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sunrise450 11-24-2014 10:37 AM

Oh! That vacuum cleaner story! I told my self "self, don't laugh at other's bad fortune!". That was just before I started laughing uncontrollably! To tell the truth I thought it was a joke at first. Then realized it was real!
I hope you and your hair are okay. Just think, every Thanksgiving you will have a good laugh at the memory!

Neesie 11-24-2014 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 6982408)
Hello Everyone, This is the first year I have done the Secret Santa and I don't think I done things right. LOL But I have it all down pat for next year. LOL First, I didn't know I was to post the mailing info. OOOPSS did send it to Terri once I figured it out. Then I made up my SS Box and didn't make it all Quilting stuff. Was this all supposed to be quilting stuff? I hope my SS person will enjoy my choices. Then I didn't know I was to post when my box arrived, SO SORRY - but it arrived and has been safely hidden away. If I don't hide it, I might peek. LOL I am way anxious to see what is inside. :-) Thank you so much to my SS and please forgive me for not knowing the steps. :-) I couldn't get all my stuff in the box so I sent out a second one, I marked it as part 2 of Secret Santa so I hope my person got them both. Just wanted to pop in, I didn't even know this thread was going until Terri let me know. Newbies LOL Gotta love us. :-) Happy Holidays to all.

What?!? Oh, no! Now you must send ALL of us a batch of cookies or candy, to make up for the mistake! :D Just kidding, for anyone out there, who tries to take offense at my silliness! :p Seriously though, as long as you sent the 4 FQs and the approximate value gift, your Secret Santa-ee should be tickled pink. The gifts don't need to even be all sewing-related, much less quilt-related. I included some biscotti in my SS's gift.

Some participants never post on the thread, so as long as you inform Terri of sending and receiving, you followed the rules. Needless to say, posting on the thread does make the exchange much more fun for many of the Secret Santas. It also helps us all get to know each other better, which further makes the exchange more fun.

I wonder how the expression, 'tickled pink' started. What's so special about pink? Does anyone know . . . or should I Google it?

Dedemac 11-24-2014 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by ArizonaKAT (Post 6982247)
OK, so I promised a cheese cake recipe on Friday. Thought I'll just go home and do it so I don't forget. Obviously, that didn't happen.

But I have a good excuse. (Gotta remember the puppy stories I've already told).

Yes you have a good excuse.. I hope the laptop was not plugged in at the time. I have a few of those power cords but not because of any fur babies. For me it kept getting caught in the lazy boy.:D

juneayerza 11-24-2014 01:08 PM

Lisa, like the others, I couldn't help myself and laughed. You are a good story teller with a great sense of humor about what happen. I'm glad it wasn't more serious; the old wringer washing machine accidents flashed through my mind once.

juneayerza 11-24-2014 01:16 PM

I have good reason to believe my SS included some biscotti in my present. Now, I do believe it is my duty to rescue the biscotti! And I have a plan. I just have to work out a few details about the blindfold. Have to go, the biscotti is in distress.

Neesie 11-24-2014 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by juneayerza (Post 6982648)
I have good reason to believe my SS included some biscotti in my present. Now, I do believe it is my duty to rescue the biscotti! And I have a plan. I just have to work out a few details about the blindfold. Have to go, the biscotti is in distress.

:D Into the Hole, you go!!! :D IF there happens to be biscotti in your SS gift, it'll keep until December 7th! :D

ArizonaKAT 11-24-2014 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Neesie (Post 6982683)
:D Into the Hole, you go!!! :D IF there happens to be biscotti in your SS gift, it'll keep until December 7th! :D

I'm pretty sure it won't keep till December. Open it!

tlrnhi 11-24-2014 02:05 PM

Here I am!!
Checking in. Been busy here trying to get gifts made for the holidays.
Hope everyone is behaving! lol

juneayerza 11-24-2014 02:05 PM

Oh oh KAT - you might get sent to the hole too. I thought I could get Neesie stirred up; she has been just too quiet! ROFLMAO

cannyquilter 11-24-2014 03:04 PM

Lisa, I feel your pain and of course I didn't laugh !! Seriously pleased you survived. This is one of the reasons I don't do house work IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!

ArizonaKat. Thanks for sharing your recipe never seen a twice baked cheesecake. Can I ask what weight the cream cheese packages are?


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