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-   -   Row Robin 2011 - "Memory Makers" Group 15 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/row-robin-2011-%22memory-makers%22-group-15-a-t85112.html)

craft phanatic 01-01-2011 05:28 PM

Sorry, I forgot to post earlier:-( I don't mind seeing pics of my row and I think the first if the month it is due for sending is good for me. Making a pattern for my siggy block and then I will be ready to send! Happy sewing

Robbi24 01-02-2011 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, this is what I was thinking for my quilt. I am going to make one big siggy block in the shape of a suitcase for everyone to sign their real name, board name and location. I was also going to include a small journal for anyone who wished to write in (and I hope everyone wants to!). I will make small siggy block for everyone though to take as they receive my quilt. I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys! Anyway, this is just what I thought I'd do so that anyone who doesn't have the extra time and/or fabric to make individual siggy blocks will still have their name on my quilt. That is most important to me. Also, I would like to have my rows horizontally. I don't really care where on the quilt my row is. I hope everyone has a great day!

Hi what is QAYG mean? I will be sending something for everyone to sign and hopefully save for a QAYG (maybe if I understand ths right) I plan to send a small journal for everyone to write in and kee to use in my future RR (hows that for encouragement ha ha)

Robbi24 01-02-2011 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
Well we have had a name for our group suggested by craft phanatic, so we just need to get a vote on it


Let me know what ya'll think

Hi I think this is a great name espically for us newbies

Short an Sweet 01-02-2011 04:05 PM

Q quilt A as Y you G go

I am also going to send a journal, wouldnt it be cool if we could travel WITH our rows lol

Originally Posted by Robbi24

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, this is what I was thinking for my quilt. I am going to make one big siggy block in the shape of a suitcase for everyone to sign their real name, board name and location. I was also going to include a small journal for anyone who wished to write in (and I hope everyone wants to!). I will make small siggy block for everyone though to take as they receive my quilt. I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys! Anyway, this is just what I thought I'd do so that anyone who doesn't have the extra time and/or fabric to make individual siggy blocks will still have their name on my quilt. That is most important to me. Also, I would like to have my rows horizontally. I don't really care where on the quilt my row is. I hope everyone has a great day!

Hi what is QAYG mean? I will be sending something for everyone to sign and hopefully save for a QAYG (maybe if I understand ths right) I plan to send a small journal for everyone to write in and kee to use in my future RR (hows that for encouragement ha ha)

Short an Sweet 01-02-2011 04:08 PM

We just need to hear from the last 2, b4 we decide on anything final. I figure everyone will have checked back in by next weekend, just wanna give people time to settle into their normal lives again lol

Originally Posted by Robbi24

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
Well we have had a name for our group suggested by craft phanatic, so we just need to get a vote on it


Let me know what ya'll think

Hi I think this is a great name espically for us newbies

Short an Sweet 01-02-2011 05:16 PM

the only thing I'm waiting on, to do my signature block, is our final group name, my plan is: (I don't know if it will actually stay centered up on the page but...imagine the below centered lol)

Row Robin 2011
Group 15

Row 1 - Veronica Ulrich - Short an Sweet - Manvel, Texas
Row 2 " " "
Row 3 " " "
Row 4 " " "
Row 5 " " "

once I get it back it will be cut into a leaf shape and the edges will be painted with my fabric oils (Shiva paintsticks)

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Sorry, I forgot to post earlier:-( I don't mind seeing pics of my row and I think the first if the month it is due for sending is good for me. Making a pattern for my siggy block and then I will be ready to send! Happy sewing

craft phanatic 01-02-2011 05:40 PM

I think I will do the same for mine. What type of fabric are you using? I was thinking muslin but I'm worried that it will be too thin.

Short an Sweet 01-02-2011 05:43 PM

I'm using a beige cotton and I'm going to back it with some iron on stabilizer to keep it firm, haven't decided whether to send a paint pen or a fine tip sharpie.

craft phanatic 01-03-2011 04:16 AM

That sounds like a great idea. I don't think I will send any pens along. I don't want something to happen and ink run everywhere. Everyone can just use what they have or write their info in the journal and I'll write it in when the quilt comes home to momma!

Short an Sweet 01-03-2011 06:50 AM

lol good idea, I didn't think of that

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
That sounds like a great idea. I don't think I will send any pens along. I don't want something to happen and ink run everywhere. Everyone can just use what they have or write their info in the journal and I'll write it in when the quilt comes home to momma!

Robbi24 01-04-2011 06:15 PM

Hello, busy, busy, busy due to the way things happened and that my newish job has really picked up, I took longer to get organized. I didn't find my fabric I had in mind so off to my LQS and of course they did not have what I wanted. I did find something like it, but not really white or gold more cream (not tan) red and lighter greens than I though, so hopefully no one will be upset but I love them, soooo now I am getting fabric wsshed and sewing here I come (lol).

Short an Sweet 01-04-2011 07:35 PM

can't wait to see some of your row blocks,
I went shopping at the after Christmas sales for the fabrics for your row lol I even have patterns picked out if my skills can handle them of course lol.
I'm going to work on my 2nd block tomorrow so you're really not behind

Originally Posted by Robbi24
Hello, busy, busy, busy due to the way things happened and that my newish job has really picked up, I took longer to get organized. I didn't find my fabric I had in mind so off to my LQS and of course they did not have what I wanted. I did find something like it, but not really white or gold more cream (not tan) red and lighter greens than I though, so hopefully no one will be upset but I love them, soooo now I am getting fabric wsshed and sewing here I come (lol).

craft phanatic 01-04-2011 08:13 PM

Robbi24, I have some awesome fabric for your row. I have quite a while to wait though because yours is the last one I will get. I can't wait to see some pics of your blocks! Oh yeah, what do you think of the name Memory Makers for our group? Have fun sewing tomorrow!

Robbi24 01-05-2011 06:42 PM

Hello, went sewing yesterday but worked on a gift due in two weeks,just doing the binding now. Off on Friday and as I do wash I will be cutting out my blocks. I like the name Memory Makers too. well off to finish a few chores then to bed.

Short an Sweet 01-06-2011 06:48 PM

5 Attachment(s)
k everyone, I am posting some pictures of some of the fabrics I have picked out for each of your rows, this may change as I start to see pics of the rows and of course if any of you think I may be heading in a direction you didn't intend to go just let me know, it won't hurt my feeling cause these are all just my perception of your themes. So be sure to give feedback on the choices, if you hate they're gone lol.

these are the 5 main focal fabrics for saritabee, I was trying for the five A continents but I couldn't find anything for Australia, so that one got switched to the Tropics for now lol

these are for Robbi24, I got a quilt block book at the used book store that had the coolest patterns for Christmas blocks

these are for craft phanatic, hopefully once I see her row in person the colors won't clash lol

and last but certainly not least, these are for booklady, hers I plan to do traditional patches, maybe some 9 patch and maybe some "underground RR blocks

oops, I forgot the fabrics for mine

Robbi24 01-07-2011 07:02 PM

Oh my what beautiful fabrics, I plan to pick out ideas for rows but wait to see colors before I get them. I did get different fabric, not really gold, but those may go with the colors I do have. Work and kids cause me to be really busy but fabric washed, patterns obtained and will sew after the tree goes down this weekend. Plus the kids will all be back to school and quiet here again.

Short an Sweet 01-07-2011 07:50 PM

I won't be making any of the rows till I receive them so anything that doesnt blend well, will be changed.

Originally Posted by Robbi24
Oh my what beautiful fabrics, I plan to pick out ideas for rows but wait to see colors before I get them. I did get different fabric, not really gold, but those may go with the colors I do have. Work and kids cause me to be really busy but fabric washed, patterns obtained and will sew after the tree goes down this weekend. Plus the kids will all be back to school and quiet here again.

Robbi24 01-08-2011 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by Robbi24

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, this is what I was thinking for my quilt. I am going to make one big siggy block in the shape of a suitcase for everyone to sign their real name, board name and location. I was also going to include a small journal for anyone who wished to write in (and I hope everyone wants to!). I will make small siggy block for everyone though to take as they receive my quilt. I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys! Anyway, this is just what I thought I'd do so that anyone who doesn't have the extra time and/or fabric to make individual siggy blocks will still have their name on my quilt. That is most important to me. Also, I would like to have my rows horizontally. I don't really care where on the quilt my row is. I hope everyone has a great day!

Hi what is QAYG mean? I will be sending something for everyone to sign and hopefully save for a QAYG (maybe if I understand ths right) I plan to send a small journal for everyone to write in and kee to use in my future RR (hows that for encouragement ha ha)

Hi what size are the siggy blocks you are sending I thought mine will be the size 4x4 mabe to put in quilt squares. (maybe still working on it)

craft phanatic 01-08-2011 06:06 PM

That was the size I was going to send also. 4x4 as a finished size that is! It doesn't matter to me though what size I receive, I will just add to it to make it the size I need. Send whatever is easiest for you. =)

Short an Sweet 01-08-2011 07:02 PM

yes the signature blocks I am sending will be 4.5 x4.5 unfinished and the label I am sending will be 6.5 x6.5 unfinished

Short an Sweet 01-09-2011 07:35 PM

working on blocks 2 & 3 for my row, and the block for the Quilting Bee this month, have my January SP packed and ready to go, going to do the embroidery work on my Doll Quilt tomorrow (it's my first one)

craft phanatic 01-10-2011 04:31 AM

YAY, we have a name! S&S...what do you do in your spare time? Hehe, you are a very busy sewer. I can wait to see pics of everyone's row.

Short an Sweet 01-10-2011 12:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
k my first 4 blocks are done, haven't quite decided on the order yet, I'll finish the last one and then decide, heres the pic, if everyone would post pics of their progress that would be awesome

craft phanatic 01-10-2011 08:22 PM

My row is on page 3 of this thread. Sooooo ready to get this started!

Short an Sweet 01-11-2011 06:13 AM

not going to get much sewing today, we have Bible study tonight, and it's in the sewing room, so everything gets put away till 9 tonight lol. I do need to sew 3 patches on one of the guys motorcycle vest. I am going to work on my quilt label and my signature labels. how is everyone else doing? is everybody trying to ship on the 1st or are we shooting for the 15th? It might be easier to NOT ship till the 1st as the earliest date. We don't want to overwhelm anyone by receiving one b4 they finish the one that they're working on. If everyone is ready and WANTs to ship early thats OK. Please make sure you contact your person when you're ready to ship, so that they know to be expecting it. Also if you can comment here on our page when you ship and again when you receive. Happy Sewing!!!!!

Short an Sweet 01-11-2011 07:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here is a picture of my "signature" label

craft phanatic 01-12-2011 04:38 PM

I don't have anything specific to post....just wanted to bump up our thread! I hope everyone is getting right along with their rows.

S&S- I picked out the fabric for your rows. I'm at work now but I will take a pic tomorrow and post it for you to see. Happy sewing!

Short an Sweet 01-12-2011 05:02 PM

Kewl, can't wait to see it, I'm having problems with my last block but I think the light bulb in my head finally clicked tonight, so tommorrow I will try again, tommorrow is an ALL paper piece day. PP for my last block, PP for the BOM, PP for "Quilting in the New Year" swap and lastly PP for the Funky Chicken swap. Oughta be a fun (frustrating) day lol
(it will also be my first time to try, I mean "DO" PP)

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
I don't have anything specific to post....just wanted to bump up our thread! I hope everyone is getting right along with their rows.

S&S- I picked out the fabric for your rows. I'm at work now but I will take a pic tomorrow and post it for you to see. Happy sewing!

Short an Sweet 01-13-2011 02:13 PM

well I had a stomach bug most of the day, so I didn't get much sewing done, but I did finally get the table for my embroidery machine, so it's set up and all ready for tommorrow. I did get my last block made, now I just need to go back and measure and square all the blocks, and iron and starch. My journal is ready, so I just need to make my quilt label and the rest of my signature labels

Short an Sweet 01-13-2011 02:50 PM

well I thought I was done but now that I have all 5 of them on the wall, #3 just doesn't seem to fit in <sigh> I think I'll remake it in different colors and see how I like that one

Robbi24 01-13-2011 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
Kewl, can't wait to see it, I'm having problems with my last block but I think the light bulb in my head finally clicked tonight, so tommorrow I will try again, tommorrow is an ALL paper piece day. PP for my last block, PP for the BOM, PP for "Quilting in the New Year" swap and lastly PP for the Funky Chicken swap. Oughta be a fun (frustrating) day lol
(it will also be my first time to try, I mean "DO" PP)

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
I don't have anything specific to post....just wanted to bump up our thread! I hope everyone is getting right along with their rows.

S&S- I picked out the fabric for your rows. I'm at work now but I will take a pic tomorrow and post it for you to see. Happy sewing!

whats the funcky chicken swap look like, I like chickens and what kind of journal are you sending and size

Short an Sweet 01-13-2011 04:33 PM

Whats the funcky chicken swap look like, I like chickens
Here is a link to it

craft phanatic 01-13-2011 04:48 PM

Today I started on my first paper pieced block! So far, so good. It is the mystery block from the Paper Panache site. I wanted to get practice in case I want to add that to anyones row.

S&S, I forgot to take a pic of your fabric. I even remember standing there looking at it this morning and it never crossed my mind to take a pic of it! I must have been to mezmerized by it to think! Will try to remember tomorrow.

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:00 PM

[quote=Short an Sweet]Hi saritabee, I believe I will be getting your row first, can you give me some ideas of what you'd like to see on your rows? lol and if you could post pics of the row you do, that would be awesome, I've already started "window" shopping for fabrics for yours I just wanted your input b4 I purchase.

I was pretty much just leaving mine open to any interpretation on the theme... and it can get pretty broad, I think, depending on how you look at it!
I got distracted with some family stuff and haven't even started my row yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to do wonky-set blocks with silhouettes of well-known landmarks I've been to, incorporating some nice antique-y brown map/journal fabric into the background of the row.
I'm also fairly positive I want sashing between the rows (so they don't all have to be matchy-match; someone else mentioned that and I thought it was a great idea). I'm thinking I might even have everyone leave the rows separate so I can pick a coordinating sashing once they're all done.
I need to check and see whose RR I'm getting first crack at! :)

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
Well we have had a name for our group suggested by craft phanatic, so we just need to get a vote on it


Let me know what ya'll think

late for the vote, but I agree it's an awesome name. We should make sure it's on all the signature blocks, too! :)

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, gonna try posting a pic of my row. It's from my phone so it may not be a good one.

your colors are gorgeous! they flow very well.

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:05 PM

""also we need to know if there is anyone in our group that DOES NOT want to see pictures of their rows? If you want to be totally surprised when your rows come back, let us know here and send a note with your row to not post pics. Happy New Year!! ""

I was just thinking about this the other day; I'd much rather not see any photos of mine until it's all done.
Or people could just post pics with a big spoiler warning, like for book reviews, and I'll avert my eyes. *grin* ...and that way nobody else misses out on any planning time.

Short an Sweet 01-14-2011 06:10 PM

Also if someone doesn't want to see their row, we can PM the pictures to the other members of the group?

Originally Posted by saritabee
""also we need to know if there is anyone in our group that DOES NOT want to see pictures of their rows? If you want to be totally surprised when your rows come back, let us know here and send a note with your row to not post pics. Happy New Year!! ""

I was just thinking about this the other day; I'd much rather not see any photos of mine until it's all done.
Or people could just post pics with a big spoiler warning, like for book reviews, and I'll avert my eyes. *grin* ...and that way nobody else misses out on any planning time.

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
k everyone, I am posting some pictures of some of the fabrics I have picked out for each of your rows, this may change as I start to see pics of the rows and of course if any of you think I may be heading in a direction you didn't intend to go just let me know, it won't hurt my feeling cause these are all just my perception of your themes. So be sure to give feedback on the choices, if you hate they're gone lol.

it's neat to see all the interpretations; jump-starts MY brain, too, thinking of what we might receive to work on down the line.
...and Australia has tropics! *grin*

saritabee 01-14-2011 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
yes the signature blocks I am sending will be 4.5 x4.5 unfinished and the label I am sending will be 6.5 x6.5 unfinished

so the intention is to send a big block, which will have room for everyone's info on it, to use as a label on the back, and then also send four "regular" siggies, and each person will keep one?

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