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dreamer2009 10-16-2014 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by SheriR (Post 6930737)
I clearly don't get notified of all the posts when I subscribe. Or I've fallen asleep in the Hole.....

Here is the crochet flower/button link: http://www.craftandfun.com/2014/09/r...netto.html?m=1

you must scroll to nearly the end for the English version:

RND 1 : sc in the 1st hole of button, ch 4 ( for bigger button ch 5 ), sc in the 2nd hole, ch 4, sc in the 3rd hole, ch 4, sc in the 4th hole, ch 4, sc in the 1st hole, ch 4, join with a sl st to the 1st sc.

RND 2 : *sl st, hdc, 4dc, hdc, sl st * repeat 4 times , sl st to the 1st sl st, finish off.

I actually figured it out by just looking at the pictures, then I watched her video for clarification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JycQgsflVyE

They're very easy. Hope this helps.

thanks bunches...
now to try and get TBI
to understand crochet.

jaba 10-16-2014 06:21 AM

I've been sewing for my SS, sure hope she can use it. Still need to go through her list of favorite colors and round up some fabrics for her. And for my SS, any "tool" you bought and are not using I'd be glad to give it a try. If I already have it bet there is someone out there that can use it.

Dedemac 10-16-2014 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by NanaCindyLou (Post 6930666)
I also love apple butter and aprons AND my state name has an "A" in it.... again, me, me, me!!!

No no Nana, she has my name!:D:D I have almost worn my aprons out. I have a few patterns to make new ones, but do you think I remember to make them? When I see the fabric I think oh what square would that look good in, and cut into it. And all the apple butter I made this year, went to church for a bake sale, and I did not even save one jar for myself.:(

pyffer3 10-16-2014 07:02 AM

I think re-gifting is great. Sometimes we get things we know we are never gonna use and it just sits in the back of a closet......waste not, want not! Right?
I love the apron, the Christmas panel, buttons, my name has an A in it (not my state though), I wore socks today, and I broke my nook hard cover so would love a new one if someone knows how to sew them??? I have no patience for those sewing projects!
I will visit the hole later with some hot apple cidar and I have made some of those cake in a jar things. They are wonderful...chocolate cake with chocolate ganache. See you soon.

Neesie 10-16-2014 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by SheriR (Post 6930794)
I've heard pigs and peacocks are good snake hunters. I like pigs though I'd do NOT want a real one and I'd love a peacock in my yard. Are pets/guardians allowed in the hole?

Since it's a virtual hole, I see no problem with allowing virtual pets into it. However, in real life, peacocks (like chickens) can create quite a stink in a small, enclosed area. The Hole is pretty roomy but the virtual stink of a virtual peacock just might become offensive, after a while. Pigs can supposedly be house/Hole-trained, so that may be a better option. At any rate, I doubt anyone would object, as long as the owner promises to clean up any virtual accidents and no members are virtually allergic to the animals. That said, I prefer to leave virtual-Phoebe at home, as she'd get into my virtual way, during our virtual fabric raids . . . ummmm, I mean our virtual fabric searches! Yeah, searches! :)

Neesie 10-16-2014 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by PeginCO (Post 6930861)
Mmmmmmmmm......apple butter. :)

for clarification - that apron already has a home. I was just fishin' to see if I should make another.

All the other stuff is meant for ME, right? :thumbup:

IrishgalfromNJ 10-16-2014 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by Neesie (Post 6931068)
Since it's a virtual hole, I see no problem with allowing virtual pets into it. However, in real life, peacocks (like chickens) can create quite a stink in a small, enclosed area. The Hole is pretty roomy but the virtual stink of a virtual peacock just might become offensive, after a while. Pigs can supposedly be house/Hole-trained, so that may be a better option. At any rate, I doubt anyone would object, as long as the owner promises to clean up any virtual accidents and no members are virtually allergic to the animals. That said, I prefer to leave virtual-Phoebe at home, as she'd get into my virtual way, during our virtual fabric raids . . . ummmm, I mean our virtual fabric searches! Yeah, searches! :)

LOL. If all this wasn't virtual I would even be talking about visiting a hole in the ground. Definitely not my idea of a good place in the real world. Thank goodness our packages aren't going to be virtual.

Quercus Rubra 10-16-2014 07:57 AM

Wheeeewwwww!! :eek: What a bunch of chatty Cathy's we are. There are some fabulous ideas coming out as we gather about. So many hints that could be me and interesting questions being asked that it's hard to keep up with out a pad of paper & pencil on hand. LOL. Let me see if I can answer some of the ones I saw on here.

I love buttons and others things that I can add to a Crazy Quilt that I'm going to be working this winter. It's red,green and white. But don't let the color dictate the anything you might send. :thumbup:. I never put in a zipper but I have several patterns that I like that have them in them. I haven't any wonder clips so I have no opinion on them. As for notions be them new or gently used; I love them. Long handled seam rippers are my best friends at times. I don't have many rulers/squares. I love a lots of colors that have me thinking of Fall, vintage shades &prints like Thimbleberry, CW types. But I don't hate any color either. As for non-fabrics, I would say warm palette but also purples & turquoise.

I love drinking anything that isn't sugar-free and I was just thinking about having to get an insulated mug, so a travelling mug/cup would be a good thing, but I also collect tea cup sets for my hot teas. I love Christmas/Yule themed items. I think that home made ornaments are the greatest thing but I do have an eclectic mix of things that go on my tree every year.

I love to read & read all kind of things. I think home made book marks are a really nice treasure. I love ALL the touristy items out there. They are fun to get & I also love regional tee-shirts.
I wear xl to 3x long or short sleeve, cute and/or funny welcomed too. I love long ones, they are great to sleep in. Yes!! In fact I'm wearing a gifted pair of socks right now as it's a tad chilly here today in Mid-Michigan.

As for grand children, I have one 3 yr. old GS, one angel GD and expecting another GD March 1st. Does a chaotic mess count? :D I need some nice stacking bins of some sort to tame the monsters in the house & storage unit. I would love anything home made from my SS. Albeit quilty stuff, to Anything that they canned/or baked in their kitchen to aprons. I could use some new oven mitts.

Well I think covers most of it. Neesie that is a cool little Santa print are too cute. Both my real name & board name have an "A" as does my state name. I have 2 cats and it won't be warm for the holidays here.

I also send out some healing thoughts to all of us that need them. I know I have my thyroid surgery on the 27th, so I might be able to be on the computer so much as I am right now. Now I'm off for food and a meeting with my sewing machine.


ArizonaKAT 10-16-2014 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by PeginCO (Post 6930556)
Ok, first of all... Anyone else gaining weight just reading about all the treats and drinks?!?! Or is it just me....

Second - guess what, Santee! I was gifted some fabric, and one of the pieces is 2 YARDS of just what you asked for!! I'm so excited!! There were also some smaller pieces that I made into a mini-jelly roll for you. Now, that is on top of the beeeeeeeeeeautiful FQs I bought you. So far, I have made you a small fabric basket (and filled it with notions and goodies) and this weekend, I hope to make you something else (a little bigger) you said you might like.

I wonder if you are an apron person like me...I once made this for a swap:

Cool apron. Great colors. Send it on!

ArizonaKAT 10-16-2014 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by PenniF (Post 6930564)
I can bring my Kazoo and charm the little squiggly out !!

Adding my YES vote to anything "recycled" from someone's quilting horde. I actually have something i bought a year ago and never even opened the packaging...and was going to send it along to my SSee.....as said, anything that is not just right for the receivers can always gladly be passed along to someone they think will like it. I really wanted it at the time - but decided later it just wasn't for me.....and i wouldn't count that in the $$ spent.

Sitting here at my computer listening to the lids "pop" on my apple butter jars. No sweeter sound to any home canner. Got 24 lbs of apples from my DSIL and just couldn't let them go to waste....so now have 17 pints of apple butter.....Will be passed out to friends for Christmas. Guess i'll bring some to the hole - it's great on biscuits, English muffins, scones etc....we could have a nice little tea party !!! (Bailey's in my English Breakfast please)

Night night y'all.

Hint....my SS lives in a state that has an A in it.


HA! I knew that apron was mine!

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