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-   -   Secret Santa -Signups Closed!!! Remember To PM Me Mailing Info When Sent/Rec'd (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-signups-closed-remember-pm-me-mailing-info-when-sent-recd-t252598.html)

Bamagal 11-13-2014 12:09 PM

My package was sent off today!!!! Getting excited!

Quercus Rubra 11-13-2014 12:14 PM

So okay on the back from my follow up appointment with the surgeon, I was able to mail out my package for my Secret Santa. The only thing is I wasn't able to get any pictures. Sorry. But I'm back to only liquids. Well crud! I also found out how difficult for the Surgeon to do the procedure. He is the top surgeon in the area and comes highly recommended. So he was truthful with me about what happened and with the reality of the healing time table will be. I'm in for a long haul. :( I go back to see him next month. I think I will have to put off signing up for any swaps of any kind for a duration. So bummed -- it's the highlight of my month.What a rotten birthday present (no it's not today - but the 23rd). :(:(:(:(


JAGSD 11-13-2014 01:42 PM

Whew hew!! Made it to the Post office today and "sent of my SS Package" heading EAST and ALSO "picked up MY SS package". Is it the 7th yet? Please please please!!!!!

sunrise450 11-13-2014 02:06 PM

Got my SS package today! Thank you Secret Santa! I promise to wait and open along with everyone else...Darn it
Have to be nice and DO NOT OPEN! Ha!Ha!Ha! Husband says he is going to hide it if I don't stop staring at it. Humnf!
Nessie, I went grocery shopping today and will make biscotti tomorrow. Wish me luck, will be first time making it!

Quilty-Louise 11-13-2014 02:17 PM

I forgot to take pictures of what I sent to my santee.

Sure hope she will take pictures and post them here.

happynana 11-13-2014 03:19 PM

Got my package sent out today from one cold snowy state to another :)

crafty grammie 11-13-2014 03:24 PM

My package went out the door today-didn't want my pal to become too tempted!!!!!

crafty grammie 11-13-2014 03:28 PM

My package went out the door today, didn't want my pal to be too tempted!!!

KGoodhand 11-13-2014 04:01 PM

Seems like there was a lot of mailing going on today!! Well add one more to the list! My SS package is on its way as well!!! It has a long journey but should arrive in 5 - 7 days!!! It is going way west of me!!! Staying in Canada or heading to the States??? Guess we will have to wait and see!!
Oh and I forgot to take pictures of what I sent too!! I was in such a rush to get it packed! Plus with how full it is...wrapping would not have worked!!! But I did remember to add the bells!!!!

roseirish48 11-13-2014 04:05 PM

i see a lot of people have sent out their ss boxes and since none has arrived on my doorstep yet i expect one of these later mailings must be for me. while i wait with furbabies on guard, i have been quilting away the hours. Finished the QOV quilting--just binding and label left---and have backing pieced for the Grandpa quilt which will be layered and put on frame tomorrow. it is only 12 blocks of 18" each and i only plan on SITD to quilt it so shouldnt take long as needs to be in mail in time to reach Los Angeles by Xmas.
I liked hearing that some others have trouble eating certain cereals also. Around our house it was Corn Flakes or Wheaties for cold cereal. Dad's Rat terrier/Pekinese loved Wheaties ith milk and sugar and would eat a bowl every morning except Sundays. Then he insisted on a pancake spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar. To this day, we kids still call Wheaties DOG FOOD.

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