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ArizonaKAT 10-14-2014 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by didi (Post 6928185)
I am SS to someone that has a Southern name.

AZ is in the southwest. Could be me.

letsquilt 10-14-2014 08:23 AM

I'm so excited,just got some great ideas from these questions that's being posted!!!! Was so glad that my partner has answered both sets of questions!!!!

Patchesnposies 10-14-2014 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by ArizonaKAT (Post 6928563)
Hint for the day.

Your state is famous for rattlesnakes.

I thought Arizona had the largest number of rattlesnake species of all of the states. Could you be sending to someone in your own state?

Or, is it me? lol

I need a notebook to keep track of all of the hints and who made them!

Neesie 10-14-2014 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by letsquilt (Post 6928483)
Neediest, I LOVE That fabric!!!!!

Hmmmmmmmm. Are you my Secret Santee? Maybe . . . and maybe not. Guess you'd best be extra nice to me, just in case, huh? BTW, you can send any bribes . . . ummmmm, tokens of friendship . . . to the Hole, where I'll be relaxing on a lounge chair. :thumbup:

Neesie 10-14-2014 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by ArizonaKAT (Post 6928563)
Hint for the day.

Your state is famous for rattlesnakes.

It's MEEEEEE! TX has snakes of all sorts! YAY, for rattlesnakes!!! :shock: Okay, maybe I got just a tad carried away, there. . . .

madamekelly 10-14-2014 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 6928052)
Cooky, thank you for trying to explain the hole to me... There's a lot of banter in this thread that I just don't 'get'... I've read complaints that people's SS partner doesn't post in this thread. Maybe they don't understand the banter!

I will give you another description of the "hole" in the hopes of helping you understand. (I sometimes have trouble "getting it" too.) when the secret santas were teasing each other someone said "into the hole with you", meaning they should disappear into a big hole in the back yard, for teasing people. Someone else decided that all the best people were getting "thrown in to the hole" so he/she decided that the hole was the best place to hang out, and it has become the imaginary party place while we wait for opening day. (Kind of like the old joke about "I don't want to go to heaven, because all the more interesting people will be in Hell!") I hope this makes it clearer? BTW- welcome to the hole, you had to be down here with the rest of us to get an answer to your question, lol!

madamekelly 10-14-2014 08:55 AM

Answers to more questions-
yes, I love buttons
colorful zippers are cool.
Do not want wonder clips.
I drink coffe hot, and iced tea, but in the winter I like hot tea with milk, so no fruit teas (curdled milk in your tea is so not right)
I have never collected holiday themed items, so no thank you.
i would love an embroidered book mark.
i have no grandkids that I can contact, so I borrow them from my friends.
I put up my white 6' Vhristmas tree evry year, and decorate the house with all different sizes of poinsettas.
yes I like hand made ornaments.
I have a leakproof travel cup, and water bottle, do not need more, thanks.
Hmmmm, organize fabric, can you do that? Haha! I have different drawers for my fabric colors and fabric content.

CarolinePaj 10-14-2014 09:22 AM

Throw it in... throw it in!



Originally Posted by Neesie (Post 6928477)
Here's another hint for my Secret Santee. This may (or may not) be part of your gift. Hmmmmm. Which will it be? Shall I throw it into the box . . . or not? :D

mimiknoxtaylor 10-14-2014 09:23 AM

I haven't seen any posts from my SS either. But I'll answer these questions incase my special SS is watching.
Do you:......
1) like buttons?
Love them. Even have buttons from my grandmothers
2) like zippers?
yes. I like to make purses & totes & like to have zippers for closures
3) like wonder clips? (best invention ever I think I haven't used them. I mainly use Elmers school glue
4) drink coffee, and/or hot heat? iced tea? soft drinks? I am a big coffee drinker & in cold weather even hot tea. I do drink soft drinks but not like I used to.
5) like Christmas themed items? (not just fabric but other items also) I love anything Christmas!
6) like embroidery bookmarksI love any kind of bookmarks. Especially since I am always misplacing them.
7) have any grand kids? (my first is due in April) Grands are great! I have 10 & #11 is due on Christmas day -another boy so that will be 7 boys & 4 girls
8) put up a Christmas Tree? Yes, but it gets smaller every year. Actually we put up 2 since I put one up in both our houses
9) like handmade (machine embroidery) ornaments? Yes
10) would you like a travel cup/mug? No we have quite a few
11) how do you organize your fabric?​ I have no idea how to do this!

mjmachin 10-14-2014 09:33 AM

I am having a hard time figuring out what to put into my box. I have not seen any postings from my pick and have only learned a very little bit about her. Since this is my first year I will take some suggestions from all these postings and hopefully she will like what I send. Oh, and my name has an M in it, I like the Santa figure that looks like it is on some fabric, I will probably have a warm Christmas, I am not that far from Mickey..... looks like a lot of you may have my name!!!! Next year I will plan ahead and start collection goodies early!! See you all in the hole, I am ready to jump back in!

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