.
You must have a wall hanging ready by midnight on Oct 31 and have let me know you are ready to mail

You must send me a pm letting me know you are ready to mail your wall hanging,
You MUST also let me know when you receive your wall hanging


Happy Quilting!!

Rhonda 10-21-2021 08:46 PM

Just a Reminder --- 9 days left!
You have until Midnight on the 31st to let me know you have a WH ready to mail.
Remember to send me a PM when you are ready to mail.

fatsewcat 10-23-2021 07:31 PM

Good Evening fellow quilters. I am a last minute it doer at just about everything. I sometimes think I do some of my better work when I am under the deadline. I started my quilt yesterday and today I got it done and it is ready to mail. I will wait for my recipient to get her quilt and post a picture (or I can post it if needed). I will throw out there that it is black/white and purple.

All the quilts posted so are great! You all have done a fantastic job!

Thank you Rhonda for hosting this swap. Been a long time since I’ve made a mini. I had a lot a fun.

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