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Leota 10-25-2010 07:25 PM

I haven't looked at ALL MY presents because you are not suppose to look until November 12th but I have been feeling and shaking!!!!!!!!!! and smelling. It does NOT sound like coal to me!! or smell like dead animals or anything like that, But I do smell something sweet!!! and It feels like soft and fluffy and It makes a pretty little tink sound! I wonder..............[/quote]

uh oh.. a little tink sound???? that could be a broken pressie :(

magnolia 10-25-2010 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by abonda
I haven't looked at ALL MY presents because you are not suppose to look until November 12th but I have been feeling and shaking!!!!!!!!!! and smelling. It does NOT sound like coal to me!! or smell like dead animals or anything like that, But I do smell something sweet!!! and It feels like soft and fluffy and It makes a pretty little tink sound! I wonder..............

I think abonda is trying to move the date up on us. You can't look at your presents until December 12th! No cheating!

cbridges22 10-25-2010 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by abonda

Originally Posted by sandpat
I think you guys got into those "special" brownies days ago!:shock::lol:!!

abonda...thats quite the pile of loot ya' got there. I wonder, since you are still naughty what might be in all those boxes....coal? animal parts? sticks? empty candy wrappers? fruit peels???????/

I haven't looked at ALL MY presents because you are not suppose to look until November 12th but I have been feeling and shaking!!!!!!!!!! and smelling. It does NOT sound like coal to me!! or smell like dead animals or anything like that, But I do smell something sweet!!! and It feels like soft and fluffy and It makes a pretty little tink sound! I wonder..............

Its DEAD KITTEN WITH A BELL ON ITS COLLAR! I have it on good authority from Littleone who let the Reindeer step on the kittens while I was out of the barn getting hay.

trupeach1 10-25-2010 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by littleone

You weren't working you all were partying the whole time Terri was away. She had no sooner signed off and YOU Peachy was sending out invites to a quilting bee
I have been fixing harnesses and shining up the bells the reindeer will be using on the big night; they were mighty dirty from last year's flight.

Party, party how dare you say we were having a party. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO READ??????????? Honestly.........I had invited everyone to a quilting bee to make Mrs Clause a new quilt so that she will be nice and cozy on Christmas eve while she waits up for Santa. The one she has is over 100 year old and all raggy. It was not I who said anything about brownies and I for one did not partake in eating them. So go back several pages and READ what happened before you start pointing fingers at me.
And who on Gods little green earth puts something away dirty that you make it such a big deal you were cleaning the harnesses and shinning the bells. That should have been done last year on Dec 26 to be exact. But then again you THINK you are at the North Pole when you aren't we are at the North Pole. Santa's Workshop North Pole New York. So go back to the doctor tell him what is going on and he will give you different medcation so you that you will not be so CRAZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

littleone 10-25-2010 09:06 PM

Its DEAD KITTEN WITH A BELL ON ITS COLLAR! I have it on good authority from Littleone who let the Reindeer step on the kittens while I was out of the barn getting hay.[/quote]

So silly, it is not a dead kitten. The kittens at the NP are descendants of barn cats, they are too smart to get under the hoofs of the reindeer. I am afraid that what you might have there in one of those boxes is a Sing Vole; those darn varmints are just overrunning the village at the NP. They do make great pets, you can buy some really nice habitats for them at Pet Smart, OH I bet that’s what is in the rest of the packages. You will have fun setting up the little varmints fun house and then watching him run all around in it. Just be careful he doesn’t get out and NEVER I mean Never put two of them together, or you will have to be adding to the habitat which could eventually overrun your house.

trupeach1 10-25-2010 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
I am not being naughty!I am complimenting Peachy on her talents and besides what she said about Littleone is true. Telling the truth is not naughty.

thank you cbridge22. i think some of the people here are just a LITTLE clicky kind of like in high school.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

trupeach1 10-25-2010 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Hey Terri...so your back!!! Yeah!!

Now I'll tell you the real truth...there is a rather small group of folks on here that are just plain delusional (or maybe they ate way too many of those special type of brownies while they were perfecting the recipe)...anyway...they have really gone off the deep end and they are trying to drag others into the fray! They started out on the naughty list and I see no reason for them to come off of it.....And one of them is trying to throw me under the bus!

Patty you were invited to come with us to the North Pole you chose not to, I know there are no frogs there it is too cold for them and we know how you CAN"T leave your froggy friends no matter what but Patty how many frogs are you going to kiss before you realize that frogs DO NOT turn into a prince? Because you decide not to come with us don't you be fibbing about people being delusional when you very well know that is where we are and where we are staying until SS is over.

coconuts 10-26-2010 04:16 AM

Love the pictures

sandpat 10-26-2010 04:51 AM

Maybe its best that you just stay there Peachy and all you others who are staying in that "special " little place in your head....*dodododo dodododo.....-to the tune of the Twilight Zone*.......And ALL my frogs turn into Princes...:lol: jealous, are ya'?

trupeach1 10-26-2010 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
.And ALL my frogs turn into Princes...:lol: jealous, are ya'?

Not really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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