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Pattyjo7686 06-27-2011 10:39 PM

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
The cancer was a very rare and fast moving type still unknown.
They were able to get him home a day and a half by the first night the cancer had mover to his brain and the next morning at 6:30 am. he was gone.
It all happened so fast I think we are still in shock. He will be put to rest in the Willamette National Cemetery for the military that is were my dad is on Thursday.
Again thanks will talk again soon.

UglyCook 06-27-2011 10:43 PM

Group hug, Pat.

Pattyjo7686 06-27-2011 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by UglyCook
Group hug, Pat.

Thank you so verry much I need one tonight...Pat

candlequilter 06-28-2011 12:09 AM

Pat, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thought and prayers.


cbridges22 06-28-2011 05:19 AM

So very sorry Pat.

quiltingnonie 06-28-2011 05:23 AM

Condolences to you and all of your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

2 Doods 06-28-2011 05:34 AM

I'm adding to the group hug Pat.
I am so sorry and I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

KarenBarnes 06-28-2011 06:21 AM

My hugs go with you as well Pat. I'm so sorry!

Jeanne Fauss 06-28-2011 09:08 AM

I am interested in the lady who is from Montana who wanted to organize a weekend there. Sounds nice. I must tell you I am a beginner. This is my 4th quilt. Learning more with eaqch one, and would like to watch someone quilt because I think I might not be ending my stitches right. I hope not. But this time together would be so good for me.

Colbaltjars62 06-28-2011 05:18 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Here is my contribution to the group hug.
{{{{{{{PattyJo and family}}}}}}}

stitchy65 06-28-2011 07:51 PM

Ok ladies, here is the latest update. I found out today that I did not get the job I interviewed for last week. It's ok, it would have been a lateral move only and I would not have gotten a pay increase. Now the good news, my clinic has made offers of employment to 2 new providers so I'll be assigned to one of them if they accept the offers being made to them. Just have to wait and see, that's all I can do.

Karen, sorry to hear your kids won't make it for the family reunion. I do hope they are able to make it home soon to visit....and mom and baby too!

stitchy65 06-28-2011 07:53 PM

Patti, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family members.

Pattyjo7686 06-28-2011 08:21 PM

Thank all of you so very much. All your prayers and condolences do help me through. I thought I would be stronger than this and it would not dig so deep but I was wrong after going through all his pictures and his high school stuff I just lost it and am still a mess. Picking out a card for his family today was so hard. I'm suppose to wright something but how do you tell about your big brother there are no words for me to find to express it...

quilttiludrop 06-28-2011 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Pattyjo7686
Thank all of you so very much. All your prayers and condolences do help me through. I thought I would be stronger than this and it would not dig so deep but I was wrong after going through all his pictures and his high school stuff I just lost it and am still a mess. Picking out a card for his family today was so hard. I'm suppose to wright something but how do you tell about your big brother there are no words for me to find to express it...

I know that words don't seem to be able to express how you feel, but all you can do is try. It's deeply personal, but sometimes poetry comes out of deep feelings. Group hug!

quilttiludrop 06-28-2011 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by KarenBarnes
Yay, Carol! So glad that she arrived safely and that you got the quilt done! You definitely were busy at the retreat.

I just found out that neither of my sons in FL will be able to come to our family reunion next month and that mom and baby might not make it either! :( This long distance grandma stuff stinks!!!

It sounds like a good excuse to go to Florida!

KarenBarnes 06-29-2011 09:11 AM

It sounds like a good excuse to go to Florida![/quote]

That's what my husband said! I could see both boys, the grandson and my sis and BIL as well!

Colbaltjars62 06-29-2011 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by KarenBarnes
It sounds like a good excuse to go to Florida!

That's what my husband said! I could see both boys, the grandson and my sis and BIL as well![/quote]

So Karen,
When do you get back? :thumbup:

cbridges22 06-29-2011 12:56 PM

Well...Happy Birthday to Me. Guess who got laid off yesterday with 3 other nurses?I know God opens windows when he closes doors but the depression is setting in and the hole is deep so it is hard to see a window.

quiltingnonie 06-29-2011 02:16 PM

Aww, Cindy, I am so sorry to hear that. What a bummer. But fortunately, you are in a profession where there are always jobs. Take care.

Wine Woman 06-29-2011 03:00 PM

oh my so many things are happening since I've been here.

Pattyjo its hard but keep your chin up. At least he is at peace now no more suffering. We are here for you. I lost three parents in less than 2 years.

stitchy-well I'm sad but happy at the same time. At least I know when I do go to the doctor I'll still get to see you!

and oh my Cindy what are we going to do? I'm sorry to hear this news but I think you will not have as many stomach issues now to get away! You will find something better. Its right when one door closes another one opens!

quilttiludrop 06-29-2011 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Well...Happy Birthday to Me. Guess who got laid off yesterday with 3 other nurses?I know God opens windows when he closes doors but the depression is setting in and the hole is deep so it is hard to see a window.

I'm really shocked! I guess it's a sign of our times! There are many people who are underemployed! Give me a call and we can get together!

Sparky (in Salem) just contacted me about the Sisters Quilt Show (July 9th). Are you interested?

KarenBarnes 06-29-2011 03:18 PM

Cindy, didn't know you were having a birthday! Besides the job loss, hopefully there was a bright moment to the day? Like Cindy said at least you won't have to be sick so much to enjoy the quilting! I'm sure there will be something out there. I hear in places that there is a real shortage of nurses!

Feathers 06-29-2011 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by candlequilter
Feathers quote to Sherryl, trying out your long arm would be such fun. I've wanted a LA forever and passed on the chance to get one a few years ago when that was what my DH said he wanted to get me for Christmas/birthday and I told him not to as I didn't think I was a good enough or knowledge enough quilter to have a LA....was I nuts? The offer has never come up again! :-(

I'm packing my bags for November!

Feathers I would love to have you come in November, but I feel that I need to tell you now that my longarm machine is on the second floor - so that means a flight and a half of stairs (18 total). I have the master bedroom down on the ground floor that you can use, but the longarm is upstairs. Wish there was someway I could bring it down for you but that would be a major production and I don't think DH would allow me to do that. Everything else will be set up on the ground floor for sewing, eating and whatever else.

Thanks and looking forward to November,

Sherryl: Thank you for accomodating my bad hip, back and legs. I'll know on July 15th when my surgery will be to have the right hip replaced. I'm truly hoping he can do it in August so I should be good a new in November. If that is the case, I can sleep upstairs or down.

Thanks for the offer of your room. Having all of us over is enough...we couldn't possibly EVER ask your husband to give up his bed for this party! He really must be Mr. Wonderful to even consider giving up his bed!

candlequilter 06-30-2011 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by Feathers

Originally Posted by candlequilter
Feathers quote to Sherryl, trying out your long arm would be such fun. I've wanted a LA forever and passed on the chance to get one a few years ago when that was what my DH said he wanted to get me for Christmas/birthday and I told him not to as I didn't think I was a good enough or knowledge enough quilter to have a LA....was I nuts? The offer has never come up again! :-(

I'm packing my bags for November!

Feathers I would love to have you come in November, but I feel that I need to tell you now that my longarm machine is on the second floor - so that means a flight and a half of stairs (18 total). I have the master bedroom down on the ground floor that you can use, but the longarm is upstairs. Wish there was someway I could bring it down for you but that would be a major production and I don't think DH would allow me to do that. Everything else will be set up on the ground floor for sewing, eating and whatever else.

Thanks and looking forward to November,

Sherryl: Thank you for accomodating my bad hip, back and legs. I'll know on July 15th when my surgery will be to have the right hip replaced. I'm truly hoping he can do it in August so I should be good a new in November. If that is the case, I can sleep upstairs or down.

Thanks for the offer of your room. Having all of us over is enough...we couldn't possibly EVER ask your husband to give up his bed for this party! He really must be Mr. Wonderful to even consider giving up his bed![/quote]

LOL - I already told DH he has to go somewhere for that whole time in November. I want to have fun too and feel at ease just like I did in Lincoln City. He can go visit his sister in Coos Bay or something. I wouldn't participate if he was having a guy thing at the house so it is only fair -right. Good luck with the surgery tho.

Can hardly wait for Nov.

candlequilter 06-30-2011 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by cbridges22
Well...Happy Birthday to Me. Guess who got laid off yesterday with 3 other nurses?I know God opens windows when he closes doors but the depression is setting in and the hole is deep so it is hard to see a window.

Happy Birthday to you lady!!!! I wasn't sure if it was really your birthday or not until I looked at your profile.

Sorry to hear about the job - but like everyone else has told you with all your experience and personality the right thing will be just around the corner for you. Good luck. I hope this doesn't interfer with your plans for the first weekend in August. Hey, I just thought of something - now that you have more free time you could have more Smiley Face days :wink: :wink: .

Take care,

Feathers 06-30-2011 02:52 PM

Hi Cindy: I'm so sorry about your layoff but this might be the golden opportunity for you to rest, quilt, rejuvenate yourself while receiving unemployment comp and to reflect on the job opportunities that are awaiting your application. As happy, bubbly, fun and with as much personality plus as you have, some one is going to snap you up soon. I'm joining the group hug for you as well as for PATTYJO.

PATTYJO - I can't even imagine how awful it would be to lose one of my brothers. I'm so sorry. Be thankful that his passing was quick as the slow, painful process is so difficult for the patient and the family. Hugs to you.

Fidissimus 07-03-2011 11:44 AM

Oh my goodness I'm only about 25 pages behind! SO MUCH seems to have happened while I was gone.

Condolences to PattyJo and Loraine on losing loved ones. Prayers for you and your families.
Congratulations to Karen on your DIL's pregnancy... yay for grandbabies!

It looks like the beach retreat was great fun! I really wish I could've made it out there for that. I see something is brewing for early November. Where in WA are you Candlequilter? It would be great fun to have a sewing weekend with ya'll! Loved seeing all the pictures; it looks like you all had a fantastic time. ^^

Fidissimus 07-03-2011 11:44 AM

Also who's headed out to Sister's next weekend?

Feathers 07-03-2011 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Fidissimus
Also who's headed out to Sister's next weekend?

Yes, I'd be interested in seeing who is going to Sisters next week. I'm thinking I may go on Saturday only. Haven't talked to DH about it but I'd like to go and he usually lets me do whatever pleases me. If any of you are going on Saturday, can we meet up somewhere? Maybe in the park right off main street or if someone has a better place, I'd be game. If DH doesn't mind going, I'll invite him but if he doesn't want to which I'm pretty sure he won't, I'll ask my sister Sharon and maybe a couple of my quilty friends from our quilt group. Let me know who is going. I'd love to see all of you even if for a short visit.

UglyCook 07-03-2011 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Fidissimus
Also who's headed out to Sister's next weekend?

I can't go this year but it sure was fun last year! Maybe next time.

cbridges22 07-03-2011 04:52 PM

I'll be taking all 3 g-kids camping that w/e.But I will put it on the calendar for next year.

KarenBarnes 07-03-2011 05:32 PM

I likewise will be watching grandkids next Sat. Their mom and dad have tickets to Mary Poppins for birthday and anniversary. Have a great time, whoever is going! Take pics for us!

Fidissimus 07-03-2011 06:24 PM

I'll be there! Karen I'll be sure to take lots of pictures so no one misses out on anything. ^^

Pattyjo7686 07-03-2011 09:09 PM

OK I'm sad all you get to go to Sisters with out me can I stow away in someones bag. I have never been and it sounds like fun if anyone has room for one more let me know I will even camp
"I think I might "

stitchy65 07-04-2011 05:50 PM

I would love to go but not sure I'll have the money for it this year. I would love to see pics if someone else goes!

Wine Woman 07-04-2011 05:58 PM

Hey there to all of you! I started a topic on Quilt Show, Sisters, OR Will you be there? Please help keep it going if you all would comment. Planned to meet at the park at 12:30 I probably will be starved by then. For some of you who are going and don't have a room I'm staying in Bend and four of us are sharing my little place I stayed in last year. But if you need a room when I called recently to check my reservation there were rooms (like motel rooms) available. They run around 85ish a night not bad and maybe some of you's who are looking can room together. PM me and I'll give you the name and number if you want to check it out. Of course the more the merrier! It's a beautiful place we are right by the river and your room is right above. Not far from us!

Pattyjo7686 07-04-2011 07:00 PM

If I could share a room with several of us I could swing it. Anyone interested. I would love to be right above
Wine Woman and Trish we could turn the music up and dance all night right over there heads.lol Maybe even invite them up to dance to...Love ya just kidding I cant dance.

Feathers 07-05-2011 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Wine Woman
Hey there to all of you! I started a topic on Quilt Show, Sisters, OR Will you be there? Please help keep it going if you all would comment. Planned to meet at the park at 12:30 I probably will be starved by then. For some of you who are going and don't have a room I'm staying in Bend and four of us are sharing my little place I stayed in last year. But if you need a room when I called recently to check my reservation there were rooms (like motel rooms) available. They run around 85ish a night not bad and maybe some of you's who are looking can room together. PM me and I'll give you the name and number if you want to check it out. Of course the more the merrier! It's a beautiful place we are right by the river and your room is right above. Not far from us!

Hi Winewoman:
I'd love to meet you at the park at 12:30 on Saturday/. We're coming just for the day(Saturday). Sister Sharon is coming as are 2 of my quilting friends. We plan to leave home at 6 am so should be there by opening time at 9.

Wine Woman 07-07-2011 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Feathers

Originally Posted by Wine Woman
Hey there to all of you! I started a topic on Quilt Show, Sisters, OR Will you be there? Please help keep it going if you all would comment. Planned to meet at the park at 12:30 I probably will be starved by then. For some of you who are going and don't have a room I'm staying in Bend and four of us are sharing my little place I stayed in last year. But if you need a room when I called recently to check my reservation there were rooms (like motel rooms) available. They run around 85ish a night not bad and maybe some of you's who are looking can room together. PM me and I'll give you the name and number if you want to check it out. Of course the more the merrier! It's a beautiful place we are right by the river and your room is right above. Not far from us!

Hi Winewoman:
I'd love to meet you at the park at 12:30 on Saturday/. We're coming just for the day(Saturday). Sister Sharon is coming as are 2 of my quilting friends. We plan to leave home at 6 am so should be there by opening time at 9.

Yea! Feathers and Sharon will be there! Bring your name tags for the park! Come join us on this topic for Sisters, OR www.quiltingboard.com/t-134878-1.htm

KarenBarnes 07-09-2011 08:09 AM

I wanted to tell all you wonderful ladies how much I appreciate the weekend we had to get to know each other! I had a wonderful time! I also appreciate (since I couldn't help) that the house was in wonderful condition and I got all of the deposit back! Thanks!

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