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cbridges22 11-08-2010 05:15 PM

Prayers are with you and yours. Cindy

trupeach1 11-08-2010 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Just where does it say you are allergic to fish?Yes I read what you say and read and read and read and read....so Chicken it is but you know you aren't the only one eating so Salmon also!

I am so allergic to so m,uch stuff that is why I alway write no food when I do swaps. Fish can't even be cooked in the same kitchen. This I am serious about. Years ago I went to vist my neighbor and with in a 1/2 hour I was getting all itchy. My arms were breaking out in a rash. Now the house didn't smell like fish and I said to Colleen I think I am allergic to something I better go home. She gasped and said OMG I cooked fish for dinner. Everyone knows how allergic I am to fish. If you click on my profile it is written there and on other place on the forum too. So you might have read and read and read what I said but somewhere along the line you missed it.

trupeach1 11-08-2010 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by joyceelaine1951
Is any one else freezing their tush off here at the Pole. I can't even get the icicles to melt that ar hanging off the kitchen stove. I just got a terrific recipe I want to Make for Santa. It is sooo good, you make brownies, let them cool just a little bit then spread marshmallow fluff over the top of the brownies. Then melt a package of chocolate bits and pour this over the marshmallow, let the chocolate harden and eat, yummy for the tummy along with a cup of hot cocoa. Think he'll like it after that long ride Christmas Eve?

OMG I LOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEEEE marshmellow fluff. I haven't had it in years. I will have to add it to my grocery list I could eat it straight of the the jar. I would have to say marshmellow are the only swee thing that I like and i never have marshmellows. I better put those on the list too I forgot last year and didn't have them for on top of the sweet potoates for thanksgiving.

By the way I didn't see you arrive at the Pole yet your location is Christmas Tree Blvd. Have you checked in with Magnolia??????? She is incharge of new arrivals.

abonda 11-08-2010 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by SuzanneTx
Hi everyone. I know some here have heard about my mother in law and her passing. I do have my package ready and will get it mailed on the 15th. Didn't want anyone to think I was going to stiff them.


My prayers are with you and your family. She is in a better place so don't worry. It it us who are left but God is a merciful God.

abonda 11-08-2010 06:54 PM

I have not recieved my pressie yet. and I sent my SS pressie to my pal and haven't heard if she or he has recieved it! Can someone let me know? I'm worried?

abonda 11-08-2010 06:57 PM

Whats' up with that Peachy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Three Pressies??? I bet there not safe??? Have you heard any wiggling or snorting or farting noises?? Just curious?? I haven't even gotten one yet!!!!! Not Fair!!!!

seweasy 11-08-2010 07:00 PM

Hi! Everyone, My package was mailed west too. It was alot of fun looking for the things my SS had listed. Had walked over one store looking for one special thing that was mentioned and couldn't find any so I checked the list again decided to pick one of the other things and low and behold that one thing was right in front of me! Couldn't believe it, it was like the thing had been thrown at my feet!!!
Well I'm glad I got the package off early, today we found out that my husband is possibly going to need heart bypass surgery. We have to go back on the 16th to hear if the doctors think he's healthy enough. Can't imagine he wouldn't be, he's only complained about some minor chest pains and dizzyness. No shortness of breath. Please keep him in your prayers that the dr's give the okay. Too bad its right here at the holidays but hopefully everything can be done by Thanksgiving and he would be feeling better by Christmas. At least he's not having to recover from a heart attack and going to surgery too. Take care, Chris

abonda 11-08-2010 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by seweasy
Hi! Everyone, My package was mailed west too. It was alot of fun looking for the things my SS had listed. Had walked over one store looking for one special thing that was mentioned and couldn't find any so I checked the list again decided to pick one of the other things and low and behold that one thing was right in front of me! Couldn't believe it, it was like the thing had been thrown at my feet!!!
Well I'm glad I got the package off early, today we found out that my husband is possibly going to need heart bypass surgery. We have to go back on the 16th to hear if the doctors think he's healthy enough. Can't imagine he wouldn't be, he's only complained about some minor chest pains and dizzyness. No shortness of breath. Please keep him in your prayers that the dr's give the okay. Too bad its right here at the holidays but hopefully everything can be done by Thanksgiving and he would be feeling better by Christmas. At least he's not having to recover from a heart attack and going to surgery too. Take care, Chris

My husband had a heart attach at age 42. It is much better to get a bypass because then there is the posibilty of a full recovery and no damage to the heart. My prayers are with you stay strong!

lab fairy 11-08-2010 08:05 PM

I feel so dumb. I shipped my package only to find that one of the things I listed on the customs form was left out. I hope this isn't going to be a problem. I'm off to reship again. I hate mental hic-ups.

goldendog55 11-08-2010 08:22 PM

I haven't sent mine out yet, so don't worry about not getting one yet. I ordered some of my gifts, and they'll be here early this week! Judy

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