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PenniF 11-06-2014 09:30 AM

Not that i want to deprive your SS, Neesie....but you can just send it along to me - just to be on the safe side.;)

huntannette 11-06-2014 09:59 AM

Ok so my package has been mailed and is off to my SS....hope she likes what I`ve sent....didn`t have a lot to go on....now I can relax....hmmm rum and coke sounds good...or pepsi...he he he......need me some sweets.....mmmm love brownies.....but can`t bake ,my hubby is on a diet...dang....

Neesie 11-06-2014 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by PenniF (Post 6958051)
"shake it and sniff it'' but no matter what Neesie says...DO NOT LICK IT !!!!!

You'd better watch out for Penni. She's trying to use reverse-psychology on you and trying to get you to LICK that package!!! :eek: Don't fall for it! It may be slathered with glue, so that your tongue will stick to it! :shock:

JAGSD 11-06-2014 10:38 AM

Picked up wrapping paper for my ss gifts yesterday now to get them wrapped.....Love hearing and reading about all! praying for those who have hardships and health issues. Our weather has been beautiful and so Hard to believe it's November! Dec 7 is our Guild Party but could open earlier or the next day.....

sunrise450 11-06-2014 10:48 AM

Nessie, You can just send that something you baked right on to me! It sounds like a fruitcake. Am I close?

juneayerza 11-06-2014 11:06 AM

Well Neesie, if I were your SS, the homebaked goodies wouldn't stay fresh for months because they would be long gone by then.

Neesie 11-06-2014 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by sunrise450 (Post 6958545)
Nessie, You can just send that something you baked right on to me! It sounds like a fruitcake. Am I close?

You and Penni will be able to sample some of the virtual goodies, on Opening Day! I'm not saying what it is . . . at least not until I actually bake it. ;)

ArizonaKAT 11-06-2014 11:16 AM

I've never gotten goodies in my box . . . yet . . .

Knitette 11-06-2014 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by TOOMANYUFO'S (Post 6958002)
I don't post much on this swap. We have a long time to wait for opening day. You can only give so many clues, etc to do with the swap. People get upset if you don't post, others get upset by lots of posts and topics. It makes me scared to post anything.

Although I'm never scared to post, I solved the problem of the prolific posters (those that post many times a day - or indeed page) by adding them to my 'Ignore' list. That way I have time to read what others have to say :)

Neesie 11-06-2014 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Knitette (Post 6958602)
Although I'm never scared to post, I solved the problem of the prolific posters (those that post many times a day - or indeed page) by adding them to my 'Ignore' list. That way I have time to read what others have to say :)

Well, you didn't have to come right out and SAY you're ignoring folks like me. I'm just gonna crawl off to my corner of the hole and not try to bother anyone, for a while. :(

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