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-   -   Scrappy Siggie Block Swap-special note on pge 150- Closed (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/scrappy-siggie-block-swap-special-note-pge-150-closed-t36647.html)

Deecee 08-14-2010 03:16 PM

Goldendog - I love this layout idea.

no1jan 08-14-2010 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by goldendog55
I wanted to show you what I am doing with my little siggies. Here's a picture of the block I am making for my quilt.

Great job! Can't wait to see it when it's done.

susiequilt 08-14-2010 04:51 PM

That's going to be lovely, goldendog.

I'm doing this layout except with 9 patch blocks. I couldn't do 16 patch 6"!

A couple of months ago I gave away a bunch of fabric for shipping and 3 9 patch blocks so I have 42 9 patch blocks to use! All I need is time to put it together.
The only thing in the top I will have made is 1 3"siggy block and the borders!
Its going to be full of memories of all the great board members here.

goldendog55 08-14-2010 08:06 PM

I like that quilt, susiequilt! So pretty and bright!

AkAngel 08-15-2010 02:02 AM

Goldendog and susiequilt, both your layouts look great for the siggy blocks. I am thinking about a trip around the world layout, although I won't know for sure til I get them back and let them talk to me. If I decide to do that then I will cut a bunch of squares and start sewing them as leaders and enders while piecing my FWS quilt. Maybe by the time I get the blocks pieced I'll have enough squares pieced to start putting together this top, sounds like a plan anyway...but then you know what they say about best laid plans...lol

Philarena 08-15-2010 03:53 AM

Both of those layouts look really great! I can't wait until my Siggies find their way home. I want to read all the people's names, towns, and states or countries; then I want to stare at all the different fabrics that were used by different people. I am so glad that I got to participate - even if I didn't finish all of my blocks. I still have blocks here at home that I finished sewing but didn't have time to sign. If anyone would like a block from Philarena, just PM me with your address; and I'll be glad to send you one. Otherwise, I guess the leftovers will be used somehow in my quilt. I want to thank those who offered to help me when I fell so far behind! I thank all of you who sent hugs and encouraging words when I wasn't feeling very well. I especially want to thank NorBana for organizing this, keeping us on task when the conversations started to drift, extending the final counting and exchange so people like me could still participate, spending all that time counting and preparing the Siggies for their journey back to their new home/new owner. NorBana, you are the best! You really gave of yourself! Your counting partners: No 1 Jan and sew'n'sew and 1 husband were all awesome, too. Then we have the Center that gave you the room to work and even left the key with total strangers when none of you were members of their organization, and a special thank you to the worker lady who helped the sorters to complete their task. When you look at the number of people involved in order to bring this swap to a successful close, it is almost mind-boggling! If we hadn't had NorBana to do all the organizing and to keep everything running smoothly, there could have been (and would have been, I'm sure) a tangled mess and a lot more unhappy people
NorBana, I salute you and thank you very much for your tireless, selfless efforts for this group. Never thinking of yourself or what your body needs (like sleep!), but always looking out for the greater good of the group. Thank you sssooooooooooooooooooooo much for being exactly what we needed. I love you like a sister and appreciate you ssssooooooooooooooooooo much.

Your quilting sister,

no1jan 08-15-2010 01:38 PM

I love looking at all of the designs that people have come up with for their blocks. My ideas are still running through my head.

My son, who was just married last year and he has just given me 4 Christmas projects to finish before Thanksgiving plus a baby quilt for one of his wife's bridgesmaids who is newly pregnant.

Philarena, just to let you know that the second helper who got me involved was "sewcrafty" and her husband. She is my mentor and a wonderful person. I know you didn't mean to get her name wrong, but she does deserve the credit. Without her, I would not have been involved, nor have learned so much in the last year! I know after a while all of the screen names look similar and I get mixed up all the time.

I can't wait to start my Siggie quilt, but my son is the Clark Griswald of Christmas (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation)! He thinks of Christmas 365 days a year and is so excited about decorating for Christmas. He and his wife plan on getting their first home before this Christmas so that adds to his expectations of decorating.

He has even asked for one of the goofiest looking Christmas sweaters I can find. He truly is a Clark Griswald even though I don't think his new wife appreciates it!!!

To all of the people who were involved in this swap. if you didn't receive one from me, just pm me your name and address and I will send one to you. I know some people only sent in a small amount so they don't have one from everyone.

This swap has been a real pleasure to me, and hopefully everyone is enjoying it!

Thank you everyone! Without the help of the entire group involved this could not have been the success it has been.

Can't wait to see the pics of all the quilts, mine will be a little long in coming!

Shemjo 08-15-2010 01:57 PM

I have been playing with my blocks, moving them around quite a bit, and I must tell you, I am in awe of the organizers and helpers. You guys ROCK!

burnsk 08-15-2010 03:02 PM

PHEW - I have been sitting here all afternoon doing a spreadsheet of all the blocks - name, board name, city, state, country. What a job that was. Has anyone else done this to completion yet? It gave me another opportunity to touch and OOOOH and AWWW over all the blocks. How many participants were there total? I came up with 134 including the extra sets, but my math isn't always the best.

Went back and looked at the list:
159 signed up
131 made blocks
3 participants made 2 sets of blocks
28 didn't participate

I love looking at everyone's ideas. These are going to be gorgeous when they are done.

Thank you, thank you, thank you - can't be said enough.

kwiltkrazy 08-15-2010 03:12 PM

wow, and how many blocks in total, something like 22,000. Wow that is a swap.

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