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-   -   Secret Santa Time!!!---MORE IMPORTANT INFO ADDED ON PAGE ONE.... REVEAL CHAT IS DECEMBER 12 @ 7PM EST (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-time-more-important-info-added-page-one-reveal-chat-december-12-%40-7pm-est-t66738.html)

trupeach1 11-08-2010 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by littleone
Shiver me timbers, I am stuck in the most awful snow storm you ever did see. Guess I won’t make it to the NP today. I am stuck in Churchill Man. along the shores of the Hudson Bay. This snow storm is a douser; wind is howling; snow a swirling. Only thing enjoying the storm is this big old polar bear I seen walking down the local road. Just look at the bruin. That bear has been hanging around not far from us, I hope he isn’t waiting for his friends; it will be hard to sneak out of here.
Butch and Cassidy have been keeping me warm they are really good company as we are holed up in a little cave that they helped to find. Wish I had brought along more food, Tobler bars for me and dog biscuits for B&C. Did you all have fun at the barn dance? Any brownies at the dessert table? Oh am I hungry. Hope this message gets through what with the storm and poor signals. I’ll be scooting down the road at the first crack of this storm letting up. Keep the lights on for me. Littleone

Thank God you are OK. Don't worry about the brownies someone will make more for you. There isn't any Shephards pie left, Santa ate the last as a mid night snack. Once we know when you will arrive we will plan a party since we have a few other new arrivals too. I am making Chicken and Dumplings. The dumplings are so light they almost float in the air. Keep us posted of your where about's. Do you need someone to meet you or are you OK to make it to the Pole on your own? Let us know.

cbridges22 11-08-2010 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
I think she might be OK a call showed up on Santas caller ID it was Littleones # however when Bernie picked up the phone,he dropped it. The phone not the call, you know how clumbsey(sp?) Bernie is. The phone fell apart and byt the time it got put back together and Santa tried to call Littleone there was no answer. She must have been in a dead zone. UNLESS.............she ran across Big Foot, you do know they are in the mountain region Littleone was coming through. It could have been Big Foot got the phone was was playing with the buttons and called Santa. We will not know for sure until we get to her or she calls in. Now where is Cbridges??????? It is almost 2pm she was suppose to get the sled dogs ready, she takes care of them in the barn along with the reindeer. I don't know what Santa is going to do with that girl she is always missing. We don't have the elf power to search for Cbridge too, as it is time is being taken away from the Workshop to go looking for Littleone. Christmas is just around the corner ho is all this to get done?????????..............sigh..........

I know, why didn't I think of this sooner............Super Peach to the rescue (again) I will put a call in to the Boy Scouts, they are old enough to help. There must be some kind of badge they could earn by helping out. I know we could make a new boy scout badge it will be the Santa badge. Who has an embroidery machine???????????? We need your help ASAP. Could you please make a Santa badge for the boy scouts that will be helping Santa. You can decide on the design and send 1,532 to Santa's Workshop, North Pole New York. I knew I would figure something out. OOPPPSSSSSS 2pm snack time.

I have been out looking for Littleone and not playing on my computer,imagine that.Dogs have been feed and ready t go for ever all you need to do is bring your happy butt to the barn and get them.I see there is a message from littleone and she seems to be faring well.Oh,the worry that little dickens has caused.It must be nap time.Off to the hay loft.

cbridges22 11-08-2010 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by littleone
Shiver me timbers, I am stuck in the most awful snow storm you ever did see. Guess I won’t make it to the NP today. I am stuck in Churchill Man. along the shores of the Hudson Bay. This snow storm is a douser; wind is howling; snow a swirling. Only thing enjoying the storm is this big old polar bear I seen walking down the local road. Just look at the bruin. That bear has been hanging around not far from us, I hope he isn’t waiting for his friends; it will be hard to sneak out of here.
Butch and Cassidy have been keeping me warm they are really good company as we are holed up in a little cave that they helped to find. Wish I had brought along more food, Tobler bars for me and dog biscuits for B&C. Did you all have fun at the barn dance? Any brownies at the dessert table? Oh am I hungry. Hope this message gets through what with the storm and poor signals. I’ll be scooting down the road at the first crack of this storm letting up. Keep the lights on for me. Littleone

Thank God you are OK. Don't worry about the brownies someone will make more for you. There isn't any Shephards pie left, Santa ate the last as a mid night snack. Once we know when you will arrive we will plan a party since we have a few other new arrivals too. I am making Chicken and Dumplings. The dumplings are so light they almost float in the air. Keep us posted of your where about's. Do you need someone to meet you or are you OK to make it to the Pole on your own? Let us know.

Being from the south originally I have the most excellent recipe for squirrel stew and gravy,since you seem to want to try it I will bring that and chittlins and some fried alligator.It is all stick to your ribs food.I know abonde will bring brownies so I will make a fruitcake with rum.Should go well with the brownies and while we are at it I think some Baily's and Hot coco would be good to.Guess I better get to the kitchen and start cooking.

trupeach1 11-08-2010 01:50 PM

Now I am completly sick to my stomach. Cbridges if you bring that slop for dinner you will be banded from the Pole and banished to Bogyland Forever. Does any one remember what movie that was from?????????? Laurel and Hardy March of the Wooden Soldiers. It was always on TV thanksgiving day and on thanksgiving night they always had The Wizard of Oz. Do you remember when you didn't have to pay for TV?

mrspete 11-08-2010 02:08 PM

ooooooo, guess what????? Got a package from Castaix CA today........OOOOOOOO can't wait 34 more days, but I'll try. TY MegsAnn Hugs, Ruthie

trupeach1 11-08-2010 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by mrspete
ooooooo, guess what????? Got a package from Castaix CA today........OOOOOOOO can't wait 34 more days, but I'll try. TY MegsAnn Hugs, Ruthie

OMG is it 34 days we have to wait????????????/ I wasn't counting......geeeeeeesssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.

trupeach1 11-08-2010 02:11 PM

I have been good I have been good. Patty wants me on the naughht list but I keep saying I have been good and today I got another pressie. who are you?????????????? I know my assigned SS didn't send me anything so who is sending me pressies????????????

Jenni M 11-08-2010 02:13 PM

Funny...but a lil elf just took my SS package out for delivery. It's a long trip north from here...cold too. Wonder where its going and to who??? Well guess my secret pal will just have to wait!!!!



SuzanneTx 11-08-2010 02:46 PM

Hi everyone. I know some here have heard about my mother in law and her passing. I do have my package ready and will get it mailed on the 15th. Didn't want anyone to think I was going to stiff them.


Jenni M 11-08-2010 02:56 PM

So very sorry about your loss Suzanne. I and the rest of your quilting board friends will keep you in our prayers.

Much Love,


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