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mamajack3 03-20-2012 08:34 PM

So excited for you! Keep us posted so we can enjoy the process with you.

QandE2010 03-21-2012 05:59 PM

[Quote]MG: where to put computer? I never thought about that, that’s one thing I have rethink! So glad you mentioned it. Thread? Not sure. I want to display some of my quilts, and my antiques, as well. May not have wall space to do thread that way. There is going to be lots of windows on two of the four walls. In the past I just threw it in baskets on shelves. I use those little tiny plastic bags from Hobby Lobby so they don’t collect dust or get all tangled. I am so totally naïve about what you mean by “Quilt inspectors”[Quote]

Sorry about that. My quilt inspector is a 6 pound black poodle. If I'm in my sewing studio, so is she.

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 03-21-2012 07:19 PM

ROFLOL on the quilt inspector issue. I guess mine are my two little grandkids, Ella 3 and Leo 1½. I hope to have room to squeeze in some fun toys and maybe even a rocking horse.

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 03-26-2012 09:45 AM

Update on new quilting studio
6 Attachment(s)
I went antiquing again. Came home with four new "finds" ;) Then i started thinking.... Maybe I should make sure it will all fit. ??? A couple of you advised me about graphing it out. So I found a copy of the preliminary design, from the architect and tried to “reproduce” it on cardboard, in a one inch to one foot ratio. I made little pieces of paper for each item I envision in the space. They are pinned on with quilter's pins so I can arrange and rearrange so this may not be the final design. I keep looking at it and trying to envision working in the space. Below are pictures of the plans, along with pics of my latest antique store finds.

This little hobby horse was only 10 dollars, and I want to repair the crack and add a quilted saddle. Ella and Leo – my quilt inspectors – will love it.

Love this table. The pictures on the top will have to go or be covered with some of my own. I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

A nice vintage mag rack for the latest quilting magazines.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]322771[/ATTACH]This I have BIG plans for, but that is a surprise, so you’ll have to wait and see.


Helen S 03-27-2012 02:53 PM

I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see the finished addition!

duwaklj 03-27-2012 04:10 PM

New Quilt Room
Your new space sounds wonderful. Have fun planning it.

Helen6869 03-28-2012 03:08 PM

The large rocking horse is the same one we received used from a friend and my husband painted it for my first child, a girl, who rode it Christmas morn even with the wet paint!! haha! she had red britches all day! Thanks for bringing back the memories. Loving your stuff and your plans. Will be a perfect space for creating! keep us posted!

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 03-28-2012 04:33 PM

thanks, Helen6869, I told DH the rocking horse would have to go at the end of his office space cause that was the only empty space left, on my floorplan. I want to keep open space between the office area and the sitting area, not just for walking but for the two munchkins to play there. The horse will move into the open area when in use. He said he would "tolerate" that! I said he better "tolerate" it or else he wouldn't get his "mancave" in the basement under this room. LOL

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 03-31-2012 01:53 PM

I'm officially moving!
I will not be posting to this thread any more. Sorry guys, but if you want to see the finished studio you'll have to come on over to the haven. Everytime i go to send a reply or update to QB i end up sending it two or three times. My computer says it has to recover the page. If I didn't think to save it somewhere on my own computer i have to go back and type it all over again. It doesn't happen at the haven. only here. This is a great forum and i have enjoyed my time here but the Quilting Haven is so much more user friendly. so much easier to navigate. And i just don't have the patience to update stuff on both boards. I'll drop in now and then just to look around but my personal journaling and sharing will mostly be done at the haven. http://www.quiltinghaven.com/online-...961/#msg119961 In addition to my journal regarding the studio, i started an album of quilts i have made. http://www.quiltinghaven.com/index.p...a=album;in=356
I know i will see some of you over there because i have already!!!!:thumbup:

craftybear 03-31-2012 02:26 PM

Wow, you will have fun designing your new quilting studio and buying things for it. Have fun!

sylviak 04-26-2012 08:38 PM

A little warning: You will be amazed at how fast you can fill up a 20' X 20' space! When we built my shed (14' X 24') I thought I would have all kinds of space! I wish I could have built it a bit larger. Don't get me wrong, I love my space, but anything that will conserve space you will really appreciate. I do have a 6 ft ironing board that I made to fit on top of a dresser that has 6 drawers and two other smaller dressers that fit under my long arm. I love the cork floor idea! Wish I hadn't put down carpet. My youngest son sells hardwood flooring, so I may change that out one of these days.

Rose L 04-27-2012 08:32 AM

I don't know about anyone else but when the day arrives for me to have a giant new studio of my own, I don't want it to look like a sewing room. I would prefer that it look like a showroom instead. I want all my fabric hidden from site but placed behind doors where I can open them up and see everything I have at a glance. I would also like tables for friends to come in and work and comfortable seating in a group arrangement so we can sit together and hand sew or quilt. I would use fluorescent daylight bulbs but they'd have to be in attractive fixtures, no long tubes all over the ceiling for me. I would also want wood or wood look flooring that would be easy to sweep up in the sewing areas and a soft berber in the seating areas. The flooring would distinguish the various areas of the room and could add to an artful feel if planned well. What an exciting time for you, the sky is the limit so be creative and enjoy the process!!!

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 04-27-2012 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by Rose L (Post 5174312)
I don't know about anyone else but when the day arrives for me to have a giant new studio of my own, I don't want it to look like a sewing room. I would prefer that it look like a showroom instead. I want all my fabric hidden from site but placed behind doors where I can open them up and see everything I have at a glance. I would also like tables for friends to come in and work and comfortable seating in a group arrangement so we can sit together and hand sew or quilt. I would use fluorescent daylight bulbs but they'd have to be in attractive fixtures, no long tubes all over the ceiling for me. I would also want wood or wood look flooring that would be easy to sweep up in the sewing areas and a soft berber in the seating areas. The flooring would distinguish the various areas of the room and could add to an artful feel if planned well. What an exciting time for you, the sky is the limit so be creative and enjoy the process!!!

I haven't been posting on this journal because it was difficult to keep up with 2 journals at the same time, and difficult to post on this forum, due to the fact that it would time out and then when it times out i would have to type all over again. If you want to see what's happening come over to my other forum (which i find so much easier to navigate and post on - if it times out you don not lose your message -- you just try again) http://www.quiltinghaven.com/index.php?topic=5061.0
This may be the last post i make to this thread.

DebbE 04-27-2012 08:55 AM

How wonderful! From experience of completely renovating our kitchen (from the ground up), don't buy cabinets until you have the room built -- you need to 'feel' the room and let ideas germinate before buying. We didn't hire a company to design our cabinets, we did it ourselves, after much thought, magazine/online scouring for ideas, etc. I measured to be sure I had dimensions right, figured out 'what' needs to go 'where' for the best traffic pattern, and then went & ordered exactly what I wanted. We installed everything ourselves. I used every inch of space possible, and I absolutely love it. Did the same with the quilt room, although I took the old kitchen cabinets and re-used those there, all painted white. Perfect at that height, plus got laminate counters to top the cabinets, and installed mini flood lights (from Ikea) from the wall cabinets shining down to the counter....love, love my light. Opposite wall got an entire wall of white laminate bookshelves with glass doors installed, for books, magazines and tons of folded fabrics. The doors keep the fabrics clean and tidy. You'll need a big design wall, and an area for a tv/dvd set up so you can watch while quilting, (with a comfy chair/table). Set up the closet area with organizers as you'll need it. My hubby built shelving between the base cabinets to store plastic totes for various scraps, patterns, projects and I skirted the front of it (with velcro on skirting so its washable), so its always tidy looking. I put pegboard up behind the door to hang all the various quilt stencils, rulers, extra mats, etc. Please be sure to show us pictures - can't wait to see what you do with your new space!

Helen6869 04-28-2012 11:56 AM

Have you posted pictures of your sewing room yet?

Originally Posted by DebbE (Post 5174378)
How wonderful! From experience of completely renovating our kitchen (from the ground up), don't buy cabinets until you have the room built -- you need to 'feel' the room and let ideas germinate before buying. We didn't hire a company to design our cabinets, we did it ourselves, after much thought, magazine/online scouring for ideas, etc. I measured to be sure I had dimensions right, figured out 'what' needs to go 'where' for the best traffic pattern, and then went & ordered exactly what I wanted. We installed everything ourselves. I used every inch of space possible, and I absolutely love it. Did the same with the quilt room, although I took the old kitchen cabinets and re-used those there, all painted white. Perfect at that height, plus got laminate counters to top the cabinets, and installed mini flood lights (from Ikea) from the wall cabinets shining down to the counter....love, love my light. Opposite wall got an entire wall of white laminate bookshelves with glass doors installed, for books, magazines and tons of folded fabrics. The doors keep the fabrics clean and tidy. You'll need a big design wall, and an area for a tv/dvd set up so you can watch while quilting, (with a comfy chair/table). Set up the closet area with organizers as you'll need it. My hubby built shelving between the base cabinets to store plastic totes for various scraps, patterns, projects and I skirted the front of it (with velcro on skirting so its washable), so its always tidy looking. I put pegboard up behind the door to hang all the various quilt stencils, rulers, extra mats, etc. Please be sure to show us pictures - can't wait to see what you do with your new space!

Your room sounds amazing! I'd love to see it. I am working on getting a new one in about a year and would love to "steal" your ideas, haha! Thanks!

fireworkslover 06-12-2012 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Denise_the_Quilt_Lady (Post 5074851)
What a great reference this post will be, thanks for such a compehensive list of things to think about. LOVE the idea of an outlet in the middle. I can position it so it is under the cutting table, but near the edge. Just think... a light, a glue gun, all the things you might want to plug in and use on that big surface. YUP gotta do that!! Flooring: we were thinking of a laminate that looks like old farmhouse boards. Can you tell me more about how cork would be better, or would laminate work.

When we built our house 22 yrs. ago laminate flooring was not so available. The house I grew up in had cork in the Liv./Dining Rm. and Den. My cork flooring, are tiles 11 3/4" square. They do have an acrylic coating on them to protect against water. I just vac them and very occasionlly use a damp mop on them. Laminate flooring would work fine, just make sure the boards fit tight together.

Country1 06-13-2012 04:58 AM

I'm sooo happy for you, sounds like a great adventure and a wonderful few. Keep us up to date with pix, please!...

MdmSew'n'Sew 06-13-2012 06:39 AM

[How sad, I tried to look at your posting on quiltinghaven, but got a message that I HAVE to register before it will let me see anything - when I found the QB, I think the only things I couldn't see were the selling/trade/offers threads - everything else was open to me. That is part of the reason I joined the QB, since it was open, inviting and friendly. I would love to see what you're doing in your new space, especially since I just got my notice yesterday, my job ends the end of the month so I will have time to finally work on my girl cave, turn it into the creative haven I envisioned when we built it. But don't think I want to register on that site just to see your pictures. Sigh.

kathy 06-13-2012 06:45 AM

I agree about the elec. outlets, some chest high and some closer to the floor but lots of "em!, I have several light fixtures on different switches, sometimes I need them all (when quilting) sometimes just one at the sewing machine, or iron, or cutting table. congratulations!!!

Denise_the_Quilt_Lady 06-13-2012 09:15 AM

The Haven, for me, is a smaller, more intimate, and very friendly place. Can't think why anyone would not want to register. On the haven many of the members have "journals" where they share "semi-private" things with their online buddies. Not stuff they are trying to hide, necessarily, but just stuff most of the world would not be interested in. Just about everything else on there i was able to see before i became a member. I love the journal feature. and THAT is where i keep my ideas about life and about quilting, including my studio dreams. We would love to have you join us. we are really a great bunch of ladies, and the Haven is so user friendly. I had a dickens of a time using QB. QH came to me "just like that"!!

kittykatz2001 07-14-2012 02:14 PM

Using graph paper and cutting out and placing your sewing machine, ironing space etc. is the best advice. I have redone my quilt room 3 times and couldn't figure out a better way until I used the graph paper. Just play around with it. You will know exactly how much room that your things will take up. I have a good sized room but things grow......I'm excited for you. Blessings

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