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-   -   March to June 2015 Wall Hanging Swap (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/march-june-2015-wall-hanging-swap-t261647.html)

Rhonda 02-22-2015 08:54 PM

March to June 2015 Wall Hanging Swap
Welcome to our Wall Hanging Swap!

You have 4 months to make a wall hanging of your choice.

Size and Type of Wall Hanging:

A wall hanging should be smaller than a lap quilt but larger than a mug rug.
You can use any technique/ any style / any colors.
Embellishments are a fun way to add to your wall hanging if you like

Sign Up list

I didn't do a sign up last swap but it confused several people.
So this time if you'd like to sign up you may
But please remember that the only list that counts is the Ready to Mail list at the end of the 4 month swap.

Ready to Mail list

Ready to Mail list will be posted the middle of June.
If you are not on this list you will not get an address to send to.
MIDNIGHT central time June 30th. -deadline to get on the Ready to mail list

I Need:

Real name
your address
send international or not.
Allergy info
Pet and smoking information
Would like an email address

As long as you have a wall hanging ready to mail by the last day of the month you can join us any time!

Addresses Sent Out:

I will be posting addresses to each swapper on July 1st!!


You will then send your wall hanging to the quilter who's address you get.
You will receive from a differant quilter than the one you send to.

This is not a partner swap.


Please send me a pm when you mail and when you receive!!
Only those who send me a pm to let me know they are ready to mail will be on the mailing list.
Anyone who is not done on time may enter theirs in the next swap.

Please Post Pics of:

Your fabrics
Embellishments you are using
Progress pictures
Finished wall hanging

Prewashing or not is up to you

I hope you decide to join us and have a lot of fun!!

Please make sure to read the general rules that apply to all swaps here at the Quilting Board:http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-20154-1.htm

Rhonda 02-22-2015 09:09 PM

Sign Up List
Okay if you want to sign up just let me know here.
We will keep a running count of those interested in joining in the fun.


MarthaT 02-23-2015 07:32 AM

I'm considering doing this. Posting here so I will get notifications to remind me to make a decision as others post here and so I can find it again.

Question...Any guidelines other than size?

I've got one on my design wall at the moment that may be a possibility.

skaduzy 02-23-2015 05:09 PM

My favorite swap!
I'm looking forward to the March to June swap and am tossing around ideas already.
Sign me up, please.

Rhonda 02-23-2015 06:35 PM

Martha the sky is the limit!! I only have to put on the brakes on the size or it would be a quilt and not a wall hanging LOL So go for it and let your imagination play!

Hint hint... We love love progress pics!! Pics of your ideas you might try or pics of your fabrics! Love to see progress as you make your way from beginning to end.

No surprises will be ruined as noone not even me knows who is getting which wall hanging. so post away!!

I know you gals will keep this thread hopping with great ideas and great pictures and conversation!!
I love following your progress everyone!! Keep it going!!

Rhonda 02-23-2015 06:41 PM

Sign Up List
Repeating this again
The sign up list is only for fun. No committment if you sign up.
In June the ready to mail list will be the final list and the one that counts.
You must be on the ready to mail list to get an address to send to.
If you find you can't be ready in time just save it for the next swap! No Pressure at all!!

So with that said.... on with the show!!!!

Here is our list so far.......

Okay if you want to sign up just let me know here or in a pm.
We will keep a running count of those interested in joining in the fun.

1. skaduzy
2. Anoka Quilter
3. quiltymom
4. jeanne49

jeanne49 02-23-2015 06:42 PM

Sent my PM - this is a fun swap, no pressure, that's what I like about it.

Kassaundra 02-23-2015 09:21 PM

I had a lot of fun w/ the one just ending, can't wait to see which beautiful wh I end up getting, there isn't a bad one in the bunch. Wheels are already turning for ideas for this one.

MizMelly 02-24-2015 07:32 AM

I think I'd like to join this swap! I have several possibilities in mind that I've been wanting to try! Sounds like fun!

klaws 02-24-2015 07:46 AM

I think I would like to join in on this one also. I've been doing the mini quilt swap and love those. But I would like to do something a little larger. Count me in! :)

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