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-   -   Secret Santa Time!!!---MORE IMPORTANT INFO ADDED ON PAGE ONE.... REVEAL CHAT IS DECEMBER 12 @ 7PM EST (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/secret-santa-time-more-important-info-added-page-one-reveal-chat-december-12-%40-7pm-est-t66738.html)

abonda 10-24-2010 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by abonda

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by cbridges22
I have decided that the Reindeer need new blankets to throw over their backs so I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in the barn?It is very cozy here with fresh hay,wood burning snow,twinkle lights in the rafters,hot chocolate bar.We could get started this afternoon.Anyone game? I know you must be tired from the all niter working on Mrs.Clause quilt but we mustn't for git the Reindeer.P.S. Have fudge and cookies to go with hot coco!We could play Reindeer games afterward,Prancer is all into games and has offered to teach us.


I'm there............. I have been busy making caramel popcorn I will bring it along. It is 2:30 what if I would make dinner and bring that too? I have a pot of sauce simmering. You know how Santa LOVES spaghetti and meatballs I will invite him and Mrs Clause. A picnic in the barn, what fun. I know Santa wanted to check on something with Vixin, he thinks she is knocked up again (that slut) if she is then in 4 weeks from now she will be in no shape to pull the sleigh. Her belly will weigh it down and it will never get into the air. My finger are worn to the bone from the quilting bee last night however I will bring yarn and crochet a blanket instead.
Has anyone else responded? I will stop by the Inn and Lodge to see if anyone else wants to come. Oh I will also stop by the Polish house I know the teenage daughter wants to learn how to crochet it would be a good time to teach her. I am not stopping by the Igloo it is in the other direction. See you in a little while. I think I will make some garlic bread to go with our dinner.

OOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSS almost forgot could I invite that German Oompha band from up the road??????????? It would be fun to have music. I just hope they didn't have saurkraut for lunch the barn is pretty tight and well lets just say not enough window to open and air out the place.

Thanks a lot peach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbdown: you won't stop by the igloo?????? What do I have frost bite!!!! :evil: :twisted: Well I'm coming to the party anyway!! I think I'm going to bring brownies, special brownies just for you!!!!

If you read what I wrote instead of getting into a huff about it no one said you couldn't come to the party. I just wasn't going to stop by the igloo to get you. It was in the opposite direction from where I was going. Are the SPECIAL brownies the kind of SPECIAL brownies that were popular during the late 1960's early 70's?

Hee Hee can't have a party without brownies! and Ice cream

sandpat 10-25-2010 06:00 AM

I think you guys got into those "special" brownies days ago!:shock::lol:!!

abonda...thats quite the pile of loot ya' got there. I wonder, since you are still naughty what might be in all those boxes....coal? animal parts? sticks? empty candy wrappers? fruit peels???????/

cbridges22 10-25-2010 06:35 AM

I think in adobes boxes you will find wild Hawaiian print fabrics to go on her RR center.Her SS would want to give her stuff she likes and I get it on good authority she loves electric blue Hawaiian fabric.I bet that is because she has been working at the snow cone stand at the North Pole and longing for warm weather.Snow cones are such a tropical thing.I am still down here at the barn and you should see the lovely throws trupeach has made for the Reindeer,I think she has surly moved to the good list after her great kindness shown to animals.She did leave me with somewhat of a mess after the hoe down.Strudel and brownie crumbs everywhere and the cloggers made a few dents in the barn floor.Reindeer have diarrhea after getting into the spiked eggnog.Who did that?And there is so morbidly obese guy passed out in the sleigh,could be one of the yodelers surely its not Santa!I do see brownie crumbs leading to the sleigh.ANDREA,what did you do to the brownies!!!!!

Jennifer22206 10-25-2010 06:54 AM

I'm playing nice.. I'm not on either list!!

trupeach1 10-25-2010 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
I'm playing nice.. I'm not on either list!!

That is because you are invisable to the ENTIRE world. :oops: :oops:

Jennifer22206 10-25-2010 07:09 AM

Ahh I only lost 41 pounds.. I am so not invisible! I still have another 20-40 to go! I'll have to chatter more.. but I have to do that work thing... ya know? And I have the almost 2 year old. I'll try to chat more!

trupeach1 10-25-2010 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
I think in adobes boxes you will find wild Hawaiian print fabrics to go on her RR center.Her SS would want to give her stuff she likes and I get it on good authority she loves electric blue Hawaiian fabric.I bet that is because she has been working at the snow cone stand at the North Pole and longing for warm weather.Snow cones are such a tropical thing.I am still down here at the barn and you should see the lovely throws trupeach has made for the Reindeer,I think she has surly moved to the good list after her great kindness shown to animals.She did leave me with somewhat of a mess after the hoe down.Strudel and brownie crumbs everywhere and the cloggers made a few dents in the barn floor.Reindeer have diarrhea after getting into the spiked eggnog.Who did that?And there is so morbidly obese guy passed out in the sleigh,could be one of the yodelers surely its not Santa!I do see brownie crumbs leading to the sleigh.ANDREA,what did you do to the brownies!!!!!

I didn't leave the mess I was one of the first to leave. Did you expect me to stay there until the last person left and then clean up after everyone? Everyone should have cleaned up after themself. I did so why didn't everyone else. I think that reason for the diarrhea was becasue someone, and I won't name names gave them the special brownies and there was too much roughage(SP) in them for reindeer tummies.

I picked out the most perfect gift for a special someone. I hope they will like it. I always worry that what is someone doesn't like what I am giving them. Not just with SS but with everything............

tlrnhi 10-25-2010 07:59 AM

Ok everyone....I'm back!!!

leiladylei54 10-25-2010 08:02 AM

Welcome back, tlrnhi

trupeach1 10-25-2010 08:23 AM

Hi Terri have you seen we have all been playing nice, all except Patty. Read her posts she is being a trouble maker. I on the other hand have been a perfect little angel. Read ALL the posts people are talking about how good I have been. They even said I should no longer be on the naughty list.

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