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nancia 09-28-2012 06:56 PM

k-- call ny spca and have them go rescue the cats. they will probably not press charges due to her current medical problems. there's no reason for the cats to suffer. i wish your aunt and your family the best. prayers for all of you!

will do halloween or not, as you wish. love halloween but get no trick or treaters. this year, however, i am going t or t with olivia! she will be a dalmation. ( in a side note while she was trying on her costume the family female beagle tried to "h..." her. sounds awful, but was really pretty funny. sure made olivia laugh! 8-)

Needlegrammy 09-28-2012 07:12 PM

Krystyna, Sorry about your Aunt. Prayers and hugs. Maybe you can find some foster homes for the cats.

marytoddliz 09-28-2012 08:22 PM

Krystyna, I am so sorry about your Aunt. Before I retired and was working for Local Gov, I was for a short stint office manager for local Shelter. The local shelter should pick up the cats and get the ones they can healthy as possible and put them up for adoption. We used to Foster Cats that were either Preggers or Sick until they were ready to adopt, and I was lucky if one of the kids did not want to adopt.

We will be praying for your Aunt, and for your family to help them deal with all the issues involved!

Krystyna 09-29-2012 03:46 AM

Thank you everyone for your prayers and wishes about my aunt. She is such a big hearted lady. Sad to say, she has stage four lung cancer which has spread to her liver. I can't help but wonder if all the dander and hair and litter dust had something to do with it. All the cats came from a pet store around the corner that takes in cats and places them in FOSTER care. My aunt got too attached to each one and wouldn't give them up. *sigh*
Just to round out the craziness and stress, I am trying to get inventory together for my first craft fair next Saturday. I don't even have a booth set up! Eeeek! What was I thinking???

Elisabrat 09-29-2012 05:21 AM

Krystyna, its wasn't the cat it was just like it is for everyone else, a mystery as to why some of us stay healthy and no issues and others fall apart. I had a liver transplant on april 26th this year, it simply.. failed. My kidneys have failed too waiting for one of those. Healthy as a horse all the time and cats and dust can cause breathing issues if the dander is too extreme but it sounds like it was something much worse. I am sorry for the pain she has to go through. I will also offer up prayers for your Aunt and for all of you.. its often as hard or harder on those who care for us. I know it was for my family.

I am staring at my pumpkins fabric right now.. who would have thought there were so many of them? I have seven of just pumpkins. yipes. Thank you little sister who gifted me with her fabrics. She apparently loved pumpkins. Now to convince her she needs batiks lol

urgodschild2 09-29-2012 02:52 PM

Sorry to hear about your Aunt Krystyna. I do not llike remembering about the towers falling in NYC. My daughter was in Boston and was suppose to fly on one of the planes that went into the tower. I heard about her buying a $700 dollar ticket and called my niece up to have her husband (A united Airline Pilot) to comp her a ticket. He did but couldn't get the ticket to her until after 9 a.m so she would not be able to take the earlier flight. Her daddy was dying of cancer and wanted to see her one last time. she had already spent the month of August with him and so when all this happened it hit her so hard with survivors guilt. I know several people here in CA who lost loved ones in the towers and I sometimes feel guilty that my loved one didn't get on that plane but also blessed and thankful that she didn't.

urgodschild2 09-29-2012 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Lynnie25 (Post 5536178)
I'm in for this month and I am going to do Halloween (Aussie style) :) PMing now

Oh this will be fun to see Lynnie. My daughter there in Melbourne last year said that it was very different. She said that about 30 families signed up and the kids only went to those houses. So it wasn't like here in America where the kids run from home to home. So I will wait anxiously to see what you make. I'll be back in Melbourne for the month of NOv. I wonder what my daughter will do for Thanksgiving as it is not celebrated there. HMMMMM?

Dragonfly Nana 09-29-2012 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by Lynnie25 (Post 5548331)
Have my Halloween top done for October (and it definitely has an Aussie influence). Hope my partner likes my take on Halloween :)

If she doesn't you can always send it to me! You already have my address and we know your postal system works!:D

Lynnie25 09-29-2012 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by urgodschild2 (Post 5550175)
I'll be back in Melbourne for the month of NOv. I wonder what my daughter will do for Thanksgiving as it is not celebrated there. HMMMMM?

Will you get to Tasmania for a visit this trip?

Lynnie25 09-29-2012 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Dragonfly Nana (Post 5550620)
If she doesn't you can always send it to me! You already have my address and we know your postal system works!:D

Hahahaha, yes we do, even if it is a slow post

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