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sandpat 11-04-2010 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by abonda
sandpat did you get a bobble head!!

No..no...nothing that cute! I did get an animal head sent by some mean sadistic person who knows that I'm an animal lover. Now if thats not fodder for the nasty list, I don't know what is!

Tru...just so you know...I don't do anything with the lists but make notes of actions that people are taking- both good and bad. I then pass it along to the Head Elf who makes recommendations to Santa. Santa makes the final decision. Bribing him with the "special" brownies does not help your cause...

quitnbabe 11-04-2010 06:42 AM

Oh my word have I missed Secret Santa??????????????

trupeach1 11-04-2010 07:32 AM

You have got to be kidding me......... OF COURSE HE MAKES THE FABRIC. There is a BIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGG building way behind the Toy Factory that has a sign WEAVING FACTORY they don't only weave rugs in there.

sharon b 11-04-2010 07:43 AM

Ok I have received a box :shock: It is not marked SS- doesn't say to open or NOT open :roll: but in light of the box Sandpat got this week I am afraid--- very afraid :? Especially since the mailman was holding it gingerly and away from his body with a mention to me that he thought the box was possessed :shock:

hhhhhhmmmm what to do- what to do ?????

Jennifer22206 11-04-2010 08:27 AM

Ohhh boxes are arriving!

Jennifer22206 11-04-2010 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
You have got to be kidding me......... OF COURSE HE MAKES THE FABRIC. There is a BIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGG building way behind the Toy Factory that has a sign WEAVING FACTORY they don't only weave rugs in there.

Duh... where do you think I've been hiding!

trupeach1 11-04-2010 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by sharon b
Ok I have received a box :shock: It is not marked SS- doesn't say to open or NOT open :roll: but in light of the box Sandpat got this week I am afraid--- very afraid :? Especially since the mailman was holding it gingerly and away from his body with a mention to me that he thought the box was possessed :shock:

hhhhhhmmmm what to do- what to do ?????

Terri told Patty to open hers so you open your.......outside away from the house with glasses on to protect your eyes. Then lets us know what the outcome was. If we don't see you around or hear from you then the outcome was BAD!!!!!!! It was nice knowing you. OHHHHHHHHHH put something around your neck for protection you don't want anything going for the jugler.

littleone 11-04-2010 08:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am jumping for joy, jumping really high..........can you see me?? :lol:

Received feedback from Quitnababe and guess what she said..I'll tell ya......"Santa is considering bringing pressies to Littleone. If she will promise to be real good and nice to Peachy he will allow her to go with him on Christmas Eve delivering pressies. Since she is so little she has to wear and elf outfit." Isn't that awesome, someone believes in me, knows I work very hard at being good, and I don't cry so much any more, very hard though to control my tears. And .. And.. I am going to be ever so nice to Peachy cause she is the greatest of all elves (except for Head Elf). Peachy really has a big heart even though sometimes she tries to act like she is some big toughy. Maybe she will become MBFF. :? These flowers are for Peachy, I hope she likes them; no real flowers though for Peachy cause they will make her sneeze lots and lots.

Flowers for Peachy

trupeach1 11-04-2010 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by littleone
I am jumping for joy, jumping really high..........can you see me?? :lol:

Received feedback from Quitnababe and guess what she said..I'll tell ya......"Santa is considering bringing pressies to Littleone. If she will promise to be real good and nice to Peachy he will allow her to go with him on Christmas Eve delivering pressies. Since she is so little she has to wear and elf outfit." Isn't that awesome, someone believes in me, knows I work very hard at being good, and I don't cry so much any more, very hard though to control my tears. And .. And.. I am going to be ever so nice to Peachy cause she is the greatest of all elves (except for Head Elf). Peachy really has a big heart even though sometimes she tries to act like she is some big toughy. Maybe she will become MBFF. :? These flowers are for Peachy, I hope she likes them; no real flowers though for Peachy cause they will make her sneeze lots and lots.

Thank you so much for the flowers I needed that!!!!! I am not kidding they put a smile on my face.

Oh maybe we have more in common then you think. Your profile says you have a collention of roosters and chickens. My kitchen in NY had that same theme. Not in Ohio I hate where I live so never did anything with the house.. How I wish I could move. I always wanted to live on a farm so I also like cow's and pigs are OK but I really like chickens.

gramqlts 11-04-2010 09:25 AM

OK littleone, no offense sweety, I know you are a good person and might deserve to go on sled with Peach, but I am her BFF and no one is pushing me out of that slot. You can bribe her with flowers or whatever but she really, really, really loves me mostest!!! lol

And Peach, send the sleigh for me girlfriend cause I am packing up some warm clothes and my longjohns but whatever you do, do NOT put me in one of those darn igloos. Way too cold for this little short fat girl! I have alot of meat on these old bones but very cold natured you know. And get a big pot of hot soup on cause I'll be landing soon!!!

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