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-   -   All the DWR needs is the binding and label, yeah (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/all-dwr-needs-binding-label-yeah-t150162.html)

Tweety2911 09-04-2011 05:36 AM

Gorgeous and would look so perfect on my bed!! Love it!

Sewlmatesister 09-04-2011 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by mhunt1717
Wow! Beautiful!

My sentiments exactly!!!!!

purrfectquilts 09-04-2011 05:41 AM

Very nice!

dinlauren 09-04-2011 06:20 AM

Awesome...one of these days I'll get around to trying one...one of these daysssssss....lol

harvsstuff 09-04-2011 08:01 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Should have added a close up of the block and also the
back of the block. Enjoy

close up of block

back of quilt

franie 09-04-2011 08:06 AM


PS why is there a floating cap in the left of the photo?

dunster 09-04-2011 08:09 AM

Beautiful quilt! I did a double take with the picture. At first I thought the quilt was draped all the way to the floor, and I thought that must be one huge quilt! Now I see it's supported on a table. Still a big quilt, though. Gorgeous!

Babs194068 09-04-2011 09:08 AM

Great job

harvsstuff 09-04-2011 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by franie

PS why is there a floating cap in the left of the photo?

I think the hat(s) cover lights. I'll have to ask James.

jodiann2 09-04-2011 09:38 AM

Your work is always gorgeous. We miss ya.

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