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trupeach1 10-22-2010 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by candi
Great and touching stories everyone!

I must have been a very good girl this year, because I already got my secret santa package!!!!!!!!(Oh dear Santa, thank you )

Now to resist opening until December 12th!!!!! :mrgreen:

open it no one will know!!!!!!! lol don't ruin the surprise. put the package out of sight, the wait isn't as bad as if it is right in front of your face.

my ss told me that i was her person, this is not a joke. i will have no surprise. when i asked who she had she said YOU. i thought she was kidding and said WHO do you REALLY have again she said YOU. the info i sent about what i wanted was totally out of the box for me, no one in a million years would have guessed what i asked for in FQ's, it has been confirmed she is my ss and i cried! i wish she didn't tell me.

candi 10-22-2010 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by candi
Great and touching stories everyone!

I must have been a very good girl this year, because I already got my secret santa package!!!!!!!!(Oh dear Santa, thank you )

Now to resist opening until December 12th!!!!! :mrgreen:

open it no one will know!!!!!!! lol don't ruin the surprise. put the package out of sight, the wait isn't as bad as if it is right in front of your face.

my ss told me that i was her person, this is not a joke. i will have no surprise. when i asked who she had she said YOU. i thought she was kidding and said WHO do you REALLY have again she said YOU. the info i sent about what i wanted was totally out of the box for me, no one in a million years would have guessed what i asked for in FQ's, it has been confirmed she is my ss and i cried! i wish she didn't tell me.

But Tru, it will still be a surprise what's in the package.

OK, I am hiding mine.

trupeach1 10-22-2010 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by candi

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by candi
Great and touching stories everyone!

I must have been a very good girl this year, because I already got my secret santa package!!!!!!!!(Oh dear Santa, thank you )

Now to resist opening until December 12th!!!!! :mrgreen:

open it no one will know!!!!!!! lol don't ruin the surprise. put the package out of sight, the wait isn't as bad as if it is right in front of your face.

my ss told me that i was her person, this is not a joke. i will have no surprise. when i asked who she had she said YOU. i thought she was kidding and said WHO do you REALLY have again she said YOU. the info i sent about what i wanted was totally out of the box for me, no one in a million years would have guessed what i asked for in FQ's, it has been confirmed she is my ss and i cried! i wish she didn't tell me.

But Tru, it will still be a surprise what's in the package.

OK, I am hiding mine.

The fun part to me was wondering who they were not the pressies themself. last year I kept teasing my own person who was SHOCKED when she found out I was here SS. She thought I was being me, the naughty peach because I kept encouraging her to open it. I actually sent her 2 packages about 1 week apart to throw her off. I am excited about my person and the stuff I got her. I guess that is the important part.

abonda 10-22-2010 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
ok.. this is my Special Christmas memory that's my most treasured.

My father passed away in 2007, and my daughter was born on December 15, the next year. So he never met her. At Christmas of 08 I was in the family room relaxing with the baby and there were some presents already under the tree (we decided that we wouldn't do a huge Christmas because I wasn't in the mood for anything huge. My grandmother (who was 87 at the time) and my mom were with my husband, daughter and me. We opened up the few packages we had early, and went to eat dinner. Every bit of wrapping paper was picked up, and each of us had our gifts in a pile. We went into the other room which has a clear view of the family room and ate Christmas dinner. Mom and I cleaned up while my husband went into the family room with the baby and my grandmother. They walked in and my husband called "Jenn, get here now!" I thought something was horribly wrong with the baby from the tone in his voice. Mom and I ran into the family room and sitting under the tree was a wooden train that I had when I was little that my dad had made for me. I picked it up and on the bottom of it it looked like a small letter E was carved in the bottom of it. My daughters name is Emma.

No door opened, and no one came into the house. SO my best Christmas memory is my father giving his granddaughter a handmade gift that was once mine (and no one had seen it for over 20 years)

I don't know how it got there, or where it was, or how the E got there, but it was there and Emma has something from her grandfather.

Ok.. I'm stopping because I'm in tears. Dad's birthday would have been on November 9th.. so yea, it's getting close.


abonda 10-22-2010 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by candi

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by candi
Great and touching stories everyone!

I must have been a very good girl this year, because I already got my secret santa package!!!!!!!!(Oh dear Santa, thank you )

Now to resist opening until December 12th!!!!! :mrgreen:

open it no one will know!!!!!!! lol don't ruin the surprise. put the package out of sight, the wait isn't as bad as if it is right in front of your face.

my ss told me that i was her person, this is not a joke. i will have no surprise. when i asked who she had she said YOU. i thought she was kidding and said WHO do you REALLY have again she said YOU. the info i sent about what i wanted was totally out of the box for me, no one in a million years would have guessed what i asked for in FQ's, it has been confirmed she is my ss and i cried! i wish she didn't tell me.

But Tru, it will still be a surprise what's in the package.

OK, I am hiding mine.

The fun part to me was wondering who they were not the pressies themself. last year I kept teasing my own person who was SHOCKED when she found out I was here SS. She thought I was being me, the naughty peach because I kept encouraging her to open it. I actually sent her 2 packages about 1 week apart to throw her off. I am excited about my person and the stuff I got her. I guess that is the important part.

Absolutely Peach!! you got that right! It's better to give than to receive. You will be blessed two fold!!! The true spirit of Christmas. :thumbup: :D

sandpat 10-22-2010 03:45 PM

To those of you who shared your special stories...thank you..those are all touching and amazing!

Peachy...now you know that even if you think you do know for sure...you don't. Things do seem to get swapped around somehow and things change, so ya' just never know! And if you don't get off the naughty list, you won't have to worry about it anyway..:wink:

MISHNJIM 10-22-2010 03:47 PM

Jennifer22206----You aren't the only one with tears running down her face. That is the sweetest story I've heard in a long time. I'm still tearing up just thinking about your MIRACLE!!!

trupeach1 10-22-2010 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
To those of you who shared your special stories...thank you..those are all touching and amazing!

Peachy...now you know that even if you think you do know for sure...you don't. Things do seem to get swapped around somehow and things change, so ya' just never know! And if you don't get off the naughty list, you won't have to worry about it anyway..:wink:

Sorry Patty I KNOW 100% without a dought, I would bet my stash on it!!!!!!!! And things will not get changed.

abonda 10-22-2010 06:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Peachy do you like my toes??????????????

trupeach1 10-22-2010 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by abonda
Hey Peachy do you like my toes??????????????

I hope you keeps those toes covered when you go out if you met a guy who has a toe fettish he'll just suck those toes off your feet. :lol: :lol:

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