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-   -   Row Robin 2011 group 3 - *3's a Charm* (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/row-robin-2011-group-3-%2A3s-charm%2A-t84897.html)

Mariah 12-26-2010 12:25 PM

Sounds like "3's a charm" is our name. You girls are sooo fast! You were having fun with the row robin, while I was with our daughter seeing what to do with the cut she got on her.......... So, we spent 2 hrs. there.
But they are going home today so I will begin to function again pretty quick.
I just don't think I can keep up with 1 mo. turn-around. I have just for quilt guild, 2 meetings a month, and in Jan., we have a work day for community quilts. Plus, a weekend here celebrating birthdays--3 total, plus an annual mtg. at church.
Don't forget that after we get out rows back, that we have to decide how we want it all quilted. I will have to hand quilt mine,as I already have the Christmas Quilt to be sent out to machine quilt. So, it would just make twice as much quilting for us. What does everyone think??
Think and later.

Mariah 12-26-2010 12:29 PM

Sherry, did I ask you if you fussy-cut your Blue Flowers, or are they cheater cloth? Sure are pretty!

ssnare 12-26-2010 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Mariah
Sherry, did I ask you if you fussy-cut your Blue Flowers, or are they cheater cloth? Sure are pretty!

They were all on 1 panel that I purchased, so I fussy cut them. I am almost done with my row. I need to measure it with my new 120" tape measure I got for Christmas. :lol: I think it is a wee bit too long.
Then I will work on my label. I got a pigma pen for Christmas too. Then I will work on my signature pieces and look for a small journal for others to add information to as we send the rows around.

Mariah 12-26-2010 03:00 PM

RowRobin#3--row robin 2011 "three's a charm..."
Hi Everyone. My name is Mariah, and I am in the above group for the row robin. Sherry has been helping me, and how she knew I could use some help, I don't know! I do know that with a houseful of company, a new computer, and lots of other "stuff," that she was an angel coming down to our house!
Anyway, Bookworm asked me to be Group Leader. All that means is that if anyone has a sudden problem that you need an answer to, just let me know. I will do my best to answer. If I don't know, I will get ahold of Bookworm and get an answer for you. It just saves her communicating with everyone, and makes her hostessing easier.
We were going to name our group. Sherry came up with "three's a charm," which I think we only have one more to hear from to have our vote completed. Sorry; I can't remember who was yet to write to the thread; my brain is really "fried" tonight, but it will be going again tomorrow!!
Also, some in group 1 decided to do a 30 day-turn-around instead of 60. I mentioned this as I added to Sherry's thread of above. I would prefer to just keep it 60 days, as my answer to a previous thread said. Also, we have to remember we will be wanting to quilt our rows upon completion. If we do a 30 day-turn-around, it just means we have twice as much quilting to do. I already have a quilt to make from my swap with Madien-Maine, and a Christmas Quilt top to finish. So, that is just my idea; what is the feedback from everyone else?
Sherry mentioned seeing pictures of everyone's row, which sounds like fun! She also mentioned a journal from each of us to put with our row. Maybe she can "fill us in," on that a little more thoroughly.
That is all from me tonight. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and looking forward to New Years!
Stay in stitches,

Roseysue 12-26-2010 10:40 PM

I am finally picking my head off the pillow, recovering from my 'all-nighter' I did to finish the placemats I was making for a Christmas Gift. I guess I spent too much time 'talking to everyone on here and not enuf time sewing - I think it's called procrastinating!
I've been reading the thread for our group so I can answer anything that is asked and make comments too. I think I told in the other thread sherry that "3's a charm" is fine with me.
I think I would like to stay with 60 days, since I like to participate in a number of things as well as my ongoing line of QBD (quilts to be done ( family is coming back for more!) as well as guild activities and a couple of other group activities on the board.
I don't want to rush what will be a very special row for each of you and that's very important to me. I have the different fabrics I'm going to use in my row for me. I will take a pic to show. Thanks Sherry for your pics.

I agree that it will be great to have pics from everyone as we go along- inspiring and really builds the excitement!

Tell us more about the Journal, Sherry. Sounds like a good idea. I just need to know what you are talking about.
Also more description about the autograph block would help me since I cannot visualize ( a picture too when there is one)
With mailing our first row (our row) do we mail it by Feb 15?
About quilting the rows - do we quilt each row as we finish the row? It will help to have more info on that since I can't picture all that coming together. Does that mean we sandwich the row with batting and backing? I need some clarification please.
Christmas was fun with Family,but honestly, you all are a more 'knowing' family than any family or other friends I have. We share such a special bond and love for fabic and color and shapes and feel. Only those of us can 'know'what that is.
I'm going to go to bed so I can start tomorrow 'catching up on those things I had to put off during Christmas (finish and give a few gifts not done in time, gather 'returns' together and get them in the mail. ( I sure can use the 'credit to my credit card acct.)
Then begin to organize my sewing room, sort fabric (see what came in while i was too busy to enjoy it) and
inbetween all these activites, do my quilting during periods of time to make some progress there!!!

ssnare 12-26-2010 10:48 PM

60 days is fine with me too. I am off for 3 weeks now, but I teach CNA classes 2 days a week and go to 2 guilds and belong to 4 Red hat groups. And I am in secret pal swap. I also get in my exercise at the pool, so my legs don't hurt me as much. The neatest thing of all is that I have been nominated for an excellence teacher award and I have to prepare a 30 page portfolio and that all has to be turned in by Jan. 31. I have never done a portfolio. :? I will look on the other threads of group 1 and 2 and find out more about the journal, label and etc. and get back to you. We mail our first row by Feb. 15. And everything we want to send with it. We do not quilt them as we sew the row. We quilt our own when we get it back. At least that is the way I interpret it. This is my first time too and I am new to quilting. I have just been reading the threads from group 1 and 2 to see what to do.

Roseysue 12-26-2010 11:08 PM

I didn 't think anyone else would still be up. Can't get away from this can we? You sound a lot busier than me! But you know that 'busy people are happy people' so I know we are really really happy. I kinda thought that we quilted it at the end, since it wouldn't look very good done piecemeal. I'm trying to catch up on 2 days of resisting my computer, since I get here and the time flies by
I posted in the main thread asking about others who are doing what I am doing- having their fabric used to construct a satr in their block, I want to see if they have the same idea. I know I saw one person and didn't get back there before all the groups were chosen. If you run across anything like it let me know..

Short an Sweet 12-27-2010 05:10 AM

Frogquilter & Nancy in Louisianna (batik Stars)are both doing stars, but groups 1 & 2 had already been chosen b4 I printed the list, hope this helps

Originally Posted by Roseysue
I didn 't think anyone else would still be up. Can't get away from this can we? You sound a lot busier than me! But you know that 'busy people are happy people' so I know we are really really happy. I kinda thought that we quilted it at the end, since it wouldn't look very good done piecemeal. I'm trying to catch up on 2 days of resisting my computer, since I get here and the time flies by
I posted in the main thread asking about others who are doing what I am doing- having their fabric used to construct a satr in their block, I want to see if they have the same idea. I know I saw one person and didn't get back there before all the groups were chosen. If you run across anything like it let me know..

Mariah 12-27-2010 05:42 AM

Good Morning everyone,
Good to hear, Roseysue, and sounds like you had a Christmas similar to mine; lots of people, tried to do too much, ect. I am glad it is over, but it was fun and we enjoyed every minute of it.
To answer your questions, here I go. I got the answers from Bookworm before we started, as I had the same questions.
No, we don't do any quilting before sending it on. When we get all of our rows back, then we do the sandwiching and quilting. Just the rows go for now.
I don't want to hurry either. I don't get to quilt except in the evenings, and that is when we don't have company or are gone somewhere. So, this will work out perfect.
I do hope I can get my row marked for quilting, but it won't be a big deal if I don't.
Have a wonderful New Year, everyone, and talk later.

ssnare 12-27-2010 08:02 AM

Here is information on the autograph blocks: We all make 4 autograph blocks and 1 for ourselves – a total of 5. We sign our name, forum name, where you are from, the group name & activity and date. (you can add or subtract whatever info you want, it's up to you what you include). After filling out what you want to put on your blocks, keep one for yourself, then send the rest with your row. Everyone should take one at the time they work on your row. The rest are sent on with your row onto the next, until your row & blocks have passed through everyone and you get your row home again, minus your autograph blocks. We will end up with signature blocks signed by all of us to go with our quilts. There are all kinds of autograph blocks. Quilters cache has some, or check the internet for the block patterns. It really is endless. We will be taking one each,for us to keep. These accompany the row we are working on.

Then you include a label that has as an example:

Row Robin 2011 hosted by Bookworm
*3's a Charm*
Row 1 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 2 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 3 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 4 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 5 (completed by): ( name, date, location)

I hope this makes sense. The autograph blocks and label can be any shape or size you choose to go with your theme or whatever you choose. Use a black pigma pen or send one with your row.

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