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-   -   Sign Up July 2013 47th Doll Quilt Swap - Self Portrait and/or Where I Live (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/sign-up-july-2013-47th-doll-quilt-swap-self-portrait-where-i-live-t223865.html)

Psychomomquilter 06-30-2013 03:48 AM

Krystyna, tried again, sent you a pm..

luvstoquilt 06-30-2013 05:50 AM

Thinking of you Robin. You could have taken the little quilt with you...Prayers are with you..love your attitude!

Krystyna, When you have grandchildren I think you will learn to play "SKIPBO"...easy card game my kids started playing at about 4...I see it in my sleep..we still play it more often than I really care to do. Gabi cheats!!!

Looking forward to getting my partner..still have no idea what I will create...hope my new partner is kind.

Lizabrat, I hope you are feeling well after the move.

jaba 06-30-2013 06:15 AM

Having a hard time with this month's theme, the "don't be boring part" :eek:. I'm pretty much a controlled quilter have a hard time just letting it fly unless it matches, etc. Self portrait is not a good idea, where I live, that's beautiful mountains, rivers and flowers or the chaos of fabric and more fabric. I now have 2 that are half finished but they are not the out of the box not boring. Miss K I'm blaming it on you :) think it's going to be boring so be sure and draw the right name for me out of your little hat okay?

dabbler312 06-30-2013 07:26 AM

luvstoquilt we lost our power in one of the storms about two weeks ago - I'm forever grateful that we like to tent camp and have all the camping gear you would need. I'm a coffee clatcher - I drink coffee from the time I get up in the morning until it's lights out at the end of the day and would not be without my coffee - camping gear to the rescue - one old coffee percolator for the stove top - we have a gas stove and if you don't have that then there's always the side burner of your outdoor gas grill or the trusty old camper kerosene stove. It's kind of sad that kids today are at a loss as to what to do when the power goes out - it's very telling about society as a whole - we have shelves full of games and puzzles from when my kids were younger and we must be on about our third deck of UNO and the second of SKIPBO - we also played good old fashion cards; RUMMY and 500 (Fepher sp?)

Already have my fabric selections made for this months project - YAHOO!!! I'm ahead of the curve for a change.

Krystyna 06-30-2013 07:35 AM

Psychomom, got your PM. Six times!!! :shock: Always nice to hear from you! Again and again and again and again ...:D :D :D

Sharon, I think I'll have to play Skipbo with hubby. Need something mindless to do sometimes! Poor Gabi! She's not cheating. She's just a very young card shark!

Jaba, you stinker! I thought I had the list all set ... but then I read your post. I think all will be good now. I hope.

Krystyna 06-30-2013 07:45 AM

Dabbler, I'm with you on the coffee. One of the hardest things to endure after Sandy was the lack of coffee. There was no power, no water, no gas and all our camping stuff was ruined. When we were wandering around the streets we came across some people who brought Dunkin Donuts coffee boxes, but they had no cups!!! WAH!!! Finally, I realized that there was a generator at the plant where my husband was working so I dragged a coffee maker over there. Since there was a military occupation on the island, every time I wanted to go to the plant which was only four blocks away, I had to go through three or four check points manned by various branches of law enforcement or military. The last one was the DEA and they had assault rifles. Eventually when I rolled down the window with a full pot of coffee on the floor one of them asked, "Is that coffee I smell?" I became their best friend and started bringing non-dairy creamer, sugar and cups. Some of them had brand new thermoses but nothing to put in them. Ahhhhh. Life is good when you have coffee! Think I'll go make another cup! (Oooo! An idea for my self-portrait!)

luvstoquilt 06-30-2013 07:58 AM

Dabbler it looked like we were trying to contact the spirits...so many candles...we play a lot of games, too. Many are left from my own children..my grandkids found Yatsey and it had score cards from when their dad was their age..they were thrilled! Krystyna, Gabi does cheat...I have a glass top table and she drops a card and we can see her face looking at everyones stack cards. She can stack a deck better than anyone I have ever known. I am worried about that girl..she is just barely 8 yrs. old!!! We play UNO, Skipbo, Rummy, Rummy Cube, Bananagram,etc. I have had a few "game night" parties with adults and kids together...it is so much fun.

My house is definitely getting a stovetop coffeepot! I can light my stove with a match when the power is off...my grill is electric though. I can see a Goodwill shopping trip in my future for sure!

Kids ended up liking it. It was a lot of fun listening to them trying to decide what to do and then realizing it took electricity!

jaba 06-30-2013 08:04 AM

Miss K I'll take your cup of coffee if you'll take my shelves of fabric :D

Krystyna 06-30-2013 08:39 AM

OK. It is now almost 12:30 EST and the sign up is closed. Really. Closed.

Pairing up partners is always a challenge. I really try to put people together who I think will enjoy each other's creative spirit. Finding partners for new members is a little more daunting since we haven't had the pleasure of getting to know you yet, so I hope I did well in that regard. I do try to find you partners who I think will make you feel welcome and who will encourage your quilting efforts in our little swapping family.

And, of course, I try not to pair you with someone you've had before -- and I do my best not to pair you with yourself!!! (As you know, that doesn't always work out too well! :D)

On a personal note, every month as I look at the list there are so many names that I would love to have as a swap partner, but practically speaking, I can't swap with everyone ... and I'm sure there are more than a few who breathe a sigh of relief that they didn't get me!

This month presented an additional challenge ... pairing "free spirits" with the same, and the traditionally inclined with like minded quilters. I hope I did OK. Here you go ...

[TABLE="width: 580"]
<colgroup><col span="2"></colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD]BuzzinBumble / Lynnie25[/TD]
[TD]debbyg [/TD]
[TD]Jillnjo [/TD]
[TD]CLSurz / JeanD[/TD]
[TD]Lilrain [/TD]
[TD]LJDugas31 [/TD]
[TD]Lynnie25 (AUS) [/TD]
[TD]Psychomomquilter [/TD]
[TD]QuiltingKrazy [/TD]
[TD]skaduzy [/TD]

BuzzinBumble 06-30-2013 08:41 AM

Sharon and Dabbler, you are so right about a power outage being fun... As long as you know things will be back to normal soon. It sounds like you and your family had such a great time Sharon. Our family has always played games like that too. Our kids do with their friends as well.

My grandma cheated at Yahtzee. She would just keep on taking rolls, or turn over dice when no one was looking. For her the game was to see how much she could get away with without being caught. And when you did catch her, she would do this thing we all referred to as giving you the Evil Eye. It was creepy and funny all at the same time. She was quite a character.

Krystyna, that sounds just like you...befriending the check point guys and bringing them coffee. They must have really appreciated it. My goodness what you went through boggles the mind. A coffee self portrait, what a great idea!
You've reminded me of something my hubby did during a blizzard in early October back in 1987 when we lived near Albany. The weight of the snow on all the leaves knocked over a lot of trees and there were electric wires down everywhere. We had no power for a week. My DH made it his mission to go to Stewarts and buy up their coffee and deliver it to all the volunteer firemen who stood guard around the downed poles near where we lived.

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