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Hazel B 10-31-2010 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Leota
You need to get a GIANT Christmas Stocking and put your three pressies in it.. hang it by the Chimney with care in hopes that St. Nick will come there :D

Yes, if you put the pressie in a Giant Christmas Stocking, they will be all snuggly and won't get lonesome

trupeach1 10-31-2010 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by HOB

Originally Posted by Leota
You need to get a GIANT Christmas Stocking and put your three pressies in it.. hang it by the Chimney with care in hopes that St. Nick will come there :D

Yes, if you put the pressie in a Giant Christmas Stocking, they will be all snuggly and won't get lonesome

If she puts them together they will breed like mice and by the time opening day comes she will have TONS!!!!!!!!! Way to many for 1 person. I guess she can send some to me.

sandpat 10-31-2010 04:27 PM

Of course it drank the water straight away...it was sooo thirsty! Try potatoe chips...most things like those.

Peachy is just making mean comments to try to stir things up. Terri, your poackages might multiple, but thats a good thing (or so I've always thought) :lol:

Tink's Mom 10-31-2010 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by tlrnhi

Originally Posted by trupeach1
has anyone received any animals/reptiles/rodents lately? i think there is someone playing tricks on people.

One of my packages is thumping.....

Has Big Boy given it a little look-see yet?

trupeach1 11-01-2010 06:43 AM

Where is everyone???????????? I guess Patty is out frog hunting again, and the little cricket is probably under some dried leaves trying to keep warm. It got mighty cold in her neck of the woods. Littleone.......well who knows where she is since she is always in Lala Land. I am beginging to worry abour abonda she NEVER leaves the barn or reindeer. Magnolia hasn't been around for a few days. Terri is probably watching her pressies to see if they are moving. Who did I leave out????????
Leota I know is busy busy busy.

I guess I am the only one getting ready for the big day. Today I will be packing pressies. Hopefully they will be mailed this week.

cbridges22 11-01-2010 07:59 AM

No abonda is not in the barn with me.Just me,the reindear and what is left of the barn cats that littleone did not insite the deer to stomp.We mailed thoese to Terrie.I am sending out pressies and trying to get the reindear groomed for the parade.So I am here just busy,busy,busy!

sharon b 11-01-2010 08:12 AM

I am minding my own business- that way I get to stay on the nice list :wink: LOL

littleone 11-01-2010 08:54 AM

“Littleone.......well who knows where she is since she is always in Lala Land.”

Peachy you must have selective reading eyes. Look back, Lala Land is west of Rockies and north of 49th. I am nowhere near that area, may have originated from there but that was before I seen the light.

And what’s with the accusations that I incited the reindeer to stomp on the barn cats. This Littleone loves little kittens; even though they make me sneeze a lot. Is there an imposter out there that says they are the Littleone!!!!!!!!!

Now this Littleone; that’s me; is so curious as to know what she will get for having her big toe on the Nice List. If she could get whole bodily on the Nice List would the pressies be even more super! How can I get all of me on the Nice List, I have been off doing my own thing, not being bad, would bribery to the Head Elf do the trick??? Without causing an over load to the server, any suggesting would be greatly appreciated.

magnolia 11-01-2010 09:02 AM

I check in from time to time. I've been so busy working on all of the presents for Christmas. Also, Santa had me check the naughty and nice list. Seems there are some that he has on the 'in-between' list. He wants me to watch everyone and let him know where they should go. Does anyone want to come over to the workshop with me tonight to finish up some more Christmas gifts? I will make some fudge and bring it over. Can anyone else bring anything?

trupeach1 11-01-2010 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
No abonda is not in the barn with me.Just me,the reindear and what is left of the barn cats that littleone did not insite the deer to stomp.We mailed thoese to Terrie.I am sending out pressies and trying to get the reindear groomed for the parade.So I am here just busy,busy,busy!

I thought abonda was in the barn. Could you PLEASE check the hay loft I have a funny feeling she is up there taking a nap. Then again what else is new?

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