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CookyIN 10-22-2014 03:02 PM

SulaBug, so glad to see you posting; we've missed you! Lovely things you've made... lucky Santee that you're sending to...

In fact, I'd like one of everything that everyone's making please... a girl can dream, can't she? So much talent in this group!

Neesie 10-22-2014 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by SulaBug (Post 6939360)
Hello Everyone...............I have been missing in action, but now home again!! :D I just LOVE all of the pictures that are being posted of hand made gift's. So I thought I would post a couple of pictures of things I have made that my Santee may or may not be getting in her SS package!!
:D :D :D :D

Oooooooh! PRETTY!!!!!!! For ME????? :thumbup:

roseirish48 10-22-2014 04:01 PM

sorry didnt get to post ofice today like i had planned. box is packed and all ready to go but i got busy working on my ornament swap projects(read tearing it out and redoing more times than i like). hopefully tomorrow will go better.
i am an animal lover--4 dog(not all mine), one cat, one guinea pig (also nt mine) and 2 corn snakes (definitely not mine). bad enough when they got loose last year and gave me heart palpitations when i found one on the toilet and the other on the clothes dryer. eeewwwww!!!!!

Rennie 10-22-2014 04:49 PM

Sometimes trying to be sneaky backfires on me.... (grin). I gave my SS package to my brother to mail - I think it was last week - 'cause he lives in a nearby town and I thought that would confuse. Come to find out he forgot to mail it, so when he was here yesterday, I "Recovered' it from his car back seat. But that gave me a chance to add something else, so I hope to mail it MYSELF tomorrow. Oh, well.....

sewbizgirl 10-23-2014 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by SlightlyOffQuilter (Post 6938466)
Finally finished one of my handmade SS gifts ! This is the first time I have made a pointy table runner, those non right angled corners sure do take getting used to ! Hoping she likes it! She really likes bright colors and fun prints, so I am hoping she is a Kate Spain fan !

Great table runner, SlightlyOff! I love Kate Spain fabrics...

Patchesnposies 10-23-2014 05:11 AM

To my SS partner (wish I had posted this before): Please do not spend any money sending me treats/candy/drink mixes, etc...I have so many food and additive issues that it would be a waste of your money. Sorry that I did not think to post this earlier.

PenniF 10-23-2014 05:20 AM

SO many really cute / clever things being shown....Love that snowman wall hanging...and Sulabug - i would do a happy dance if i opened a box with those items in it.....OR the table runner.....Wow !!! Think i'll put some things together and take a "what could it be photo"...hmmmmmm?????

sunrise450 10-23-2014 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by SulaBug (Post 6939360)
Hello Everyone...............I have been missing in action, but now home again!! :D I just LOVE all of the pictures that are being posted of hand made gift's. So I thought I would post a couple of pictures of things I have made that my Santee may or may not be getting in her SS package!!
:D :D :D :D

Oh! Sulabug! Am I your Santee? My favorite colors(well some of them) and I love that rotary cutter and of course the runner! All just too darling!
All the hand made gifts are so wonderful. I make pot holders for myself and my daughters, have for years. Wouldn't you know it, I have been working on the same pot holders for the last three days! I can't get the binding right. I just removed the binding from them once again. I will try one more time and Santee if I can't get it right this time then off to something else.
My thoughts and prayers to those in Canada. I have family living there, haven't heard from them, probably today.

PenniF 10-23-2014 08:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
All the beautiful things folks are making...i've made a few here...but want to only give a "hint" of what's going into the box. Have 3 more things to finish... Hope my Santee will be pleased.http://www.quiltingboard.com/attachm...d=496286&stc=1

ShelleyCS 10-23-2014 09:39 AM

My parcel is ready to mail! Nothing homemade, but I found a couple of lovely bargains while I was on holiday in Florida and so hopefully you will like all the goodies!

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