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-   -   Row Robin 2011 - "Memory Makers" Group 15 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/row-robin-2011-%22memory-makers%22-group-15-a-t85112.html)

Short an Sweet 12-25-2010 11:47 AM

Bookworm asked me to be Group Leader. All that means is that if anyone has a sudden problem that you need an answer to, just let me know. I will do my best to answer. If I don't know, I will get ahold of Bookworm and get an answer for you. It just saves her communicating with everyone, and makes her hostessing easier.

So fellow Quilters our Group 15 consists of
booklady, craft phanatic, Robbi24, saritabee and myself as group leader, (Short an Sweet). We'll decide on details once the holidays are over meanwhile, patience with me please this is my first time as a group leader. Any suggestions on what we should call ourselves?

craft phanatic 12-25-2010 12:09 PM

Hello fellow fifteeners! I am so excited to start but I guess it would help if I sew my row first! I have it drawn on paper and will start sewing next week. I am looking forward to getting to know evryone. This is my first row robin so if I make a social blunder please let me know because I want this to be loads of fun for everyone in our group. Enjoy the rest of your holiday:-)

Short an Sweet 12-25-2010 12:21 PM

lol at least we're in this together, this is my first time as Group leader and my first Row Robin, my row is planned and 2 blocks are made.

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Hello fellow fifteeners! I am so excited to start but I guess it would help if I sew my row first! I have it drawn on paper and will start sewing next week. I am looking forward to getting to know evryone. This is my first row robin so if I make a social blunder please let me know because I want this to be loads of fun for everyone in our group. Enjoy the rest of your holiday:-)

Short an Sweet 12-25-2010 06:04 PM

Wanted to post this on the first page so it will be easy for us find

This row robin is meant to be a fun, social and learning experience. There is no skill level requirement, only to do the best work that you can. If you have concerns about what to add at any point, feel free to ask for help from others in your group, the host of the RR, other sewing friends, or even the owner of the center. Remember…this is FUN!

1. Fabric should be prewashed and of a type that you would be happy to receive yourself. This means 100% cotton but but does NOT need to be LQS.

Please remember that each top will circulate through many sets of hands and equipment as it travels the world. There may be a variety of techniques used as well. it's best to select fabrics that will hold up well under a variety of conditions and that can withstand repeated machine washing. Fabrics you can see through, that appear to fray easily, or that are loosely woven are not the best candidates for a shared project.

2. Use any techniques in which you feel comfortable, machine/hand piecing, machine/hand appliqué, machine/hand embroidery, paper piecing, etc. This in not particularly the time to experiment with new techniques unless you are confident that you can pull it off. You might want to experiment before attaching the row to the quilt in case you have to rework something.

3. Each row will be 12 ½” by 60 ½”

4. We will be posting pictures with each round, unless you specify that you do not want to see your quilt until it is finished. For most of us…we just can’t wait.

5. Please stay on target for the mailing dates. You will have approximately 2 months between mailings. If something happens that will cause you to be late mailing, please email the person who you will be mailing to and the leader of the group. Specific mailing dates will be sent out with the group assignments.

6. You will need to insure your packages when mailing.

7. Please, ONLY sign up if you are serious! We understand that life does and can get in the way, but if you KNOW you cannot fulfill your end, PLEASE do not sign up.

8. These rules apply to EVERYONE!

The Quilt:

The theme is a design of your choice. You need to make the first row 60 ½” by 12 ½” but you can orient it either horizontal or vertical. (Each row should be carefully measured and squared)
Each sequential row should be a continuation of the theme of the first row but can be what technique you would like.

Add a Label
We suggest that you add some type of label to circulate with your top so that all the members of your group can sign it. Please use a Black Pigma pen or some type of black permanent fabric marker. You might want to leave enough room for everyone to list their name along with their board name, their city, state, country, and the date.
If you don't want to do a label for people to sign because you haven't figured out what you want the label to look like, that is fine too...just add a piece of paper that people can sign.

Graciously accept your finished quilt

Sometimes the final quilt owner will want to add more embellishments or add an additional border, but everyone who worked on your quilt used their best abilities. After the Row Robin has closed, of course it is your quilt to do whatever you choose. We will all look forward to seeing the quilted final product! Please do not post pictures that show alterations or changes in someone else’s work though. Please be conscious of other feelings. If this isn’t acceptable to you, please DO NOT play.

Tips and Lessons Learned:

1. Print off the rules, mailing dates and your group mailing list.
You will be referring back to it.

2 Don’t panic…hang the top for a few days and let it speak to you. They tend to “tell you what they need next”.

3. If you are trying something new….do it on the separate row, do NOT sew it to the quilt until you are sure it worked.

4. Make sure you understand how to fill out the customs forms BEFORE you send an International package

5. Please DO NOT let tops pile up on you. If you need help, ask…there are others who can and will step in to help you through a time crunch bind. We can work it out.

6. Please handle the quilts carefully. We all drag them around to show them off to friends, guild members, LQS, etc. but when doing so, we can stretch the rows so the finished quilt doesn’t lie flat. Please make sure it does lie flat prior to mailing it on to the next person.

7. Feel free to add information to accompany your quilt such as colors you would prefer or something you definitely don't want, that it may be a gift, etc. Please don’t add fabric to your package as it does cost more to mail it along. You can add a little swatch card with what fabrics you used, the manufacturer’s name, etc. as someone may want to match something. If you do have extra fabric, you might want to let others know, they may ask for some to be mailed to them directly to work on a specific round if they can‘t purchase it.

8. If for ANY reason, you feel the need to resign from doing this at ANY point in the "game", PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know! It's not fair to the others for someone to just pull out, not tell anyone and keep what is not theirs.

Group Leader: Short an Sweet

Short an Sweet
sends to

sends to
craft phanatic

craft phanatic
sends to

sends to

sends to
Short an Sweet

Mailing Dates

You have two months to get each round done.

1st Row – mail by February 15th (your row)

Row 2 – April 15th

Row 3 – June 15th

Row 4 – August 15th

Row 5 – October 15th

Short an Sweet 12-25-2010 06:06 PM

if we could post pics of our rows as we do them it will help us plan ahead by seeing style & color and even pattern choices. Any tips or tricks please feel free to voice and share them here : )
Don't forget we need to name our group so... any ideas?

Robbi24 12-25-2010 08:24 PM

Hello and Merry Christmas to all. This sounds like so much fun and it's good to know I'm not the only newbie in our group. I've been quilting on and off for years, mostly baby ones. This is my first round robin and thought long and hard about joining as to not mess up someone elses quilt. I need to learn how to post pictures and I think I want to see as each row is added. So many patterns dancing though
my head ha ha.

saritabee 12-25-2010 08:32 PM

Hello hello, and Merry Christmas! :)
I'm a row robin n00b too, although I've done a round robin before (and it was awesome. *grin*). I'm looking forward to this one!
Does anyone remember where the list of all our themes was?

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:13 AM

I have a list of our themes I will post them here, do you all have the addresses you need to send to? if not I will PM them to each of you?

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:18 AM

I did create an activity page for our group the address is

Short an Sweet
Theme: Fall Theme ie: fall colors (oranges, burgundys, rusts, browns etc...)

My theme will be "charms". I love the scrappy look of the old patterns.

craft phanatic
theme: main color blue(preferably no electric or neon blues) with contrast of cream/beige/tan in any design or method(IE-applique, piecing...)

theme Christmas (traditional colors red, green ,white,and gold).

theme: traveling the countries of the world

craft phanatic 12-26-2010 06:18 AM

If you go to the original Row Robin 2011 post, on the first page Bookworm has a link. If you click on this link and look under your name and there we are! YAY us!

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:30 AM

while I was sleeping last night (I do this alot lol) it occurred to me that we each need to decide on the orientation of our row(s) ie: horizontal or vertical? I would like my rows vertical because I am going to embroider a patch for the bottom of each row with each persons name, BN, and location. As far as where I want MY row located? anywhere is fine I'm not picky about mine being first or in the middle? So we need to make these kind of descisions and let our swap partners know what we'd like. I would suggest letting all of us know here on the board and also adding a note or a journal with the row. each person that wanted to add to anothers journal could and it would be like a little "history" of it's journey. Some people don't really like to write so you could just sign your name and put down "when" you received the row and "when" you sent the rows back out? Just a thought all ideas are welcome. Also I will be sending out an (1)autograph block (not really a block yet just fabric lol)for each person to sign It will be going on my finished quilt. Would you all like to do individual autograph blocks? basically with the big block for everyone to sign I would send 4 individual "blocks" also, that have my name, BN & location on it and each person would take one to keep and send the rest on with the big block and row? Any way just some things I thought about in my sleep. Some of the other groups are doing one or both and some are not.

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here is my first block for my row, the second is cut out but not sewn yet, remember the swap is row specific 12.5 x 60.5 not block specific

craft phanatic 12-26-2010 07:43 AM

Okay, this is what I was thinking for my quilt. I am going to make one big siggy block in the shape of a suitcase for everyone to sign their real name, board name and location. I was also going to include a small journal for anyone who wished to write in (and I hope everyone wants to!). I will make small siggy block for everyone though to take as they receive my quilt. I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys! Anyway, this is just what I thought I'd do so that anyone who doesn't have the extra time and/or fabric to make individual siggy blocks will still have their name on my quilt. That is most important to me. Also, I would like to have my rows horizontally. I don't really care where on the quilt my row is. I hope everyone has a great day!

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 07:47 AM

Please let each person know when you mail and when you receive the rows. We should also decide if we want to insure the packages? I do think that delivery confirmation is something that should definetly be done on every package. If I'm "talking" to much just let me know, I tend to post when I think of something so I don't forget it lol.

P.S. as for me, I plan on insuring up to 3 rows for at least $100 and when I get 4 & 5 rows to mail, I will up the insurance to at least $150 - $200. so if it were to get lost it would at least cover the cost of the fabric replacement

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 07:51 AM

awesome idea, I am making mine in the shape of leaves.
and I love your idea for the blocks :
I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys!

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, this is what I was thinking for my quilt. I am going to make one big siggy block in the shape of a suitcase for everyone to sign their real name, board name and location. I was also going to include a small journal for anyone who wished to write in (and I hope everyone wants to!). I will make small siggy block for everyone though to take as they receive my quilt. I think I will take all the small siggy block that are sent along and start a QAYG quilt and keep adding to it when I join more row/round robins. This way I will have a block with a list of everyone who added to this quilt and the start of a quilt with all my QB friends siggys! Anyway, this is just what I thought I'd do so that anyone who doesn't have the extra time and/or fabric to make individual siggy blocks will still have their name on my quilt. That is most important to me. Also, I would like to have my rows horizontally. I don't really care where on the quilt my row is. I hope everyone has a great day!

Robbi24 12-26-2010 01:21 PM

Ok what is a siggy block and still not sure of row, which way and what for everyone to sign. so much to think about will decided in the next week. Ps. can you send pic of the siggy block.

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 05:51 PM

I will try to get mine made tommorrow and show you, I put up my template for the holidays now I have to find it or remake it lol, if anyone has one already made could you post a pic of it?

Originally Posted by Robbi24
Ok what is a siggy block and still not sure of row, which way and what for everyone to sign. so much to think about will decided in the next week. Ps. can you send pic of the siggy block.

craft phanatic 12-26-2010 06:09 PM

I was just going to wing it with mine which means I would probably use five yards of fabric to make a six inch block! Maybe a template is the way to go. I think quilters cashe has some and I think I remember links that were posted in the original thread. I'll have to go back and look again. I have three of my blocks done. I'll post picture wen I figure out how:-)

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:15 PM

my neighbor has a tree with beautiful leaves, so I copied one and made a plastic template from it, I made a large one for all of our signatures and 4 small ones for me to send out my signatures

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
I was just going to wing it with mine which means I would probably use five yards of fabric to make a six inch block! Maybe a template is the way to go. I think quilters cashe has some and I think I remember links that were posted in the original thread. I'll have to go back and look again. I have three of my blocks done. I'll post picture wen I figure out how:-)

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 06:15 PM

can't wait to see your blocks

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
I was just going to wing it with mine which means I would probably use five yards of fabric to make a six inch block! Maybe a template is the way to go. I think quilters cashe has some and I think I remember links that were posted in the original thread. I'll have to go back and look again. I have three of my blocks done. I'll post picture wen I figure out how:-)

Robbi24 12-26-2010 06:20 PM

Hi, still thinking and will decide soon. I will check out the insurance when mailing as I was told without reciets of cost you cant recieve $ back if lost or damaged.

Short an Sweet 12-26-2010 08:05 PM

Hi saritabee, I believe I will be getting your row first, can you give me some ideas of what you'd like to see on your rows? lol and if you could post pics of the row you do, that would be awesome, I've already started "window" shopping for fabrics for yours I just wanted your input b4 I purchase.

Originally Posted by saritabee
Hello hello, and Merry Christmas! :)
I'm a row robin n00b too, although I've done a round robin before (and it was awesome. *grin*). I'm looking forward to this one!
Does anyone remember where the list of all our themes was?

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 05:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a picture of one of the siggy blocks from Group 1 "the early birds'

Originally Posted by Robbi24
Ok what is a siggy block and still not sure of row, which way and what for everyone to sign. so much to think about will decided in the next week. Ps. can you send pic of the siggy block.

craft phanatic 12-27-2010 05:11 AM

Hey, we still need a name. I have been thinking and thinking and can't come up with anything.

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 05:13 AM

yes I know, I've been thinking on it to and nothing so far

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Hey, we still need a name. I have been thinking and thinking and can't come up with anything.

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 05:16 AM

maybe Sara or Judy will have an idea? I think they must be away for the holidays

craft phanatic 12-27-2010 05:26 AM

Hey, I was wondering what Judy meant when she said her theme is charms. I want to get started looking for material but I'm at a loss. I will PM her but I thought maybe since you're here now I'd ask you.

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 05:56 AM

I think she is refering to a "charm" pack but I'm not sure I was going to ask also

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Hey, I was wondering what Judy meant when she said her theme is charms. I want to get started looking for material but I'm at a loss. I will PM her but I thought maybe since you're here now I'd ask you.

Robbi24 12-27-2010 05:51 PM

Hi thanks for the pic(of the siggy). I thought it was something like that. So once again I have to think, think,think. lol.

craft phanatic 12-27-2010 06:01 PM

I forgot to mention that I LOVE starch so feel free to use it on my quilt if you are a fellow starcher. If you would prefer me go starch free with your quilt please let me know.

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 06:12 PM

I am also using starch unless a request is made not to, mainly because these rows are passing through so many hands

any thoughts on a name? anyone? lol

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
I forgot to mention that I LOVE starch so feel free to use it on my quilt if you are a fellow starcher. If you would prefer me go starch free with your quilt please let me know.

Short an Sweet 12-28-2010 09:03 AM

Well we have had a name for our group suggested by craft phanatic, so we just need to get a vote on it


Let me know what ya'll think

craft phanatic 12-28-2010 09:34 AM

Suprisingly....I like it! hehehhehe

booklady 12-28-2010 12:57 PM

I had two minutes free today and decided to check in. My entire family (9 right now, will grow again later this week) is at my house for Christmas/New Year so I won't be on here much until after I recuperate the first of January!

I like charm/scrappy look quilts. Meaning just use anything to make the blocks. Each block can be a different fabric if you want, just use your scraps! I also like the classic blocks, so my first row will probably be several different blocks that I like.

I'll catch up with you after the New year! Have a great holiday. I'm back to the kitchen now . . . . this family eats alot!

craft phanatic 12-28-2010 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, gonna try posting a pic of my row. It's from my phone so it may not be a good one.

Row Robin 2011

Short an Sweet 12-28-2010 07:06 PM

beautiful row, I have fabrics to start everyone's rows now, I am only waiting to see examples of what they'd like. I think the fabrics for yours will work very well

Originally Posted by craft phanatic
Okay, gonna try posting a pic of my row. It's from my phone so it may not be a good one.

Short an Sweet 12-29-2010 09:22 AM

I had that crowd at Thanksgiving, so I understand, we will wait till after the first of the year to make a descision on the name unless everyone gets a chance to add input b4 then. Happy New Year!!

Originally Posted by booklady
I had two minutes free today and decided to check in. My entire family (9 right now, will grow again later this week) is at my house for Christmas/New Year so I won't be on here much until after I recuperate the first of January!

I like charm/scrappy look quilts. Meaning just use anything to make the blocks. Each block can be a different fabric if you want, just use your scraps! I also like the classic blocks, so my first row will probably be several different blocks that I like.

I'll catch up with you after the New year! Have a great holiday. I'm back to the kitchen now . . . . this family eats alot!

Short an Sweet 12-31-2010 11:16 AM

How does everyone want to handle the mailing of the rows? Send as soon as we're done with one? or wait till the first of the month it is due to send? I don't want anyone to start to feel overwhelmed if they get a new one b4 they have finished the one they already had. So just give me some input on what ya'll think?

Short an Sweet 01-01-2011 12:43 AM

also we need to know if there is anyone in our group that DOES NOT want to see pictures of their rows?If you want to be totally surprised when your rows come back, let us know here and send a note with your row to not post pics.
Happy New Year!! :lol:

Short an Sweet 01-01-2011 05:20 PM

just a quick reminder, we have 45 days to finish our rows and get them in the mail to the next person in line :thumbup:

Happy Sewing!!!!

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