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Annaquilts 06-09-2013 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 6111537)
Sure you bet, then I'll get in trouble for sending to one and not another!! Want strawberries too? They started yesterday, already have a gallon. I need Miss Brat here with her obsession for fruit, quickly.

Oooooohhh I would love strawberries but one of my children is so severely allergic that we can not even be at events with strawberries. Now we eat blue berries. Not the same I know.

Annaquilts 06-09-2013 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by ljdugas31 (Post 6111692)
she is zoey mydarling 6 pound pomerian,she is 6 years old and the baby of our family!!!

Zoe looks so sweet. What a cutie! Do you have a closer up picture of her you could post?

createfourpaws 06-09-2013 10:21 AM

I hate having a creative block.......UGH I have my fabrics picked out just not finding a pattern it is either too small or too big.

I will get it done.

Krystyna 06-09-2013 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Annaquilts (Post 6112711)
Oooooohhh I would love strawberries but one of my children is so severely allergic that we can not even be at events with strawberries. Now we eat blue berries. Not the same I know.

Oooo. I love blueberries. I pulled out all the decorative shrubs in our front yard and put in various blueberry shrubs. It was so wonderful to go out into the garden to pick berries for breakfast.

ljdugas31 06-09-2013 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Annaquilts (Post 6112717)
Zoe looks so sweet. What a cutie! Do you have a closer up picture of her you could post?

yes I am trying to change my avatar it is a picture of her.

Krystyna 06-09-2013 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by createfourpaws (Post 6112775)
I hate having a creative block.......UGH I have my fabrics picked out just not finding a pattern it is either too small or too big.

I will get it done.

Suggestion: Don't use a pattern. Let the fabric do what it wants to do.

ljdugas31 06-09-2013 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by Annaquilts (Post 6112717)
Zoe looks so sweet. What a cutie! Do you have a closer up picture of her you could post?

yes I am trying to change my avatar to her picture.

ljdugas31 06-09-2013 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by Annaquilts (Post 6112717)
Zoe looks so sweet. What a cutie! Do you have a closer up picture of her you could post?

yes I am trying to change my avatar to her picture.

ljdugas31 06-09-2013 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Krystyna (Post 6112271)
Linda, I love little Zoey ... and love her name! I hope she has her own quilt!

Jean D - yes, things to tend to rise to the surface sooner or later. And happily the reds and blues bubbled up to the top! So I will put away the veils I didn't finish and work on my little quilt.

Lara, how is your hand? I can't imagine sawing through a hand. Oww owww and owwww! Do you need a tetanus shot? I never had one until about two or three years ago. Hubby and I were fishing at the local pier and I was so annoyed when my line got snagged. I wasn't about to lose yet another set of tackle. So I laid down on the peer and started tugging. The whole mess let loose and flew upward embedding a gigantic rusty fish hook with a big old sinker into my finger. We went to the emergency room to get it out since I didn't know if it was embedded in the bone ... and despite all the bloody messes in the waiting room, people were getting sick looking at it. Odd thing is it didn't hurt a bit! Well, enough gore for the morning. Off to sew!

She has a lot!!!

Crazy Quiltin Robin 06-09-2013 08:42 PM

A Little Ray of Sunshine
2 Attachment(s)
Last week in the middle of my worst week ........ some wonderful ladies shared a ray of sunshine with me ....
this new chemo is kickin my hiney .... it has been 9 days and 11 lbs of heck ...... but I am feeling better today ... and if the blood counts are good Wed we start all over again .....but ladies I get to smile at this little beauty thanks to "lisalisa" and "lovestoquilt"..... yes I will be sending it back but I'm going to admire it through this next chemo session ... it made me smile and was lucky through the first round .... thanks so much for you "Good Will Mission" ladies .... just want you to know DH and I both had tears when we opened it ...... "loves to quilt" it was so sweet of you to share with me and "lisalisa" thanks for agreeing..... I promise it will return home ...... thanks again ..... CQRobin
P.S. Mr. Peach is a handsome cat!!!!!!

lisalisa 06-10-2013 03:02 AM

Wow. That thing has taken on a life of it's own. Sharon is so generous. So glad it lifted your spirits. Hope you get well soon.

Crazy Quiltin Robin 06-10-2013 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by lisalisa (Post 6113835)
Wow. That thing has taken on a life of it's own. Sharon is so generous. So glad it lifted your spirits. Hope you get well soon.

Lisalisa, this is the happiest quilt I have ever seen it just beams I'm a happy quilt made by a happy person....
how could that not make me smile .......... thanks again CQR

Krystyna 06-10-2013 05:07 AM

Robin, how wonderful to hear from you. We've all be praying and cheering for you. Hang in there girl. HUGS!!

Crazy Quiltin Robin 06-10-2013 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Krystyna (Post 6114079)
Robin, how wonderful to hear from you. We've all be praying and cheering for you. Hang in there girl. HUGS!!

Thanks Krystyna, its been rough and Wed we start again but I got this covered ...10 days down and then back up again miss you guys ...love a health to all ........CQR

luvstoquilt 06-10-2013 06:11 AM

Oh Robin, I am so happy to hear you are loving the quilt made by Lisalisa...isn't it the sweetest little thing you ever saw? It has brought so much love and happiness since it hit my mailbox...I took it over to show my mother (she is 95 and in Hospice) and she asked me to let it stay overnight so she could show her friends and they all just adored it. Lisa is right..it has taken on a personality all its own....just a little piece of LOVE. Please hold on to it as long as you need it. Wishing you good health.

Oh and you are right about Mr. Peach! He is HANDSOME and he knows it!! He is one loved and spoiled rotten cat!

BertieD 06-10-2013 08:49 AM

Ohhh, Robin, so good to hear from you again and hold onto that lucky mini til there's no need to any more! It will probably take you through the next kickin' hinny session by the time you discover everything there is on it, haha. Fantastic lil quilt!

QuilterMomma 06-10-2013 08:57 AM

I am done except the label and it will be out in the mail! Yeah!!

Nancy in Louisiana 06-10-2013 05:12 PM

one more week in Houston and then back home to my "real" machine instead of the wanabe I'm usinghere. Picked out a pattern for quilt so hope tostart very soon. BTW JoAnn's is having a fantastic sale this week.

Jean D 06-10-2013 05:31 PM

Sweet Robin, so glad to see your messages! You have a great support group here and we love you.

skaduzy 06-10-2013 06:09 PM

Hi Nancy,
I've got fabric and an idea and am planning on starting this week. Hope you are enjoying Houston. My DH said it is really hot and muggy there most of the time. Is this true?

Originally Posted by Nancy in Louisiana (Post 6115212)
one more week in Houston and then back home to my "real" machine instead of the wanabe I'm usinghere. Picked out a pattern for quilt so hope tostart very soon. BTW JoAnn's is having a fantastic sale this week.

Lynnie25 06-10-2013 07:34 PM

Robin, how wonderful you get to 'love' that little quilt for as long as you like, lucky you and I know it will bring you enormous joy as you continue your treatment. Aussie hugs coming your way :)

Lynnie25 06-10-2013 07:36 PM

Sent off my little quilt to Ms Grace today with some little goodies for her to enjoy. Had a lot of fun working of this little red/white/blue quilt and planning on a bigger version for 'ME' very soon.

BuzzinBumble 06-10-2013 07:40 PM

So glad to see how Lisalisa and Sharon's loving quilt brought joy to your heart Robin! Praying for you that your next stage of chemo isn't as hard on you as this last one was. 9 days and 11 pounds of heck...you are a trooper for sure!

Sure would like to see pictures of Nina and Zoey. :o

Cogito - Ooftah Mag - yup! That is what my Nana often said. Oh how I miss her.

Sharon...Two Silkies! That must have been fun, or crazy, or probably both. Our Penny is feisty as the dickens and extremely smart. I can imagine two were double trouble!

Krystyna, have YOU surfaced from under all those veils? LOL. You must be quite sewn out by now.
Ugh! Fish hook through the finger... I would have passed out for sure. My daughter's friend told me something very interesting yesterday. When she was young she got a fish hook caught in the skin right under her eye. Her aunt is Native American and after they got the hook out, her aunt took the lining out from the inside of an eggshell and applied it over the wound, like a natural bandaid. It healed up beautifully.

My finger is going to be fine, thanks everyone! I had it in hot water most of yesterday as we were helping my daughter clean her house. I gave up trying to keep it dry and just kept it bound tightly so it wouldn't start bleeding again.

My friend Lynn (sewbeadit) found the perfect fabric for the back of your mini quilt Krystyna....I'm so excited about it. The quilt is coming along well!

Krystyna 06-11-2013 05:16 AM

Sorry I've been MIA. Helping son with his sous chef resume and just all sorts of paperwork that I don't feel like doing. And, of course, a mountain of veils! Hoping to finish the borders on your little quilt, quilt and bind it and then into the wash it goes and we'll see what happens! :shock:

luvstoquilt 06-11-2013 07:27 AM

Lara having 2 silkes was delightful! They lived 16+years and were busy girls. We rescued them when they were 6 yrs old. Kate came from a home where the kids grew up and the mom worked all day. Angel was from a loving home but when the baby arrived he was alergic to dogs. Katie was bossy and Angel was just pure sweetness. I really miss them but my DIL is alergic so it keeps me from getting another. Before Kate and Angel we had Roxy...she was also rescued and she was our most favorite...she lived only 10 years..she was given too large a rabies vac. and she died. We were heartbroken..that is when we got the 2 girls. they raised my precious, Mr. Peach when I found him in the park at about 5 wks old...guess that is why he is so crazy..he isn't sure if he is a dog or what he is..he just knows he HATES other cats!

BuzzinBumble 06-11-2013 09:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sharon that is so tragic about your little dog Roxy. Who would ever think that could happen. I can well understand your heartbreak.
You were really into rescue - that is wonderful! Our last three dogs are rescues from very sad circumstances. And our oldest, Piper, raised a newborn kitten found under the floorboards of a demolished house after the construction crew found the mother nearby deceased. He is now my SIL's cat Jake and he too thinks he is a dog. Mr Peach is a very handsome poochy cat.

Krystyna, i hope Blaze gets a great new chef's position!

Here is a pic of Piper raising Jake:

Linny 06-11-2013 10:00 AM

Robin - So nice to see you showcasing that sweet little quilt....daily prayers you'll soon be sewing and feeling so much better.

Annaquilts 06-11-2013 10:33 AM

Since the theme is red white and blue I want to see if I can add some gifties with that theme too. My mind comes up blank. If anyone has some ideas please pm them to me.

Ms Grace 06-11-2013 10:51 AM

I mailed your little quilt this afternoon.
We just get them around the same time. How exciting!:)

BertieD 06-11-2013 12:51 PM

Speaking of cats and dogs, we had an Irish Setter named Rusty. (Our son named her) And we also had a small grey and white kitten. One day my daughter called me at work and said "Mom! Rusty is nursing the kitten!" I replied "Well, if Rusty doesn't mind, neither do I. You shouldn't be calling me at work! Bye!"

BertieD 06-11-2013 12:54 PM

Sistahdebbra, you should have or be receiving your Red White and Blue soon! Or did I leave you speechless?

Jean D 06-11-2013 03:57 PM

I sewed some blocks together for Kitsykeel today and should start putting together tomorrow. Summer is here with a vengeance 86 and HIGH humidity, frizzy hair day, kinda fun!

Krisb 06-11-2013 05:26 PM

Kathy (mamskeeto), your little quilt is done. But I like it so much I am keeping it for another week to bring it for show and tell before I mail it to you. Do you want to see a pic now or do you want to be surprised?

Krystyna 06-11-2013 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by annaquilts (Post 6116617)
since the theme is red white and blue i want to see if i can add some gifties with that theme too. My mind comes up blank. If anyone has some ideas please pm them to me.


luvstoquilt 06-11-2013 07:15 PM

Krystyna I hope Blaze gets the Chef position! Lara love the picture of your Piper with baby Jake! That is about the size Mr. Peach was when I found him. I love looking at his baby pictures..silly isn't it?

Krystyna 06-11-2013 07:16 PM

Sharon, Mr. Peach is wonderful. Do you actually call him MR?

Lara, what a sweet photo. Now Piper isn't looking quite so much like Daisy. Her ears stand up. But what a sweetie she is!

Bertie, that is hilarious! Is Rusty a girl?

Feeney, our Puggle, adopted a rescued pigeon named Baldy who had no feathers on his head, poor thing. He'd sniff and lick poor Baldy and would get little pecks in return. One day Baldy flew off. (Or got eaten by something)

BertieD 06-12-2013 03:49 AM

Yes, Rusty, the Irish Setter, was a girl. We had her 12 years. Given to us by a college professor who had no time for her and had to board her a lot when he traveled. Came into my husband's gas station one day with the dog and asked if he knew anyone who wanted a dog? Our 8 yr old son was there and my husband probably told the professor 'yes' right away but first he had to ask his wife. Unhuh. Lots of good memories of Rusty though. I cried for two days after she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Krystyna 06-12-2013 04:32 AM

Awwww, Bertie. How sweet. Maybe we should do a pets theme sometime?

Annaquilts 06-12-2013 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by Krystyna (Post 6117481)

Hahahaha Krystyna! that is the first thing that came to my mind but I doubt if it will fly with the mailman.

Mamaskeeto 06-12-2013 05:22 AM

Oh ho exciting. I'm still working on your little quilt. I love in the midwest and the storms have taken their toll on everyone. I'm very luck to have no damage to my home but so many friend have damage and lots of trees down that need to cleared out. Don't post a picture because I just love surprises.

Originally Posted by Krisb (Post 6117325)
Kathy (mamskeeto), your little quilt is done. But I like it so much I am keeping it for another week to bring it for show and tell before I mail it to you. Do you want to see a pic now or do you want to be surprised?

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