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-   -   Secret Santa -Signups Closed!!! Remember To PM Me Mailing Info When Sent/Rec'd (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-signups-closed-remember-pm-me-mailing-info-when-sent-recd-t252598.html)

dharen7 11-22-2014 02:51 PM

Its the way I make my peanut brittle, love the way it bubbles up and you have to work fast

TOOMANYUFO'S 11-22-2014 03:41 PM

Tracking said that the pkg I sent was received yesterday.

marilyn43 11-22-2014 03:53 PM

This gif is so cute. love it and for sure SulaBug I'm going to do that.

Crafty1 11-22-2014 04:23 PM

WooHoo! Received my SS gift! (Sorry for late post, I had company over the last few days). Now to wait till opening day :) Thank you Secret Santa!

marilyn43 11-22-2014 06:16 PM

Have been reading the posts. Got behind due to having dizzy spells so haven't been on the computer. You ladies crack me up shaking your santee gift, having your husband hide it or listening to your gift say open me, open me. You guys hilarious and make me smile. I haven't bothered mine but it's tucked into a corner in the dinning room. I think we should do a secret Easter Bunny. As much fun as we have had with the s.s. I'm sure that would be just as much fun. I love sharing recipes here also. I get started on another Christmas gift and then this dizziness hits and delays me a day or two. Where do you ladies find your projects for sewing? I was looking for different books on the computer today for bazars and couldn't find anything. I'd like to get started making smaller projects to have on hand. I love some of the projects that have been posted on here. I'm sure I have something in the craft magazines I've saved over the years. I use to get Craft N things magazine and they really had some neat ideas, I'll get those out tomorrow. I think I've got them from all the way back to the 70's. Well better go get projecting or the eve. will be over. All have a blessed Sunday. Marilyn43

catjo 11-22-2014 07:03 PM

I haven't been on much. Life here has really turned bad. I wanted to let my Secret Santa to know I received the package a while back. It is setting right by my sewing table just waiting to be opened. Can't wait till the opening date. Have I missed a post of when that will be? I didn't see anything on the main page yet.

PenniF 11-22-2014 08:57 PM

Catjo....sorry for whatever it is that's made life "turn bad'. Whatever it is, I hope you find all the support you need to get through it. It may sound trite....but it really is true --- when you're going through Hell - don't stop, keep moving ! Positive vibes being sent your way!!
ALSO...opening day is 7 December - though i don't think a final decision on the time has quite been set.

Marilyn43 -- Sorry for your dizzy spells...Sure hope you've been to the doctor!!
Of course the Quilt Board is the best....Google is good for getting ideas --- just be very careful what you "click" on --- Pinterest is a great source as well - Craftsy is nice - just to name a few. I'm sure others will have lots of ideas. Like you - i just checked in to see what was up....i am DETERMINED to finish my "December place mats of the month" items tonight !!

Knitette 11-22-2014 11:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's hoping!

BrendaK 11-23-2014 01:29 AM

I am still waiting for my package. Told Teri and she said not to worry. I can't wait to get a list of all of the good eats. Hope you all have a super Thanksgiving. Hugs to all to are having a hard time. Knitette I second your Santa request. BrendaK

SlightlyOffQuilter 11-23-2014 06:02 AM

oh my ladies ! life has goten so hectic around here the past few weeks, i have not been able to play catch up on this thread till today !! I just wanted my Santa to know that i have been very good and not opened my box yet !! Tho i have shaken, sniffed and wondered how i could get the hospital to x-ray it !!

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