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missgigglewings 03-23-2012 12:13 PM

Here's a great idea for you: tell Izy she is in charge of small blue pieces which need to be folded and stacked neatly! I did that with my grandangel and he chose purple and dug right in!

callen 03-23-2012 01:14 PM

Terrific start !!! If you have piles of "unsure" why not donate some to your quilt guild, girl scouts etc. I am sure there are many groups that would love unwanted treasures. IMHO.

petlover 03-23-2012 03:56 PM

Hang in there and just keekp at it. It will eventually get done and you will be so proud of yourself.

damaquilts 03-23-2012 04:18 PM

I wish I lived closer I would love to come help clean up. :-) I actually like organizing things as long as I am not rushed.
Here is a plus once everything is organized. It took me less than 30 minutes to clean up my space this last time. :-) I was so surprised I just stood there looking for something else to put away. LOL

zkosh 03-23-2012 07:53 PM

I'm right there with you.
I so understand how you feel. I get overwhelmed when things pile up and have a hard time making myself face my mess. I have a few messes to clean up right now.

You definitely have the right idea about working fifteen minutes a day. When I was a stay-at-home mom I found that I could set a timer for 15-20 minutes and spend that time doing as much housework as I could. It is amazing how much you can get done that way. Since there is a limit you feel like you want to beat the clock. Sometimes I would get so carried away I would continue longer. If you find yourself stuck, try the timer idea. I think having that limit spurs me to do as much as I can during that short period.

Good luck and keep up the good work. I think I will get my timer back out tomorrow.

margee 03-24-2012 03:23 AM

Keep going. You have a really nice area for quiting/sewing. Looks like lots of room. Soon you will have it where you want it & will enjoy it more. Send more pics.

Mousie 03-24-2012 06:04 AM

Originally Posted by Katmom (Post 5084451)
If you are ever in Bay Area look me up! I need a quilter who doesn't know me well (so not as embarrassed!) to help organize my space and fabric! LOL! Bet lots of quilters in your area will be contacting you for help!

LOL...that's not going to work Katmom. Quilters know each other the minute they start gabbing fabrics!!!
But the good thing is, a nice fellow quilter will not mind and you'll be folding and cleaning and talking without even realizing it.
We all have messes. Some of us admit it ;)

Mousie 03-24-2012 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by luvTooQuilt (Post 5081514)
What if you do a 'longer' day ?? reward yourself if you do like 3 or 4 hours with a hot fudge sundae !!!!

lol...yes, trade one compulsion for another April!
(nooo,...don't follow in my pawsteps :eek:...although I am on the right path now ;))

Mousie 03-24-2012 06:36 AM

April, I have a new sewing room bc I outgrew my old one and we needed a guest room anyway.
You appear to be suffering from my old malady: toomuchitis!
It may not be too much, but it's hard to tell right now.
Now, no red cheeks, you should have seen mine!:shock:
It looked like a commercial for the Hoarders...almost. I was always organizing, but there was too much to organize.
My suggestion:
Somebody was joking, I think, but clear all your fabrics into large garbage bags.
That could take 15 minutes and be day 1.
Day 2...dust.
Day 3: sweep and vacuum.
Day 4: wipe down all dirty surfaces and counters, table tops. Sweeping and vacuuming isn't going to put the "shine" back.
You'd be surprised how good shiny surfaces can make you feel.
Buy yourself a mirror or two. They help to make the room feel bigger and add reflective light.
Day 5: use a ruler of your size choice and fold some of the fabric in one of the bags.
If you want to "sort" your fabrics, transfer the freshly folded fabs to a box for the time being, so they won't get knocked over, etc.
When all fabric is folded, you can then separate them by color or project, etc.
I have kept my fabrics by project for years.
It keeps me from buying so much willy-nilly...well, it helps, lol!
Oh, you just don't know!!!
I am the conundrum. I sway back and forth between chaos and utterly organized.
It's an ongoing thing I have to work at to keep the "hoardiness" at bay.
Messes make my head swim and make me crazy and I can't create,...but they happen.
You can't cook without making dirty dishes.
You can't play without cleaning up toys etc.
You can't sleep without eventually needing fresh linens.
So why do we feel so guilty that our sewing areas get untidy?
It's all part of the process.
You've realized that you have to schedule time to do the maintenance part to have some sanity.
Your off to a wonderful start!
using a timer is a wonderful idea that I use constantly.
It started in the kitchen, so I wouldn't burn things and then it helped me keep going on projects.
Usually, quilters like us, suffer from distraction and overwhelmedness, lol...don't you love my vocabulary?
I'll be back...lol...we need all the help we can get staying on track, so I'm here, and you don't have to worry about "bad" girl fabrics for me.
Your not going to be bad. Your going to get more organized :)

solstice3 03-24-2012 06:55 AM

you have your work cut out for you but you are getting there

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