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-   -   Secret Santa Time!!!---MORE IMPORTANT INFO ADDED ON PAGE ONE.... REVEAL CHAT IS DECEMBER 12 @ 7PM EST (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-time-more-important-info-added-page-one-reveal-chat-december-12-%40-7pm-est-t66738.html)

Jennifer22206 10-23-2010 07:06 AM

Tru- I'd love to have dinner with you and abonda tonight. Another elf just gave me a huge box of hot chocolate mix so I'll be sure to bring that with me! And then, Santa had another idea for me to make so it very well could be an all nighter!

I've been hiding in Santa's handicraft workshop its just down the road a bit from the snow cone shop. When you get a chance you'll have to stop on by. Santa has awesome supplies to make goodies with! Tons of beads and fabric and wood. Its nice and warm in here too! I'll share some space if you'd like to join in!

trupeach1 10-23-2010 07:11 AM

Has anyone seen Magnolia????????????????/ She was having tests at the doc yesterday and I am concerned about her.

trupeach1 10-23-2010 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by Leota

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by Leota
I've started making my little person their present(s) he he ... having so much fun in the workshop :D

What workshop???????????? Are you at the Pole and hiding too?????? Read the above comment, we are having a quilting bee........you are more then welcome to come.

BRING FABRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or batting we are runnning low and I don't know when Santa expects another shipment. Is it wrong that we are taking stuff from Santas workshop/warehouse to make a pressie for him???????

NO.... I'm at the Annex Workshop... His main workshop is strictly for toys for good boys and girls.. I'm at his annex workshop for good gals and gents :D.... Different department...

Oh then you are about 20 minutes away, as the crow flies. Do you wanta come??????????? You know how to ride bare back don't you?????????? I will send Prancer to get you. It is mating season and that Prance will do anything to get a little tail so if I send him for you he will be busy for at least an hour. Let me know so I can make the arrangments.

trupeach1 10-23-2010 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
Tru- I'd love to have dinner with you and abonda tonight. Another elf just gave me a huge box of hot chocolate mix so I'll be sure to bring that with me! And then, Santa had another idea for me to make so it very well could be an all nighter!

I've been hiding in Santa's handicraft workshop its just down the road a bit from the snow cone shop. When you get a chance you'll have to stop on by. Santa has awesome supplies to make goodies with! Tons of beads and fabric and wood. Its nice and warm in here too! I'll share some space if you'd like to join in!

Are you at the Annex with Leota?????????? I know there are different workshops there. Leota is in the ADULT shop so if you are in the handicraft shop isn't that part of the annex?????

trupeach1 10-23-2010 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by CraftsByRobin

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by sandpat
This sounds like a lot of "hooey" to me :roll:

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by sandpat
Well now, just who wears sandals to show off their toes in the North Pole???? Santa probably doesn't even remember what real toes look like! He is a wee bit heavy and probably hasn't seen his in a while :lol:

Patty lots of people wear sandles in the Pole, that's what we call it up here. Since there is so much ice and snow all the sidewalks have heat blowers on the side and heat coils under the pavement through the entire village. That is easier to maintain and cost less then snow and ice removal. Some times it gets down right HOT walking back and forth from building to building. Didn't you see the pic of Santas helper on page 56? He is wearing shorts didn't you wonder why???????? Now you know!!!!!!!!

IT IS NOT HOOEY!!!!!!!!!! You are just jealous because you are not one of the elite and invited by Santa to live at the Pole for a few weeks out of the year. SO,SO just go fry up some frog legs and have yourself some lunch!!!!!!!!!!

Now now Peachy ... what did that poor frog do to you that you would wish that fate on him ...

Remember to be calm ... Santa's Watching YOU (he's everywhere)

One of Patty's cats will kill it anyway so why waste food?????

Jennifer22206 10-23-2010 07:41 AM

I'm in the building next to the annex. Its about 10 steps away from leota. Ive seen her around but shes awfully secretive!

trupeach1 10-23-2010 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
I'm in the building next to the annex. Its about 10 steps away from leota. Ive seen her around but shes awfully secretive!

I am sending Prancer to get Leota so you can just hitch a ride with her. Prance is so big 2 of you can fit on him. Maybe you could find out what Leota has been so secretive about. gggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee I wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magnolia 10-23-2010 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
Has anyone seen Magnolia????????????????/ She was having tests at the doc yesterday and I am concerned about her.

I'm still here Peach! I will also have an echo on Tuesday. After they are finished with that I will get the results to both tests. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate them using sandpaper on my skin-it's very itchy.

Now, just so you all know-Santa hired me to stay in a secret observation annex at the Pole. From there I can see who's being naughty or nice!Although, I should say everyone has been very nice the last couple days, although a couple people continue to tiptoe the line.

trupeach1 10-23-2010 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by magnolia

Originally Posted by trupeach1
Has anyone seen Magnolia????????????????/ She was having tests at the doc yesterday and I am concerned about her.

I'm still here Peach! I will also have an echo on Tuesday. After they are finished with that I will get the results to both tests. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate them using sandpaper on my skin-it's very itchy.

Now, just so you all know-Santa hired me to stay in a secret observation annex at the Pole. From there I can see who's being naughty or nice!Although, I should say everyone has been very nice the last couple days, although a couple people continue to tiptoe the line.

I was worried about you your the same age as my kids.

I see the observation deck from where I am. Wait I will run outside with my BRIGHT purple hat on and wave let me know if you see me!!!!!!

OOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPP I forgot to ask do you want to come to the quilting bee tonight??????????? Prancer will be going in the other direction so I have no one to send for you can you make it here on your own???????? It is getting here today, tomorrow some one could take you back to the Inn. Thats close to the deck so I assume that is where you are staying.

adoba is in the Igloo
you are at the Inn
leota and jennifer are at the Lodge
I am by the snowcone sign renting a room from a nice Swiss family. OOOOOHHHHHHHH I feel like I am in the Alpes.

I think we are all accounted for. has anyone seen anyone else????????

magnolia 10-23-2010 09:10 AM

I appreciate your concern Peach! It means a lot.

I DO see you! And, I would love to come to the quilting bee tonight. I will bring some peppermint cocoa to share.I'm pretty sure I can find it ok I will just follow your bright hat!

I hope some of the others tell us where they are hiding so they can join in the fun.

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