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cbridges22 05-30-2011 03:01 PM

Carol and I will be carpooling. We will be there Thur. around 5 pm.Am I correct that there are two birthday cakes being brought? If so I will bring a different desert instead of a pound cake.Here is my cell#541-619-6003 if anyone needs it.Karen could you pm me yours in case carol and I get lost.I am so excited I can't wait to meet everyone,I have always been a solitary quilter and self taught so I know I will learn alot for ya'll!

KarenBarnes 05-30-2011 03:14 PM

I thought I would bring two angel food cakes and lots of strawberries, marionberry topping, lemon curd and whip cream for the birthday cakes. If you wanted to bring pound cake for another day, I'm sure there will be leftover berries, etc!

Laurie, what organization I've learned comes from raising 6 kids! Thanks though!

Lilrain 05-30-2011 03:58 PM

Karen and other quilting friends. As things stand today, I will not be able to make it to the coast this week for the wonderful retreat. I am so sorry to have to miss this as I was really looking forard to it, as there will be no vaction for me this year.

I know Karen said no refunds, but I am sure with the number of people attending at $70 each that she will be giving some reimbursement to all, as the house rent and nonrefundable deposit are well covered. So if I might ask, could you just keep from my $70 what everyone else is paying and return the same to me that everyone else will be getting back.

thank you so much, and have fun


KarenBarnes 05-30-2011 05:36 PM

Lorraine, I'm so sorry that you won't be able to make it! Of course, you will get the refund that everyone else is getting. Please PM me your address since I no longer have it and I'll get it out to you... Please let us know if things change for the better!

sew cornie 05-30-2011 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by stitchy65
The stocking project sounds like fun and I'd love to contribute. I'll bring the necessary material. Any word on a supply list for the paper piecing lesson? What about the applique - what will be needed for that? I'm getting really excited for this coming weekend!! I hope I don't forget anything. I'm planning on waiting to see what food may be needed after everyone gets there and I'll make a run to Safeway.

I wasn't planning on doing an actual class on applique, but will help anyone who needs it. I'm not hugely experienced and am self-taught but I can empathize with how intimidating it can feel and will help wherever I can. If you want to try applique, just bring some pieces along. I'd suggest cutting a simple shape - circle, heart, etc - you could even trace a cookie cutter to get your shape - and be sure that your background piece to sew it on to is a good inch or more bigger all around. You'll need regular thread. I'll bring applique sharps.

Lilrain, I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to come. That must be such a disappointment for you. You'll be missed!

Lilrain 05-30-2011 10:28 PM

Thank you for kind words. It is a great dissappointment for me. I had so looked forward to it.

I am having sleep problems, and have my days and nights totally mixed up right now. Funny how I could not work graveyard when I was working, but I am now still awake when the sun comes up. And lucky to get out to bed by 4 or 5 pm.

I have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. My husband of 27 years died on our 27th anniversary after four months of medical hell. I started having nightmares about him and am being treated for depression and the PTSD. I think I would have been noticeably better by now had we had sunshine, it always makes me feel better.

You all have great fun, and perhaps next time I will be in better shape

Feathers 05-31-2011 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by Lilrain
Thank you for kind words. It is a great dissappointment for me. I had so looked forward to it.

I am having sleep problems, and have my days and nights totally mixed up right now. Funny how I could not work graveyard when I was working, but I am now still awake when the sun comes up. And lucky to get out to bed by 4 or 5 pm.

I have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. My husband of 27 years died on our 27th anniversary after four months of medical hell. I started having nightmares about him and am being treated for depression and the PTSD. I think I would have been noticeably better by now had we had sunshine, it always makes me feel better.

You all have great fun, and perhaps next time I will be in better shape

Lilrain: I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. I'm sure it's very hard for you. Hugs! As far as being a poor sleeper, I don't sleep either. I have alot of arthritis, fibromyalgia, plus I need my hip replaced and both rotator cuff should surgeries done so I have a bit of pain most of the time which keeps me from sleeping. If you change your mind, we can burn the midnight oil together. I could try to bring some sunshine by way of jokes, laughter, visiting and just having some fun. Again, Hugs and I'll keep you in my prayers.


Wine Woman 05-31-2011 07:33 AM

Lilrain, I'm so sorry you won't join us but we have two more days until departure and we can surely change your schedule just a bit by being there. We can work you during the day so you are tired at night. Sometimes a change in pace does us good! If we don't see you this time - next time for sure?!!!! Take care of yourself.

Wine Woman 05-31-2011 07:52 AM

Oops! I forgot to ask-since some of us like wine which I never leave home without - these are my selections and would like to know what everyone enjoys. They are all reds and when I say fruity they are not sweet fruity like other wines it means no oak and the flavors are all from the grape only- Sangiovese (the lightest of the reds and alot of fruit) Barbera (a bigger red than the Sangio) Pinot Noir, Syrah (big bold fruity, jammy) Cab Sauv (full body for the serious wine drinker!) and a yummy dessert wine! Feel free to PM me if you would like. I know last year we tended to gravitate more to the Sangiovese. I am also doing a Costco run tomorrow for additional food items it there is anything anyone would like me to pick up I will! It will be an early morning run!

cbridges22 05-31-2011 07:57 AM

I like them all but my favorite is Syrah,Malbec,Cab Sauv.

Feathers 05-31-2011 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by Wine Woman
Oops! I forgot to ask-since some of us like wine which I never leave home without - these are my selections and would like to know what everyone enjoys. They are all reds and when I say fruity they are not sweet fruity like other wines it means no oak and the flavors are all from the grape only- Sangiovese (the lightest of the reds and alot of fruit) Barbera (a bigger red than the Sangio) Pinot Noir, Syrah (big bold fruity, jammy) Cab Sauv (full body for the serious wine drinker!) and a yummy dessert wine! Feel free to PM me if you would like. I know last year we tended to gravitate more to the Sangiovese. I am also doing a Costco run tomorrow for additional food items it there is anything anyone would like me to pick up I will! It will be an early morning run!

I can tell, Cindy...there might be some "dancin on the tables!" I don't know much about wine. I like about 1 glass of not too sweet wine. I was going to PM you to ask what a good white wine might be? I thought about RIPPLE because I remember Redd Foxx on the TV show use to regale the audience about how wonderful RIPPLE is. I always thought that might be sort of on the same level as the wine my father use to make...it was so awful! :lol:

KarenBarnes 05-31-2011 09:08 AM

I'm also going to bring some yummy banana bread for snacking and of course, some chocolate! Maybe some chips and salsa as well... now I'm hungry!

quiltingnonie 05-31-2011 09:39 AM

Since I will only be there on Saturday, I hadn't offered to bring any food.....but now I am feeling guilty because it sounds like I will probably be eating the whole time! :lol: :lol:

So WHAT can I bring? I would also be willing to make a store run if we find there is something we can't live without. :thumbup:

Feathers 05-31-2011 09:45 AM

I was just looking back at all our posts about the retreat and realized I had not responded to some peoples posts. I'll do it now:

Pattyjo, Tuna casserole OR Baked beans would be great. I love baked beans but don't make them very often so they'd be my preference.

Someone said they'd bring a different dessert if there were going to be 2 birthday cakes. Pound cake is wonderful and can be eaten plain or with ice cream so don't change your plan because there will be birthday cake. My guess is, none of it will go to waste (it will go to MY WAIST, however).

Only 2 days and we'll be on our way. I have everything packed and sitting in the hall. If Thursday doesn't come quick I'll have my WHOLE sewing room in the hall! LOL

Drive carefully everyone.

KarenBarnes 05-31-2011 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by quiltingnonie
Since I will only be there on Saturday, I hadn't offered to bring any food.....but now I am feeling guilty because it sounds like I will probably be eating the whole time! :lol: :lol:

So WHAT can I bring? I would also be willing to make a store run if we find there is something we can't live without. :thumbup:

I would say that you are pitching in by bringing your talent just to share with us! Please just join us! I do believe there will be more than enough food for all! Certainly more than I usually eat in a three day period! :) Like Sandy, my waist is going to feel it!

candlequilter 05-31-2011 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Wine Woman
Oops! I forgot to ask-since some of us like wine which I never leave home without - these are my selections and would like to know what everyone enjoys. They are all reds and when I say fruity they are not sweet fruity like other wines it means no oak and the flavors are all from the grape only- Sangiovese (the lightest of the reds and alot of fruit) Barbera (a bigger red than the Sangio) Pinot Noir, Syrah (big bold fruity, jammy) Cab Sauv (full body for the serious wine drinker!) and a yummy dessert wine! Feel free to PM me if you would like. I know last year we tended to gravitate more to the Sangiovese. I am also doing a Costco run tomorrow for additional food items it there is anything anyone would like me to pick up I will! It will be an early morning run!

I really don't know much at all about wine. But with that said I was wondering if these are all of yo ur own label. If so I would like to buy a bottle (or 2) from you to take 1 to my daughter on my way home (she lives there in Lake Oswego). I know that she loves red wines. I love the name of your winery. How far is it from Lincoln City?

Thanks and looking forward to meeting everyone.

candlequilter 05-31-2011 11:09 AM

I would love to do the stocking project too. Please let me know what I need to bring for that.


Feathers 05-31-2011 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by KarenBarnes

Originally Posted by quiltingnonie
Since I will only be there on Saturday, I hadn't offered to bring any food.....but now I am feeling guilty because it sounds like I will probably be eating the whole time! :lol: :lol:

So WHAT can I bring? I would also be willing to make a store run if we find there is something we can't live without. :thumbup:

I would say that you are pitching in by bringing your talent just to share with us! Please just join us! I do believe there will be more than enough food for all! Certainly more than I usually eat in a three day period! :) Like Sandy, my waist is going to feel it!

Ditto what Karen said. There will be plenty of food. You teach the class and we'll teach YOU how to add to your WAIST line! Deal??

Feathers 05-31-2011 12:31 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Hi Sherryl:
I have made copies of the sock pattern on cardboard ...I have about 5 patterns so we'll share them. I think 1 yard of fabric makes about 4 Socks. If you use plain fabric for the cuff, you might want to bring some Wonder Under or some lightweight fusible to add a decoration such as the one in the picture with the wreath.

Socks For Soldiers

Feathers 05-31-2011 12:33 PM

Hi Sherryl:
I have made copies of the sock pattern on cardboard ...I have about 5 patterns so we'll share them. I think 1 yard of fabric makes about 4 Socks. We use cotton fabric, fleece, flannel, and for the cuff on the sock, we use fur, corderoy, felt, other contrasting cotton fabric. We can embellish all we want except NO GLITTER. i will attach some pictures of a few we've made for last year.

Wine Woman 05-31-2011 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by candlequilter

Originally Posted by Wine Woman
Oops! I forgot to ask-since some of us like wine which I never leave home without - these are my selections and would like to know what everyone enjoys. They are all reds and when I say fruity they are not sweet fruity like other wines it means no oak and the flavors are all from the grape only- Sangiovese (the lightest of the reds and alot of fruit) Barbera (a bigger red than the Sangio) Pinot Noir, Syrah (big bold fruity, jammy) Cab Sauv (full body for the serious wine drinker!) and a yummy dessert wine! Feel free to PM me if you would like. I know last year we tended to gravitate more to the Sangiovese. I am also doing a Costco run tomorrow for additional food items it there is anything anyone would like me to pick up I will! It will be an early morning run!

I really don't know much at all about wine. But with that said I was wondering if these are all of yo ur own label. If so I would like to buy a bottle (or 2) from you to take 1 to my daughter on my way home (she lives there in Lake Oswego). I know that she loves red wines. I love the name of your winery. How far is it from Lincoln City?

Thanks and looking forward to meeting everyone.

Yes they are our own label and will be more than happy to accommadate you and your daughter!! I'll make sure I have an extra or two!

cbridges22 05-31-2011 12:52 PM

Can we go now,can we go now!

Feathers 05-31-2011 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Can we go now,can we go now!

I'm ready! I'm ready! Let's go!

candlequilter 05-31-2011 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Feathers

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Can we go now,can we go now!

I'm ready! I'm ready! Let's go!

Ditto for me. Oh shucks I have to wait because I have to pick up the DH from the airport Wednesday evening before I can leave first thing Thursday morning. If it isn't one thing it is another.

41 hours and counting,

KarenBarnes 05-31-2011 04:55 PM

I just heard that Bluelady can't join us! :( Please no more cancellations! We want to have a party!

candlequilter 05-31-2011 07:28 PM

Karen, do you know if the house has WiFi in it? If so I will need to bring my laptop so that I can keep up with all the questions and comments about the Candlequilter Star block pattern. But if it doesn't I don't really want to pack the laptop all that way.

Thanks alot,

sew cornie 05-31-2011 08:22 PM

So sad to hear of another cancellation. Hope Bluelady can join us another time.

I have some orphan blocks I'm going to bring and they'll be freebies to anyone who'd like them. They're extras I acquired during several swaps over the past 2 years and didn't work into the final plans for those quilts. In the time I've had them, I've had no inspiration for what to do with them so I'd like to offer them up for someone else to take. Sad to have them lay around in a box when they could have great potential.

Looks like I can leave about 9am Friday morning. Should be there by lunchtime (which from the food list sounds like that will last from breakfast until suppertime!). I've never been to The Quilted Hill in Yamhill. Is it too much off the beaten path to make it worth my time on my drive over?

Wine Woman 05-31-2011 08:51 PM

Sew cornie, I don't feel it is too far off the beaten path! Its such a lovely quilt store I would take advantage of it. However, they will be having a sale within the next couple of weeks. I should probably look at their website for all the details. Have a lot of fun shopping if you do stop!

I went ahead and picked up some paper plates and napkins today so we don't have to wash so many dishes! Have a safe trip everyone!

sew cornie 05-31-2011 09:06 PM

Thanks Cindy. The next few weeks are really busy for me so this may be my only chance for a while. I'll check out their website anyway.

Lilrain 06-01-2011 03:19 AM

Here it is almost 4:30 am and I have not been to bed yet, and am not really thinking I could get to sleep yet. this being mixed up like this is terrible. I am sure now I made the right decision in trying to get myself straightend out and having to skip my most looked forward to quilting retreat. I don't think I could safely drive there and back. you all have lots of extra fun for me.

2 Doods 06-01-2011 05:38 AM

The Quilted Hill is a cute shop. And if the sky is clear she has a great view! I am stopping on my way through on Thursday.

Cindy-Paper plates! DUH! Glad you thought of that!!

Lilrain and Bluelady-We will miss seeing you this weekend. Maybe next time will work better for you.

I am just bringing my FW and whatever is in my bag from last weekend when we made a trip to check on FIL. He is back in the hospital. If I can find my Christmas fabric, I'll throw some in for the stockings-not sure where I put it.

Drive Safe Everyone! See you soon!

KarenBarnes 06-01-2011 06:00 AM

Lilrain, you could carpool! It sounds as if there are a few ladies who can't sleep at night and you would have company!

Candlequilter, leave the computer home! In all the paperwork and online, I haven't found anything to indicate there is wifi. I'll be bringing my tablet to show off my new GD & GS. It has wifi and I'd be happy to share if we find different!

KarenBarnes 06-01-2011 06:27 AM

Here is the latest update!

Update on food that was volunteered:
Condiments and a pound cake and coffee (Cbridges), a turkey,gravy etc (Feathers) a chicken lasagna and Costco muffins (quilttiludrop), red wine, paper goods(Winewoman), birthday cake for 2Doods & Feathers and snacking vegetables and fruit, M&M's, banana bread (Karen), veggie/dip tray and salad (2Doods), fruit, ice cream, Hershey's syrup and a variety of teas (SewCornie), dessert (mistiliz), Ham, Roastbeef and Turkey for lunch along with some lettuce, tomatoes,bread, etc (TrishB), baked beans Patty Jo, and potato salad, a sack of potatoes and a couple dozen eggs in case anyone wants that for breakfasts(Candlequilter). (With Lilrain out the waffles,syrup soup,crackers are gone.) If I've missed something (or added) something please let me know!

We have 13 for sure on Thurs night (2 I haven't heard from), 16 on Fri night-Sun am. I'm putting out a gold star balloon near the driveway so that you can find us!

Feathers has a bingo game and a word game. Bring 3 fat quarters (purchased or cut it yourself). She also is coming up with a bonus in this area!

Quiltingnonie is going to show us PP. Here is what you will need to bring.

a few pins, but not huge ones
a size 90 needle for your machine
a finger pressing thingy - nice but not mandatory
F8's, FQ's, scraps of fabric

The patterns I am bringing are for 6" finished blocks. They are an assortment of flowers, hearts, houses, trees, baskets, etc. etc. You might want to have a solid/near solid piece of fabric backgrounds. i.e. sky, grass, white, off white. (Especially if you plan to make more than one block and want them to coordinate)

The rental has a fitted sheet on the bed but only as a mattress cover. You will need bedding and towels, possibly a pillow (they are provided but under the same circumstances as the beds). Kitchen towels, etc are taken care of!

I'm bringing a travel ironing board, iron, cutting mat and rotary, etc.

Bring Christmas fabric if you want to assist with the stockings.

stitchy65 06-01-2011 07:20 AM

Lilrain, I'm sorry I won't get to meet you in person. Maybe next time. Take care of yourself and I hope you get the sleeping thing figured out real soon.


Wine Woman 06-01-2011 08:06 AM

Hey girls I might have the tasting room open for a bit- come by and see me! When you go out of Quilted Hill if you turn to the left and go right at the stop sign you will end of at the hwy. About three miles you come into Carlton - where the hwy in Carlton you have to turn right or left - turn left and I'll be on the right- turn right (gas station on corner and Melton Gallery on the other) and you will head out to the beach! I probably won't be there past three! I have some place to be in Lincoln City!

Oh ladies-I just reread and sorry Jen I will already be there and 2doods you know where I'm at!!

We will miss you bluelady-I'm sorry your plans changed-maybe they can change again and you can join us!

trish b 06-01-2011 01:16 PM

Patty Jo and I are as ready as can be. I wanted to start out two days ago.
Wine Woman I went to Costco this morning too.

I will also be avalable to help with applique. I do it on a regular basis and my project to bring is hand applique and some machine applique as well.

Safe driving everyone.

I am so sorry you cannot make it Lilrain and Bluelady.

craftybear 06-01-2011 02:15 PM

Wow, everyone have fun at your beach retreat and take lots of pictures

Feathers 06-01-2011 05:47 PM

Hi Everybody:
The Jeep is in the driveway, loaded and ready to go. I'll be leaving for the beach about 8:00 tomorrow morning...will pick my sister up in Aloha about 10:00 then on to the beach. I need to make a Costco stop so will do that before we leave Aloha. I'm so excited.

Will everyone take a minute or two to think of something you have done in your life that you are very proud of (besides making wonderful children) , awards you have received, accomplishments, trips to Survival Islands; celebrities you know personally from before they became famous; whatever interesting tidbits you want to share but we'll do this via writing it down on a piece of paper and throughout the week end we'll guess who might be the one who worked with Ted Bundy or was Miss America/ runner up or who swam the English Channel or ???????whatever. This should be fun. We'll learn more about each other and who knows, there might be a "prize" for the best guesser.

Drive carefully everyone.

UglyCook 06-01-2011 07:46 PM

I'm bringing 60 pounds of dog food...

2 Doods 06-01-2011 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by UglyCook
I'm bringing 60 pounds of dog food...

And Riley is going to LOVE you for it! Too bad she can't come :lol:

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