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Nancy in Louisiana 12-29-2010 11:50 AM

Happy New Year Y'all!! Here we are with our own thread. I think we should take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other since I'm sure we will be doing a lot of communicating over the next few months.

I'm a 60-yr-old grandmother to three beautiful girls. I have two grown daughters -- the oldest is 30, mother to my grandbabies (8 and 5 years, 7 months). My other daughter is 24 and is engaged to be married this April. They both live in the Houston area. My husband and I live in Louisiana, in a house in sort of a woods (what's left after Hurricane Rita a few years back) on the bank of the Calcasieu River. It's not a particularly pretty river by us (narrow with seasonal cabins across from us), but some areas take you back to primitive times when the Cajuns were coming down from Canada and settled the area. It's surrounded by cypress, moss, herons, pelicans, palms, turtles, and (alas) gators and snakes. I've been sewing all my life, but have only been quilting for the last 10 or 12 years. I quilt for enjoyment, meaning I like instant gratification. My quilts are not "heirloom" quilts -- they are curl-up-in-front-of-the-TV-with-the-dog quilts. When I do part with one, it comes with the warning that I better not see it in the bed of the pickup. I collect and hoard fabric and patterns shamelessly. I spend far too much time on the computer with "The Board" and drooling over quilt patterns and fabric websites. Lake Charles is sort of a small city, and I live in an unincorporated area (meaning we don't have our own police, pay our own trash pickup, don't get to vote in city matters that somehow still apply to us, etc.) It's an area that used to be dominated with chemical plants (almost all gone now) and oil refineries (also hurting, and you know why) and now gambling casinos. I guess you could call us a "resort" area. We're about half hour from the gulf, two hours from Baton Rouge, and two hours from Houston. Husband took an early retirement (lucky me) and has devoted his time to proving to the world that he is a triathlete -- and he is. He has competed in many competitions and won his age group several times. This spring he will go to compete in the "Escape from Alcatraz", then to Beijing, China to represent the US in an international competition there, and to Kona in the fall to compete in the Hawaiian Ironman (he qualified by winning his age group in the Panama City Iron Man this past November. For those who don't know what an Iron Man is, it's a 2.2 mile swim in open water followed by a 112 mile bicycle course followed by a 26 mile run. Yes, it is insane. My thoughts are that if God meant us to do that, he'd have given us four legs, gills, and a sprocket.) Though I will admit I am proud of him, we are running out of space for all his trophies and t-shirts and I still cringe when he dons his Speedo. While he's out training, I'm usually home with my 5 dogs (all rescues, none acquired intentionally). I gave up housekeeping, and have devoted myself to my own brand of retirement, doing what I want and when I want. So far things haven't gone bad enough that I can't find my sewing machine, but finding a particular piece of fabric may be a problem.

But enough about me -- how about y'all?

Qbee 12-29-2010 02:15 PM

Oh my goodness you are going to be BUSY with your daughter's wedding this Spring! I will enjoy seeing your preperations! Congrats to your husband on his accomplishments! I do know about Ironman as we have one here in the Louisville area and the bikers ride right by the house :D
So....I am 45 years old and mom to 3. My oldest is my 24 year old stepdaughter who lives in Texas. She graduated from University of Texas in '09 and LOVES Austin. My son is 20 and is in his 2nd year at Murray State University here in KY majoring in Music Education; he plays trumpet. My "baby" girl will be 18 in February and will graduate from High School this year and then will be off to the University of Kentucky :( So...come June, I will be an empty nester :( I started quilting this past July when my father passed away as a way to fill the time that had been spent caring for him. I lost my mom about 3 weeks ago so 2010 was NOT a great year for me. Thankfully, quilting and the folks on this board have been a huge comfort for me.
Now...on the fun stuff! I am super excited about this Row Robin!! I really think it is going to be SUPER fun!! My theme is "Spring". I'm hoping it will be filled with flowers, bees, butterflys, birds, birdhouses, ladies in bonnets, or whatever makes you think of Spring. For newbies like me, plane ole blocks in Spring colors are great.
I guess we need to think of a name for our litte Group #6. Hmmmm.....there are 5 of us in the group....Nancy in Louisiana, FQ Stash Queen, TF Quilter, Pamesue and me Qbee. I tried to come up with something with our names but couldn't think of anything...N L F T P Q...."Nice Ladies Finish their Pieces Quick"...LOL :D Bit too long. Here are a couple of ideas that came to me but ya'll will surely come up with something much more fun:
"Sassy Six"
"Six Easy Pieces"
I guess that's all I got for now :D Let the fun begin!

sewwhat85 12-29-2010 03:13 PM

sounds like fun

pamesue 12-30-2010 05:38 AM

Well, I am excited to be in this group...

I am a 52 year Mom of 2. My daughter is 21(22 in Feb) and attending Nursing school, my son is 20 (21 in Mar) and attending school for computer animation. I also have 2 stepchildred Sherri (33) who gave us 2 beautiful grandsons (Tyler and Gavin) and Rob (36). I have been married for 24 years, but my DH and I have been together for 30 years. He retired about 3 years ago from Ford Motor Company (36 years) and works part time for the American Legion Post. I work for a large inter-city hospital (20 years). We live south of the Motor City and have for the many years.

Now I have been quilting for about 15 years. It took my friend 2years to convince me to make a quilt, I did not want too! Finally I agreed to make 1 quilt and 1 quilt only! Well never mind you know how that ended. I am so addicted to the craft that it is embarassing. I also do machine embroidery and donate alot to "quilts for comfort" which is a group that was formed on an embroidery web site and now has it's own yahoo group. This christmas I made quilts for 8 of my family members. I love to make things for other people, but I am careful who I make them for, not everyone likes homemade gifts.

So that sums it up on me..My theme is brown and pinks and this will be for me...yeah!!

as for a name for our group....I am easy, call us whatever ...I am just happy to be in the group.


Qbee 01-01-2011 01:50 AM

So we just need to hear from FQ Stash Queen and TF Quilter! Time to get this group named and going! :D
Happy New Year Group 6 partners!!

Nancy in Louisiana 01-01-2011 09:11 AM

Yes -- Happy New Year to All!!!As soon as we hear from FQ and TF, we'll get going with a little more definition as to what we all want or don't want or envision ... vague themes like "garden" or "scrappy" leave a lot of room for interpretation, and I don't want anyone to be disappointed. I suppose once we all get our first row done and photographed and posted, that should take care of a lot of questions. By the way, does anyone have any problems with posting pictures??

TFquilter 01-01-2011 12:57 PM

Hi Group 6:

I am so excited to be part of this group..sorry I didn't get on top of this sooner, I have pleurisy, but am on the mend. My husband and I are retired and live in Idaho. We have raised 6 children of which includes 2 granddaughters, which we adopted. I love quilting, sewing, hand work, making jewelry...I think we are all going to have so much fun getting to know each other. Nancy, thankyou for "being in charge." I think there were suggestions being made for a group name, how about Traveling Threads...Sew On and Sew Forth, Quilts Around Goes Around, Quilting to Know You...I don't know, just something to think about. My theme is Girls/Ladies, Past or Present...I am working on my row...will be done soon and then will post pictures. Nancy, can we include a small notebook/journal for each person to write in as they work on my row; a label for everyone to sign their name or am I jumping ahead...anyway, I am excited to belong to Group 6... :thumbup: HAPPY NEW YEAR..

Nancy in Louisiana 01-01-2011 01:39 PM

I LOVE "QUILTING TO KNOW YOU"!!! All your suggestions are very clever, but that one is my favorite. And your idea of a notebook is a good one. I would like to be able to include pictures in the journals so that at the end we could consolidate them somehow and distribute. I don't know how to work it out, exactly, but I'm sure it can be done. Great idea. It would be like a "slice of life" diary from each of our different states. Open for suggestions, ladies ....

Qbee 01-01-2011 06:28 PM

I love the idea of a notebook or journal! I have already sent a PM to another board member about hopefully making me a label...I'm SO excited! I SOOO want an embroidary machine someday so I can make my own labels and stuff :(
I too LOVE the sound of "Quilting to know you" :) It caught my attention the minute I read it!
I have started drawing my row out but can't decide for sure partially because I want things that I don't even know how to do! LOL!! So excited to be in this group! :D

pamesue 01-01-2011 07:12 PM

"Quilting to know you" is my choice as well...luv it.

I am open to a journal..

I have made 3 of my blocks so far, working on the 4th. Actually I would like to add sashing to my blocks, would you ladies be okay adding sashing to the blocks that you make me? I will send the sashing to each person individual. You would be able to use the sashing as a method to square up the block if need be....so what do you think?

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