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-   -   Denim Christmas stockings, I'm all caught up! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/denim-christmas-stockings-im-all-caught-up-t170992.html)

BrendaK 12-05-2011 05:34 AM

:thumbup: :D: man that's a lot of feet. How do you know what stocking goes where? Love the fabric. Sweet of you to do this. BrendaK

DianneK 12-05-2011 05:41 AM

I made denim stocking one year for everyone...they loved them...yours are so cool!

Becky Mc 12-05-2011 06:18 AM

They are so cute.

lfstamper 12-05-2011 06:20 AM

Very nice job!

wolph33 12-05-2011 07:02 AM

wow-great idea.I have tons of denim and run out of ideas for using it.I may have to borrow your idea,lol.

sue z q 12-05-2011 07:04 AM

Those are so cute! I'm inspired. I have lots of old denim on hand.

Learner747 12-05-2011 07:06 AM

I would never have thought to use denim. Great idea. Now I have a way to recycle our old jeans. :-)

Poakie 12-05-2011 07:47 AM

Very good job! I'm sure they will all love them and use them for many Christmas to come.

Corkiesmom 12-05-2011 08:06 AM

Great idea and they turned out so well.

Susanna10 12-05-2011 10:33 AM

What a cute idea. yours are adorable

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