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abonda 10-22-2010 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Yes and it is rather strange.This is my kids favorite memory.My son was 10mand my daughter 5. We lived in Dallas,TX. and I worked for hospice and was on-call Christmas Eve.Of course I got called out to go to a death and pronounce a patient about 7:00p.m. just as we were starting activities.My mom was there and offered to drive so we all piled in her van and off we went singing Christmas carols,eating cookies and looking at lights.We got there and they stayed in the car for about an hour until the funeral home came and I had done all I needed to do.Then we headed home.Many years later both my kids said that was there favorite memory and I ask why because it sure was not what I would have picked and they both said it was because I put them first even though I was working and caring for others and because it made them realize we weren't promised a tomorrow and each day is a gift from God.Kids can sure amaze you and surprise you.I am thankful my kids got the true meaning of Christmas.


abonda 10-22-2010 08:51 AM

Trupeach what touching stories!!!!! The most important thinks in life, LOVE FAITH FRIENDS Thanks for sharing such touching and wonderful stories.


Short an Sweet 10-22-2010 08:59 AM

My favorite was the Christmas after my dad passed away, I had received a quilt from my aunt the previous year and my sisters had said they hoped Aunt Margie got them the next year, well I told them it wouldn't matter cause they still wouldn't get one, because I was the favorite. Well that next Thanksgiving my father passed away, and Christmas Eve my Mom wanted all 3 of us girls to drive out to her house (it was 2 hours away)to get her for Christmas, when we got there she said there was a gift for each of in our Daddys Room. After I had teased my sisters so bad, my dad had ordered 3 quilts from my Aunt for our Christmas gifts. She had finished them right before he died, so my Aunt had a label embroidered for each of the quilts so that we would always remember that Christmas

littleone 10-22-2010 09:02 AM

Sniffle sniffle, Kleenex time. Very touching memories for you and your family, Peachy. Thank you for sharing.

I have a couple of memories that have always come to mind around Christmas time.

The Christmas I was 12 and my little sisters were 2 our family had been going through some hard times since my dad had taken ill. We basically had no money for presents or a Christmas dinner. Well on Christmas Eve there was a knock on the door and upon opening it my mom and I found boxes of food; enough for a whole week, turkey dinner included. And there were presents. I still remember there were two dolls that needed some clothing, so mom and I dressed them with some of my old doll clothes. One doll in particular had some damage to her toes. The girls were told that one of Santa’s reindeer had been hungry and nibbled on the toes. Mom and I were so happy and laughing as we were putting the presents under the tree. To this day I can't remember if I got anything.

I still remember the first Christmas with my first husband. We were living in Vancouver where there weren’t very many white Christmases. We had gone for a walk that Christmas Eve and while walking the biggest snowflakes you every seen started to falling. We were young and silly dancing down the sidewalk and catching snowflakes on our tongues. I remember this special memory every Christmas. I like to believe he is up there remembering that special Christmas eve too.

trupeach1 10-22-2010 11:49 AM

What wonderful stories, I feel I got to know you all a little better with the stories you shared.

Isn't it strange that the Christmas that were hard on us is the ones we remember were special, not with sadness but with LOVE!!!!!!!!

I better stop I am getting all mushy here and SUPER PEACH is NOT a mush!!!!!!!!!

cbridges22 10-22-2010 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
What wonderful stories, I feel I got to know you all a little better with the stories you shared.

Isn't it strange that the Christmas that were hard on us is the ones we remember were special, not with sadness but with LOVE!!!!!!!!

I better stop I am getting all mushy here and SUPER PEACH is NOT a mush!!!!!!!!!

Your right it is the ones that were not perfect that seem to mean so much more to me than the Norman Rockwell ones.

zyxquilts 10-22-2010 12:39 PM

Just got back from lunch. Went to Denny's with my friend, then off to the LQS for some shopping! My SS shopping is now done (and I've even wrapped it already!), the rest of the things that will be going are going to be hand made. :D

Jennifer22206 10-22-2010 01:03 PM

ok.. this is my Special Christmas memory that's my most treasured.

My father passed away in 2007, and my daughter was born on December 15, the next year. So he never met her. At Christmas of 08 I was in the family room relaxing with the baby and there were some presents already under the tree (we decided that we wouldn't do a huge Christmas because I wasn't in the mood for anything huge. My grandmother (who was 87 at the time) and my mom were with my husband, daughter and me. We opened up the few packages we had early, and went to eat dinner. Every bit of wrapping paper was picked up, and each of us had our gifts in a pile. We went into the other room which has a clear view of the family room and ate Christmas dinner. Mom and I cleaned up while my husband went into the family room with the baby and my grandmother. They walked in and my husband called "Jenn, get here now!" I thought something was horribly wrong with the baby from the tone in his voice. Mom and I ran into the family room and sitting under the tree was a wooden train that I had when I was little that my dad had made for me. I picked it up and on the bottom of it it looked like a small letter E was carved in the bottom of it. My daughters name is Emma.

No door opened, and no one came into the house. SO my best Christmas memory is my father giving his granddaughter a handmade gift that was once mine (and no one had seen it for over 20 years)

I don't know how it got there, or where it was, or how the E got there, but it was there and Emma has something from her grandfather.

Ok.. I'm stopping because I'm in tears. Dad's birthday would have been on November 9th.. so yea, it's getting close.

candi 10-22-2010 01:48 PM

Great and touching stories everyone!

I must have been a very good girl this year, because I already got my secret santa package!!!!!!!!(Oh dear Santa, thank you )

Now to resist opening until December 12th!!!!! :mrgreen:

trupeach1 10-22-2010 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
ok.. this is my Special Christmas memory that's my most treasured.

My father passed away in 2007, and my daughter was born on December 15, the next year. So he never met her. At Christmas of 08 I was in the family room relaxing with the baby and there were some presents already under the tree (we decided that we wouldn't do a huge Christmas because I wasn't in the mood for anything huge. My grandmother (who was 87 at the time) and my mom were with my husband, daughter and me. We opened up the few packages we had early, and went to eat dinner. Every bit of wrapping paper was picked up, and each of us had our gifts in a pile. We went into the other room which has a clear view of the family room and ate Christmas dinner. Mom and I cleaned up while my husband went into the family room with the baby and my grandmother. They walked in and my husband called "Jenn, get here now!" I thought something was horribly wrong with the baby from the tone in his voice. Mom and I ran into the family room and sitting under the tree was a wooden train that I had when I was little that my dad had made for me. I picked it up and on the bottom of it it looked like a small letter E was carved in the bottom of it. My daughters name is Emma.

No door opened, and no one came into the house. SO my best Christmas memory is my father giving his granddaughter a handmade gift that was once mine (and no one had seen it for over 20 years)

I don't know how it got there, or where it was, or how the E got there, but it was there and Emma has something from her grandfather.

Ok.. I'm stopping because I'm in tears. Dad's birthday would have been on November 9th.. so yea, it's getting close.

OMG I have tears running down my face. Your dad was there, they come back to check on family a few weeks before and after their birthday and death days and sometimes for holidays. There is no explaining why, they just do and they will also let you know they were there.

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