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ArizonaKAT 11-06-2014 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by PenniF (Post 6958698)
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a "virtual cookie exchange". Used to do the real kind at work - we'd bake our favorite recipe - make 1 dozen for each person in the exchange plus a copy of the recipe - then trade them on exchange day - You only had to bake one kind of cookie - but everyone went home with all different kinds of cookies and new recipes.
Maybe this is already being done on another thread - or has been done to death and i just don't know it....but since i love to collect recipes, i thought i'd see if there was interest.

That sounds like a great idea. We would make dozens of cookies every Christmas. Put them in a cardboard box with wax paper between the layers and put them in the closet till the holidays. I just got my Mom's recipe for the apple cookie cake we made every Christmas.

blondeslave 11-06-2014 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Neesie (Post 6958622)
Well, you didn't have to come right out and SAY you're ignoring folks like me. I'm just gonna crawl off to my corner of the hole and not try to bother anyone, for a while. :(

I'll have to crawl off to the corner with you. Everyone says they want people to post but the only one who will play with me is Neesie and she has to. I was her SS last year. This is my third or fourth SS but I still feel like an unknown newbie. Last year I told an outrageous story. This year I brought whine and my box is singing to me to open it but I am all but invisible. Don't know what I'm doing wrong but I think I'll go back to lurking.

ArizonaKAT 11-06-2014 01:50 PM

You are welcome to come to the burg corner in the hole with us. We can lurk together. Bring your whine :-)

Neesie 11-06-2014 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by blondeslave (Post 6958748)
I'll have to crawl off to the corner with you. Everyone says they want people to post but the only one who will play with me is Neesie and she has to. I was her SS last year. This is my third or fourth SS but I still feel like an unknown newbie. Last year I told an outrageous story. This year I brought whine and my box is singing to me to open it but I am all but invisible. Don't know what I'm doing wrong but I think I'll go back to lurking.

Sharon, MY LAST YEAR'S SECRET SANTA, I never feel obligated to play with anyone. Fact is, you're a nice person and I like ya! :)

Bring your whine to the corner and I'll provide the glasses. Goblets or flutes? Goblets hold more, so let's go with them.

Neesie 11-06-2014 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by huntannette (Post 6958722)
now now....that wouldn`t be much fun now would it...besides we would miss having a laugh with you....want a rum and coke with kariboo and I??? besides she`s got you on mute now so no worry...she can`t hear you anymore....lol

:::::sniff, sniff:::::: I'm not quite finished being pathetic, yet. :(

Neesie 11-06-2014 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by PenniF (Post 6958698)
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a "virtual cookie exchange". Used to do the real kind at work - we'd bake our favorite recipe - make 1 dozen for each person in the exchange plus a copy of the recipe - then trade them on exchange day - You only had to bake one kind of cookie - but everyone went home with all different kinds of cookies and new recipes.
Maybe this is already being done on another thread - or has been done to death and i just don't know it....but since i love to collect recipes, i thought i'd see if there was interest.

Oh, a SECRET SANTA cookie exchange sounds like fun, even if only virtual. Great idea!

huntannette 11-06-2014 03:33 PM

Ok so I`m starting

Carrot Cookies

1 cup butter softened 2 cups all purposed flour
2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup cooked and mashed carrots
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup coconut
3/4 cup sugar

First mix dry ingredients together
In bowl soften butter, add eggs and sugar....mix in dry ingredients then carrots and lastly coconut
drop by spoonful on greased baking sheet...bake in pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 8 min. till slightly golden. Cool then ice with:

3 tablespoons butter softened
2 teaspoons orange zest
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 tablespoon orange juice
mix well to spreading consistency

quiltingdragon 11-06-2014 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by blondeslave (Post 6958748)
I'll have to crawl off to the corner with you. Everyone says they want people to post but the only one who will play with me is Neesie and she has to. I was her SS last year. This is my third or fourth SS but I still feel like an unknown newbie. Last year I told an outrageous story. This year I brought whine and my box is singing to me to open it but I am all but invisible. Don't know what I'm doing wrong but I think I'll go back to lurking.

Blondslave and Neesie, I don't have anyone to play with either. Can we get a cellphone jammer for the hole so the boss can't find me??? I just spent an hour talking to her on my day off as she wanted to go over some things.

I was trying to go get my box off today but need a bigger box. But I got wrapping supplies, a Christmas item, and my fq's today. I can put more in the box as I hit the big sale at Jackman's today (any of you near stl, GO, it runs all weekend and they have a huge selection of $1 Fat Quarters! I bought 38 FQ's, an easy angle for Bonnie's Mystery, a magazine and 5 1/2 yd pieces and still kept it under 100 bucks! :)

So I will probably try and get something she collects made and send to her Saturday. She's going to be happy, as due to my bargain hunting and getting her 4 FQ's for only $4, I was able to get both of her most wanted items. But what are they? That she'll have to wait and see!

buddy'smom 11-06-2014 04:04 PM

They sound yummy, will have to try them. Thanks for sharing.

Originally Posted by huntannette (Post 6958869)
Ok so I`m starting

Carrot Cookies

1 cup butter softened 2 cups all purposed flour
2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup cooked and mashed carrots
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup coconut
3/4 cup sugar

First mix dry ingredients together
In bowl soften butter, add eggs and sugar....mix in dry ingredients then carrots and lastly coconut
drop by spoonful on greased baking sheet...bake in pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 8 min. till slightly golden. Cool then ice with:

3 tablespoons butter softened
2 teaspoons orange zest
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 tablespoon orange juice
mix well to spreading consistency

Neesie 11-06-2014 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by quiltingdragon (Post 6958870)
Blondslave and Neesie, I don't have anyone to play with either. Can we get a cellphone jammer for the hole so the boss can't find me??? I just spent an hour talking to her on my day off as she wanted to go over some things.

I was trying to go get my box off today but need a bigger box. But I got wrapping supplies, a Christmas item, and my fq's today. I can put more in the box as I hit the big sale at Jackman's today (any of you near stl, GO, it runs all weekend and they have a huge selection of $1 Fat Quarters! I bought 38 FQ's, an easy angle for Bonnie's Mystery, a magazine and 5 1/2 yd pieces and still kept it under 100 bucks! :)

So I will probably try and get something she collects made and send to her Saturday. She's going to be happy, as due to my bargain hunting and getting her 4 FQ's for only $4, I was able to get both of her most wanted items. But what are they? That she'll have to wait and see!

Is it for MEEEEEE????? :thumbup: So far, I've had FANTASTIC Secret Santas, so I'm getting super excited! :) Surely one of these wonderful boxes, I've been reading about, is for me!!! YAY!!!!

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