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-   -   Secret Santa 2017-Signups Closed--All Names Out (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-2017-signups-closed-all-names-out-t291129.html)

tlrnhi 09-12-2017 05:09 AM

Secret Santa 2017-Signups Closed--All Names Out
I have had a few people send me their info thinking that Secret Santa was already open. Those messages were deleted. Sooo...if you sent me your info earlier than this posting, please resend your information.
Let's all have fun with this!

Ok ladies and gents.

Time for another fun round of Secret Santa.

Here you will find the rules to Secret Santa. It's easy and fun and no drama. Just follow the rules and all will be fine.


Here are the rules.

I will be accepting names until October 15th. So, tell your friends, have your friends tell their friends and their friends tell their friends...you get the drift, right?
You will receive your name/person by October 18th.

I WILL NOT accept ANY late sign ups, so make sure that if you know anyone that wants to participate, that they sign up in time.

**If I have forgotten anything, please let me know.**

First...a bit of unpleasantness....


1. Mail deadline is November 10th. That is a HARD deadline. No mailing AFTER this time. Since you have a month, there should be NO excuse for mailing late, unless you are incapacitated or 6 feet under.

2. ALL packages MUST have a DELIVERY CONFIRMATION when sent. Last year there were too many packages that were sent late and a few that were not received. With a Delivery Confirmation, the package can be somewhat tracked when received. If the receiver HAS NOT received their package from you and you said you sent it, you will be required to PROVE your sending with a copy of the mail receipt showing such. The mail receipt will show that you paid for the Delivery Confirmation, along with the zip code that the package was shipped to. So, DO NOT toss the receipt or the Delivery Confirmation slip away UNTIL YOU HEAR THAT YOUR PERSON HAS RECEIVED THEIR PACKAGE!

If you are sending overseas/Canada, delivery Confirmation is not needed.

3. IF you cannot adhere to the rules and/or you receive a package, but do not send one, YOU WILL be banned from ANY further swap(s) I run AND I will also let other swappers know of your action in this swap. I will also post negative feedback for you and will encourage the person with whom you were to send to, to do the same.
Last year we had too many "angels" step forward and send to people who did not receive from their Secret Santa due to people NOT sending.

4. By signing up, means that you have read the rules and that you WILL adhere to them.

5. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT OPEN the package if you are unsure if it's from your Secret Santa. If you aren't sure, just send me a PM and ask me. I can tell you if it's your SS by the address.
For those that will use another address (mom's, sister's, aunt's, etc), if you put maybe some stickers or even write Secret Santa on the package, that would help also.

6. If you are sending overseas, you will be required to attach a Customs Form to the package. It sucks to have to do this, but it's required.
DO NOT make the total of the amount on the Customs Form MORE than $20. Even if the package is worth $1000, DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT make the amount for more than $20. If you do, the receiver will have to pay Customs/VAT taxes on the package and we don't want that to happen.
When you fill out the form, you can put ..

This is just an example.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but there have been too many hurt feelings lately in swaps and people NEED to be held accountable for their actions.
Please understand that if you are on the thread and chatting, that is fine, but not everyone will be chatting. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT make snide/bad/hurtful remarks if you do not see the person you are sending to not chatty. If I see this happening, I WILL ban you from any of my future swaps. This is to be fun!!

Remember, put a card in the package so the receiver knows who the sender is. If you accidentally forget to put the card in once your package is sent, just send the card separately with the same return addy you put on the package.

Now, that the "ugly" is over....

As in the past years, you will send 4 Fat Quarters and a gift(s) NOT to exceed $20. I know some in the past have sent MUCH more than the $20 limit and that cannot be helped. That is nothing to get mad about and nothing I can control. Some people are more generous than others. If you send home made baked good, those DO NOT count towards the $20 limit.
There are people who wait all year for this swap and shop all year to get good deals on great things.

You will get 1 (one) name and one name only.
You cannot and will not be able to have 2 people to send to.
The ONLY exception is IF I need a "Santa Angel" because someone has
left the swap due to being ill, dead, or any other incapacitating illness or to just being a flake.
I don't like when this happens, but it does happen regularly.
You can sign up to be an "angel", but it doesn't mean you will.
With "Angels", I try to fit them with the person that is closest to them.
Usually when someone leaves, it's right when the deadline for mailing is ending,
so I want to make sure the package doesn't have to travel a long way.

***I am also making an exception to joining the swap.
Many people have Moms who live with them and enjoy the fun we have.
If Mom wants to join, she has to sign up separately. (you can sign her up under your board name)
She will get a name to send to and someone will get her name.
The SAME rules apply to her. But...if Mom "flakes" out, YOU will be responsible and get the negative feedback.

If you wish to participate, send me a PM with the following

Please copy and paste the following and fill out. Send it to me in a PM.
Be as specific as you can.

**Please make sure you complete the list. Some will only give their name, address and maybe one or 2 things about themselves. This makes it hard for the person sending to them to figure out what the likes/dislikes, etc are. So, please be nice to the person who gets your name by filling out the entire question list.**

Board Name:


Address (make sure it's a full address):



Will you send international?
Overseas (Europe, South America, Australia, Japan)

Do you have pets?

Do you mind sending/receiving from a smoker?

What's your favorite color? Worst color?

Fabric type - Batik, solids, floral, Civil War, 30's, other?

Quilting style - traditional, modern, scrappy?

Coffee or Tea?

Chocolate - love it or hate it?

Do you prefer homemade gifts or store bought?

What's your favorite flower?

Your favorite snack?

What's playing in your sewing area when your there? T.V., music, book?

The fabric color I am looking for is?

Your favorite notion/fabric line?

Least favorite notion/fabric line?

Do you have an embroidery machine?

Do you hand embroider?

Would you like to receive gently used items (templates, patterns, appliqué book or any book having to do with quilting, orphan blocks, magazines)?

The One thing I want the most is:

Favorite candy/cookies/snack:

When addressing your package, put as an example

Santa, Santa's Elf, Jolly Man (just an example of what you can use)
123 Main Street
Any Town, AR 12345
(the address will be YOUR address)

Don't forget....if you have something that can be repurposed, that would be great too!
Make sure it's NOT trash. That has been sent as a gift in the past.
If you have a magazine that is torn/very worn, that IS NOT a repurposed item.
Little baggies of scraps ARE NOT repurposed items. Try to be thoughtful.
If you aren't sure if your person would like what you are sending, just think to yourself...Would I like to receive this package?
It's as easy as that. This is nothing to stress over and if you are still having a hard time with it, just ask me. I can help you with it.

This exchange is open to ANYONE. Those that are international, will get their information earlier to allow for extra time for packages to arrive to their destination.

Just because you say you can ship international/Europe/Australia/Canada, DOES NOT mean you will ship to them and/or receive from them. I try to make it fair that if you do sign up for international/Canada, that you do receive from such, but sometimes the numbers don't work out. If I have 10 people that are international/Canada and 20 US people sign up to send, I cannot cut people in half to make it possible for everyone to get the same. Clear as mud?

Once you have sent or received your package, please send me a message indicating that it has been sent and/or received.

There will be a chat session, so everyone can come and we can open our gifts together. That date will be determined at a later time.

Remember, this is SECRET. You won't know who is sending to you and the person you are sending to, won't know it's you until reveal day in chat.

If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to PM me and ask.

Let's have a great time with this.

I do need to add that those who are not in the US or that have names for outside the US, will have to mail early due to the time that it takes to get from one country to another, especially from the US to Canada. Seems it can take up to 4 weeks to get a package to Canada. Those sending to Canada OR overseas DO NOT need a Delivery Confirmation. Just holding the receipt for proof of mailing will suffice.

***If you have ANY questions, please DO NOT hesitate to ask me. Just send me a PM and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

J_cody 09-12-2017 05:50 AM

WOO HOO I am in again this Year Bring on the Fun...

BrendaK 09-12-2017 02:13 PM

Will be sending my information soon. Love this swap. BrendaK

Rumbols 09-12-2017 02:58 PM

I am in. Will be sending info soon. Reading all instructions carefully.

quiltingdragon 09-12-2017 03:40 PM

Yay! I have been looking forward to this for months. I am finally starting to feel like myself again after losing my mom, and I am determined to enjoy Christmas this year. I am going to probably have to send two boxes as the deadline falls during my trip, and I will get something for my person I am sure while I check out the quilt shops in San Fransisco!

Armylady2012 09-12-2017 04:06 PM

I want to join I will send my info as soon as I can.

TheMerkleFamily 09-12-2017 04:25 PM

My first Secret Santa and I'm so looking forward to putting a fun package together! Read ALL the instructions and am ready to do this! Info sent :thumbup:

roseirish48 09-12-2017 06:22 PM

sign me up again--info on way

verna2197 09-12-2017 08:27 PM

I too am in again first time was last year and I really enjoyed it.

kwyltaholic 09-12-2017 10:12 PM

Sign me up please. Pm sent.
This is my 1st Secret Santa.
Sounds like fun :thumbup:

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