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ArizonaKAT 11-25-2014 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by bezzie2013 (Post 6983689)
My husband took the box from me the box was really messed up he looked at what was inside then taped the box as well as he could he said things were all wrapped but looked ok and then he hid the box till the 7th. I think that is really mean dont you


I think you should find that box and OPEN IT!

Don't listen to Nessie . . .


BrendaK 11-25-2014 12:30 PM

PenniF, I want to thank you for making the booklet. I appreciate it and I know that the rest of the board also does.
Still not received my package as yet. Talk about a package being tired mine is going to be pooped. At least I don't have to worry about keeping myself from peeking. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. BrendaK

pyffer3 11-25-2014 12:33 PM

And this is our FAVORITE chocolate pie recipe!!

Chocolate Almond Pie

20 Large marshmallows
8 oz bar of Hershey Almond chocolate bar
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup milk
Chocolate pie crust or pie crust of choice

In double boiler, melt marshmallows in milk. Remove from heat. Add all the chocolate BUT one square. Melt into marshmallow mixture. Refrigerate 10 minutes or until cool.

Whip 1 cup of cream. Fold into cooled chocolate mixture. Poor into your pie crust. Refrigerate 3 hours.

Whip remaining cream with 1 T powdered sugar until peaks form. Pour onto top of pie. Grate remaining piece of chocolate and sprinkle over pie top.

I'm gonna try this, but...the recipe calls for 1/2 cup whipping cream. Then the directions all for 1 cup of cream. Is this in addition to the 1/2 cup? And is the 1/2 cup the "whip remaining cream with 1 T powered sugar until peaks form?" I know I am being a ditz! LOL

Neesie 11-25-2014 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by juneayerza (Post 6983916)
I'm sorry if someone misunderstood what I said. The recipes that are being saved are cookie and cake recipes for the most part. What I suggested was if anyone was interested, was a type of regional cookbook or family cookbook style that would include all catagories. It was just a thought.

June, I think it would be a wonderful thing to do. However, it could be become a bit of a 'monster' if you aren't careful! Many years ago, I was on a church cookbook committee. Gathering the recipes was supposed to be simple. Everyone was supposed to proof-read his/her entry. :D :D :D Yeah, sure! :D :D :D Everyone was supposed to submit his/her recipe, by a certain date. :D :D :D Needless to say, it did get done and it was wonderful. :thumbup: We did end up with several almost-identical entries but everyone enjoyed contributing . . . and we shared some really fantastic recipes. BUT it was a LOT of work and that was with a relatively small church group. We did it as a sort of fund-raiser and the cookbooks were professionally assembled.

PenniF 11-25-2014 01:06 PM

HI Pyffer !!!! I sent SheriR a PM asking that very same question - haven't heard back from her yet. One of us will post the correction as soon as possible.

The best cookbook i ever created was when i worked for a daycare. I went to all the 4,5, and 6 year olds - asked them their favorite food - then i asked them to give me the recipe....and wrote down everything they said, word for word. It was HYSTERICAL !!! You would be amazed how many things get put in the oven at 700 to 2000 degrees !!!!

Lstew2212 11-25-2014 02:14 PM

I just have to say I have the best Secret Santa in the world. I had a birthday yesterday, a really wonderful Birthday I might add. I picked up the mail today and my secret santa sent me a birthday card with a michael's gift card in it. I was really surprised and grateful. I also received another box of goodies. Thank you thank you thank you. I love this swap.

sewbizgirl 11-25-2014 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by ArizonaKAT (Post 6983522)
I'm really bad at weights. They are the "regular" size pkgs.

That would be 8 oz...

SheriR 11-25-2014 04:34 PM

I'm embarrassed about my typo. I literally typed the recipe on my iPhone notepad while riding in my sonInlaw's SHAKEY truck on our way back to my old house Sunday. What a week I've had!! And good news!!!!! I found my SS box and put it in a safe spot!!! Here is the corrected Chocolate Pie recipe.

Chocolate Almond Pie

20 Large marshmallows
8 oz bar of Hershey Almond chocolate bar
1-1/2 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup milk
Chocolate pie crust or pie crust of choice

In double boiler, melt marshmallows in milk. Remove from heat. Add all the chocolate BUT one square. Melt into marshmallow mixture. Refrigerate 10 minutes or until cool.

Whip 1 cup of cream. Fold into cooled chocolate mixture. Poor into your pie crust. Refrigerate 3 hours.

Whip remaining 1/2 cup of cream with 1 T powdered sugar until peaks form. Pour onto top of pie. Grate remaining piece of chocolate and sprinkle over pie top.

Rennie 11-25-2014 04:45 PM

Nessie, since a few of us still have not received our SS package, fess up -- were you finally successful in using your magic powers to get them diverted to your house? Or have you hidden them in the Hole? Now, now - give them up and send them on their way ..... think about all of us sitting out on the bench watching longingly as the mailman passes us by...

cannyquilter 11-25-2014 05:02 PM

Sewbiz girl, Arizona Kat and PenniF thanks now I know the weight can give it a go.

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