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joanelizbay 01-24-2017 06:33 PM

Sew thats pretty!!! It looks complicated!

sewbizgirl 01-24-2017 08:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks... here are two more and that's it for today. The first is a Folded Star for Quiltermomma. My camera doesn't capture reds/oranges well. The colors are bright but not neon!


Next is a star for JLT37869. She can set it on point... Hope you like them, ladies!


jlt37869 01-24-2017 09:26 PM

Regarding my taupe floral fabric, please just pair it with WOW (white on white) as I'm bringing in other colors in between the blocks and in the border. Thanks.

Sewbizgirl - I really like the block that you made. Thank you.

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 03:05 AM

Good Morning Ladies..got my package Monday...Love all the fabric..Let the games begin!!

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by jlt37869 (Post 7748941)
Regarding my taupe floral fabric, please just pair it with WOW (white on white) as I'm bringing in other colors in between the blocks and in the border. Thanks.

Uh oh, did I mess up? I needed three fabrics to do that design! Hope my block will still work in your quilt. :(

Janice McC 01-25-2017 06:18 AM

REMINDERS! PLEASE be sure to read and follow the fabric requests that come with each f8. If you are uncertain as to whether to use a certain fabric or not, PLEASE contact the owner BEFORE making the block.

Also, blocks should be measured as you go and they are to be 12 1/2 inches square. You all can do it!

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 06:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
JLT, I have about half of your fabric left. If you prefer, I can do another block with just white on white. Let me know.

NanaKathy, here's a Dutchman's Puzzle for you.


terriamn 01-25-2017 07:03 AM

SewBiz great way to use NanaKathy's stripes. Besides I am very Partial to Dutchnan's puzzle

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 7749149)
SewBiz great way to use NanaKathy's stripes. Besides I am very Partial to Dutchnan's puzzle

Thanks, I wracked my BRAIN trying to figure out how to use those stripes! It doesn't come easy to me like it does to some others. I hope Kathy likes it.

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 12:27 PM

Hello Ladies
Sewbizgirl..I love the block..I only send a couple of that fabric with the stripes..that was for my borders but ran out of the main fabric and couldn't find it anywhere so thanks for the great block with the fabric you got

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 12:31 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Here are a few blocks I have finished..By the way I love all the different fabrics

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by NanaKathy55 (Post 7749383)
Hello Ladies
Sewbizgirl..I love the block..I only send a couple of that fabric with the stripes..that was for my borders but ran out of the main fabric and couldn't find it anywhere so thanks for the great block with the fabric you got

You are welcome! I'm happy you like it.

marietta 01-25-2017 12:35 PM

Love the blocks, especially the one for LStew. Whats the name of it?

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 12:37 PM

Love all your blocks, Kathy... especially mine! Great job on all of them.

Kassaundra 01-25-2017 12:39 PM

NanaK, great blocks, love the one for Lstew the best, perfect pattern and color for that fabric.

You ladies are giving me ideas for the horoscope fabric. I think I got enough of one of the main prints to do something like a center square w/ a star around it.

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 01:07 PM

The block is called "Four Corners"

Originally Posted by marietta (Post 7749392)
Love the blocks, especially the one for LStew. Whats the name of it?

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 01:11 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here is another block and I had so scraps left for my fabric so made myself a couple of blocks while I was waiting for the fabric

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 01:13 PM

Janice..here are the pictures of the fabric I sent for the March group...I only sent the yellow to the April group and I think I only sent 5 of the red (which is the fabric for the next boom)

NanaKathy55 01-25-2017 01:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are the fabrics

Janice McC 01-25-2017 01:22 PM

Thanks, NK!

Originally Posted by NanaKathy55 (Post 7749414)
Here are the fabrics

jaba 01-25-2017 02:08 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Today's update....some blocks for more of you. I have tried to carefully read your requests on colors and patterns and follow them. jlt37869- forest paths and mosaic #19[ATTACH=CONFIG]566730[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]566731[/ATTACH], quiltermomma - mosaic #12 [ATTACH=CONFIG]566732[/ATTACH] nanakathy - sawtooth star [ATTACH=CONFIG]566733[/ATTACH] joanlizbay- simplex star and three and six [ATTACH=CONFIG]566734[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]566735[/ATTACH]. Hope these will work for you.

I do want to ask some of you that not only do you need to make that 12 1/2" block as Janice has asked but I have come across 2 fabrics that have been cut 9 1/2" x 20". This really is a little small for the width part. Just a thought for the next boom. Some of those 1/2 squares take 4 7/8"

terriamn 01-25-2017 02:17 PM

Dh asked why I was so fidgety and restless today. Replied I don't know, then he saw me looking at the blocks and said oh for cripe sake, you aren't wishing you were home sewing are you. Boy does that man know me at times

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 03:30 PM

Beautiful blocks, ladies! I really love that three and six pattern...

Terri, what's the update on baby Liam? Also how is your BIL doing?

Janice McC 01-25-2017 04:31 PM

Attention everyone! I need to clarify one important point: While it is ALWAYS the block maker's choice as to what block to make, it should ALWAYS be done with the owner's color requests in mind. Please read the color requests that came with the F8 and then decide what to make. If someone requests only red be used, please don't make a block that requires four different colors. Please try to honor the requests as much as possible. Of course, there will be variations between your idea of red and another person's red, but adding pink or purple isn't an acceptable option. Anyone who spots an issue with a block, please let me know. Believe me, this stuff happens every round and I consider it part of my job to help facilitate solutions to the various "issues" that come up. Just remember to privately email me and not post here.

Your take away from this is to ALWAYS try to honor the owner's fabric requests. If you cannot, please contact the owner and see what they would like you to do. And if you spot a problem, don't hesitate to email me. If I don't know about it, I cannot help find a solution. Thank you!

All2Pieces 01-25-2017 05:10 PM

Nanakathy55 -nice blocks! Thanks for doing such wonderful job on the zodiac piece. That red paisley for the next swap looks like fun.
Jaba - great work, as usual. You make such sharp points.
Terri - yes, how are baby and family doing? Give them a hug from us.

terriamn 01-25-2017 05:32 PM

All I can tell you for update on Liam is he was seen by the ped's specialist and he said Liam was gaining weight and surpassing all goals set for him. But the darn kids didn't say if his chest was growing or not

My BIL had chemo today and my sister ALWAYS texts me his cancer numbers and how he tolerated the drugs. No texts or emails today. Trying not to think the worse

Kassaundra 01-25-2017 05:49 PM

Terri, that is great about Liam, I would suspect if there was not so good news about Liam there would have been a "but" in the report his parents gave. At least that is how I am going to choose to look at it until otherwise told.

Chemo is a roller coaster a bad day or report doesn't mean all bad or a downward trend, even if this one is not as good as hoped for

terriamn 01-25-2017 06:38 PM

Kass I'm thinking she sent me a text and my texts arrive very sporadic.

We have been enjoying fish every evening for dinner. What a treat, tonight it was grilled salmon and it was cooked to perfection

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 08:25 PM

Terri, great news on baby Liam... the miracle baby! I'm also believing the chemo helped your BIL. Praying for the best for them.

And we had grilled salmon for dinner tonight too! We eat that about twice a week. Love it.

sewbizgirl 01-25-2017 08:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
MonaG, here is your orange and purple block... Folded Star, also known as Christmas Star.


JLT, I made you another block with only WOW added. I'm sorry I misunderstood your directions. Consider the star block as a "bonus block" and maybe you can put it on the back. It's got a big white block in the center that would work as a quilt label. So here's my second try... Bowties.


GramE 01-25-2017 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 7749585)
Kass I'm thinking she sent me a text and my texts arrive very sporadic.

We have been enjoying fish every evening for dinner. What a treat, tonight it was grilled salmon and it was cooked to perfection

Fish every evening? I'm pretty sure it would take me a long, long time to tire of that! Hope your enjoying it all!

Lstew2212 01-26-2017 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by NanaKathy55 (Post 7749386)
Here are a few blocks I have finished..By the way I love all the different fabrics

NanaKathy, I love my block. So exciting to see my fabric for the first time. Thank you so much. It's perfect.

Kassaundra 01-26-2017 04:41 AM

Sewbiz, love the orange and purple folded star. And the bowtie block ...................... well what can be said except .............. Bow ties are cool! (some of you will think I have a wierd fascination w/ bow ties others will "get it")

terriamn 01-26-2017 05:53 AM

SewBiz the purple and orange block is to die for love it

terriamn 01-26-2017 05:58 AM

Nana Kathy these are very soft and romantic feeling blocks

Originally Posted by NanaKathy55 (Post 7749411)
Here is another block and I had so scraps left for my fabric so made myself a couple of blocks while I was waiting for the fabric

terriamn 01-26-2017 06:01 AM

My sis did send a text that didn't go through. Vincent's cancer numbers went up and liver function went down for the first time since starting chemo. Today they will replace the stent in his bile duct and see if that helps

Janice McC 01-26-2017 06:35 AM

Sewbizgirl, beautiful blocks both! :)

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7749657)
MonaG, here is your orange and purple block... Folded Star, also known as Christmas Star.


JLT, I made you another block with only WOW added. I'm sorry I misunderstood your directions. Consider the star block as a "bonus block" and maybe you can put it on the back. It's got a big white block in the center that would work as a quilt label. So here's my second try... Bowties.


Janice McC 01-26-2017 06:39 AM

This group is moving along nicely. I'm trying to keep up with the gallery but if you realize I've missed your block, let me know what POST # your pic is in and give me a few days to correct it. Right now I'm able to keep up by posting once a day but as it gets busier in both groups, it may take longer for me to move them in. Also, in going through the pix I already posted, I spotted some errors in who made what. I think I've fixed them all but please, let me know if you see anything wrong such as crediting a block to the wrong maker, or putting a block in the wrong place. It's very easy for me to do and I do not always pick up my own mistakes. Don't hesitate to let me know if I've goofed. Thanks!

Janice McC 01-26-2017 10:01 AM

Terri, you and your family remain in my thoughts.

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 7749853)
My sis did send a text that didn't go through. Vincent's cancer numbers went up and liver function went down for the first time since starting chemo. Today they will replace the stent in his bile duct and see if that helps

QuilterMomma 01-26-2017 10:34 AM

Just in case my color requests are causing questions. The quilt they are going in is for my daughter who loves orange. I sent Kaffe and the style of quilt I am doing is all about shading. Use the colors in the fabric, but be sure to shade the color selection. If you don't have colors to coordinate/shade for the block, use orange because that is the focus color of the quilt. Hope that helps with any clarification. Kaffe fabric always blends together and that is what I am trying to do.

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