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-   -   Secret Santa Time!!!---MORE IMPORTANT INFO ADDED ON PAGE ONE.... REVEAL CHAT IS DECEMBER 12 @ 7PM EST (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-time-more-important-info-added-page-one-reveal-chat-december-12-%40-7pm-est-t66738.html)

amma 11-08-2010 09:28 PM

That topic gets a LOT of chatter in it while the swappers are waiting for the "opening" day LOL

Tink's Mom 11-08-2010 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by cbridges22

Originally Posted by trupeach1
I have been good I have been good. Patty wants me on the naughht list but I keep saying I have been good and today I got another pressie. who are you?????????????? I know my assigned SS didn't send me anything so who is sending me pressies????????????

The Boggie man from Bogeyland!Slop you say well you don't know fine cuisine that is for sure.Fine I will bring smoked salmon with a apricot and honey glaze and a parsnip puree with garlic butter.Think you can tolerate that Miss Hoite Toiety. Yes I remember free T.V and the Wizard of OZ on thanksgiving.I loved watching the Macy's parade while my mom and g-mom cooked.I guess this year will be even better since I will be in the parade.Have you got our reservations made for Thanksgiving dinner,or do I have to do everything?

Make sure that you wave to the camera, Peachy...than we can see you with Santa in the parade...

sharon b 11-08-2010 09:32 PM

Yes that was the correct place

Tink's Mom 11-08-2010 09:32 PM

Onebunny, the important stuff is all on page 1 of the SS swap. Terri will update the info on page 1 as needed. If you, post in the SS swap thread once, than it should show up in your watched topics until after the swap.

magnolia 11-08-2010 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by magnolia
I will also be very busy with school these next four weeks. It is my final semester before I earn my bachelors degree. So I may not be adding as much to the discussion, but I will try. I graduate December 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then you can get a BIG girl job!!!!!!!!!!

Not quite yet. I still have another 2 year credential program :(, But, I'm possibly hoping to get an internship (paid). First, I have to see if I got into the credential program. They may wait until December before they let me know.

littleone 11-08-2010 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by seweasy
today we found out that my husband is possibly going to need heart bypass surgery. We have to go back on the 16th to hear if the doctors think he's healthy enough. Can't imagine he wouldn't be, he's only complained about some minor chest pains and dizzyness. No shortness of breath. Please keep him in your prayers that the dr's give the okay. Too bad its right here at the holidays but hopefully everything can be done by Thanksgiving and he would be feeling better by Christmas. At least he's not having to recover from a heart attack and going to surgery too. Take care, Chris

Chris, I'll be watching for my pressie :lol:. Praying that all goes well with the doctors. Dar

littleone 11-08-2010 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by magnolia
I found out my mom has to go in for another surgery. She will find out on Wednesday if her last surgery has healed well enough to have this next one. This will be number 6 within 6 months. :(

Oh my, she must be a very strong women, 6 within 6 months. Praying that all goes well. Dar

SulaBug 11-08-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by trupeach1
YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEE another player........seems more want to play, so I guess they don't think this is jibberish, it is called a release of stress and tension.

Since you have finally arrived (it took you loong enough to get here)at the Pole as we call it do you think you could go to the Weaving Shop and take inventory of the red thread. I think we are runnung low and more has to be ordered with all the sewing of red Christmas stockings. Since you are new here I will give you directions. I believe you are staying with that nice Italian family, that ones that have the nativity set up in front of their home. When you walk out the font door go to the left and walk about 3 blocks. You will come to the reindeer trouth make a right there and you will see the reindeer barn. You can't miss it. Go to the barn and the Weaving Shop is directly behind it. The barn actually blocks the view so you have to go around back. When you get there tell Neil, you can't miss him he is the tallest elf that I sent you and he will direct you to the thread room. Abonda does the ordering so get back to her with a count when you are done. Oh wait she might not be around if she go with the search party for Littleone. You know what just tell Mrs Clause the spool count and she will place the order if need be.

I am exhausted, but I finally made it back from the Weaving Shop!! After a few wrong turns, I had to return to the nice Italian families house & they set me on the right path. Thought I was never going to get there, so COLD!! Brrrr... I found Elf Neil, just like you said I would & he directed me to the thread room. After I finally got the thread counted, I then went over to Mr's. Claus's. Of course, I caught her taking a late afternoon nap!! :thumbup: Can you imagine that, a nap at this time of the year? After waiting for her to awake, I gave her the count & she is ordering the red thread ASAP. No worries, she assured me the thread will be there, as soon as it is needed. Now, hopefully we can all rest well tonight. Hope everyone is tucked snuggly in the beds for a good night's rest. I will check in again in the morning.
:D :D :D :D

sandpat 11-09-2010 05:48 AM

Oh my....I'm glad that littleone was found...have you made it to the pole yet littleone?

I'm so sorry to read of the sad news that some of you have...I'll put you and your families on my prayer lists.

craft phanatic 11-09-2010 06:03 AM

Okay, so my pressie went postal and I'm now ready to head to the North Pole to join the rest of the bunch.

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