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PenniF 11-21-2014 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by ShelleyCS (Post 6978413)
Me too! This is my first SS, I didn't wrap and I don't even know if I put in enough goodies! I hope my giftee wont be disappointed. :(

Shelley...don't stress....Everyone had a first year to start their learning curve. My first year it never occurred to me that anyone would want anything MADE by me....after all - these women are "pros".....But then i found how much i appreciated even the little things - like a kleenex holder for my purse (still in there today) ....and realized that other "makers" are the ones who appreciate the little things the most --- cuz we so rarely make them for ourselves.

I did exactly the same thing - this is my first year in the Ornament Swap - and after i saw what 1 lady put in her box i got more than a little nervous with the few extras I stuck in my box. But the SS "rule" says 4 FQs and spend $20.....if you did that then you followed the rules and anything else is a "gift".

PenniF 11-21-2014 04:51 PM

At the risk of being chastised for posting too much.....

those Pumpkin Bars sound SOOOO yummy. Why do i crave pumpkin only at this time of year???? Not like you can't buy it in April ???

Neesie 11-21-2014 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by CookyIN (Post 6978520)
Huntanette, this sounds wonderful! I think that Icing Sugar is what we call Confectioners or Powdered Sugar; does that sound right? (Neesie, I'm lookin' at you since you seem to have good all-around knowledge of most things.)

This looks pretty close to my Carrot Cake recipe, but I think I'll try yours next time. The only other thing I'd throw in is some coconut just because I like it in my carrot cake.

Well, I'm not 100% positive it's exactly the same. Our powdered or confectioner's sugar usually contains a bit of cornstarch, along with the sugar. Icing sugar may or may not . . . but basically it's the same.

What made you think I knew this? Is it because I used to sneak and eat confectioner's sugar, when I was a kid? :D

VickiM 11-21-2014 06:23 PM

Oh, yea! I got a "hand delivered" ss gift today. Seems my ss knows another ss on here, and that ss knows me; so there was a drop-off & a hand-off today. ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE TO WHO MY SS IS! No address or postmark or anything. I understand that she will let me know who she is once I open. Total mystery...... Ok, need to pm Teri that I have my gift...in the meantime to my ss "the eagle has landed". :)

VickiM 11-21-2014 06:25 PM

Forgot...anytime is good for me on 12/7...so many times going on...is there a definate time yet? I'm central time zone........

roseirish48 11-21-2014 06:27 PM

glad everyone has been getting their packages--hate seeing people sitting on the bench feeling blue because theirs hasnt arrived. im still plugging away on those family Xmas gifts so i can ignore the screaming packages in my bedroom. oh, cabana boy, i am in need of a refill....

sewbizgirl 11-21-2014 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by VickiM (Post 6978698)
Forgot...anytime is good for me on 12/7...so many times going on...is there a definate time yet? I'm central time zone........

How about anytime on that date? That way, we can post our pictures without clogging the website all at one time. It also spreads out the fun of seeing all the other gifts posted all day long. Why not?

sew diva 11-21-2014 10:30 PM

I have received my package and had my husband hide it so that I'm not tempted to open it. Okay anytime on Dec. 7th is fine with me. I'm normally up until after mid night so I can get a jump on opening it. LOL!!!

m-fay 11-21-2014 10:53 PM

Because its pearl harbour day, I think the decision was made for noon their time.

mosher92 11-21-2014 11:46 PM

Received my s.s. Package yesterday. It rattled all the way up the walk. Now it is sitting on my counter taunting me. I must hide it. Hopefully iwontforget where I put it when it comes time to open it.

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