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-   -   Nov 2016 - Feb 2017 Wall Hanging Swap (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/nov-2016-feb-2017-wall-hanging-swap-t283447.html)

ube quilting 02-24-2017 09:49 AM

I am feeling a bit anxious over the great weather we are having. Anyone with fruit trees or flowering trees are going to run into some trouble if we have too much of this. I have to admit 75 degrees is wonderful for February in PA but seriously, not good for crop farmers. Never thought I would be wishing for cold weather, but I am.


jaba 02-24-2017 10:01 AM

I know what you mean ube, it's kind of scary. Just the opposite for Wyoming though, so much freezing cold and snow we will have lots of trees that will die. Hate to think about the apple and apricot trees.

Rhonda 02-24-2017 05:32 PM

Ready To Mail List!!
Updated!! Only 4 more days! You have until Midnight on Tues to let me know. Central time

Here is my Ready to Mail list so far. Make sure you let me know if you are ready!!
You will only get an address to mail to if you are on this list.

On the last day of Feb I will send each swapper an address to send to. I will be
posting them beginning at midnight that night.
If you need to let your receiver know something send the info to me and I will let her know.

Ideally noone should know what they get til they get it in the mail and open it.

6.ube quilting

So let me know if you need to be added to this Ready To Mail list.

ube quilting 02-25-2017 05:35 AM

I woke up to the sound of frogs singing this morning. The earliest ever recorded at my house. March 9th is the regular day for the first spring frogs. They are so enjoyable to hear but there will be frozen eggs on the ponds in a day or two, sad for the little guys.


Belfrybat 02-28-2017 10:36 AM

I've relapsed so won't be finishing the wall hanging this go around. Pits! Spent the morning at the walk-in clinic getting an X-ray and more meds.

As to the warm weather, peach trees are in bloom around here 2 - 3 weeks early and I found a huge grasshopper on my lettuce yesterday. About a month early. Pits, again.

Anoka Quilter 02-28-2017 10:59 AM

I am there with you Belfrybat, I broke my wrist the beginning of the month and haven't been able to finish the WH. A definite for next month though. I am suppose to get my cast off hopefully towards the end of next week. Also, one of the reasons no one has been me around on the board much. Just too hard to type.

ube quilting 02-28-2017 12:50 PM

Take care every one. Heal well. Will miss your wonderful creations this go around. We'll have fun next time.

MarionsQuilts 02-28-2017 01:46 PM

Aw, sorry to hear about everyone's troubles. Hope everyone gets better, heals up fast.

Ube - I hear ya. I'm in Ottawa and we are fast losing our snow. We had rain for three days straight. It feels like spring right now. NOT normal for where I live! We are usually in the -20s with a windchill of -30s ... very weird weather - I have to admit, I like it LOL but we need our deep freeze, and we haven't really had it.

I can guarantee you that Ottawa will get another dump of snow tho before spring officially arrives! We always do.

Looking forward to see who's name I have tomorrow morning!

ube quilting 02-28-2017 02:10 PM

I am anxious for the "naming" too. This winter has been a long wait.

Rhonda 02-28-2017 07:15 PM

There is still almost 3 hrs left to let me know you are ready to mail. if you are within an hour to two or so of being done you can let me know you will be ready in a short time. It you have more than a few things to do to finish tho it would be best to wait for the next one.

I have 7 swappers

ube quilting

Anyone else ready??

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