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-   -   Denim Christmas stockings, I'm all caught up! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/denim-christmas-stockings-im-all-caught-up-t170992.html)

virgwid 12-08-2011 06:17 AM

LOVE these!!!! Virg

QuiltE 12-12-2011 02:21 PM

Looks like I'm late to this party!

Great stockings ... and oh so appropriate for your brood, OKSGlad!
though it looks as though some farmers are missing their jeans and overalls!!!

oksewglad 12-12-2011 08:33 PM

QE, DH will never let me forget the time I was cutting back pockets out of jeans to make a bunch of pretty pocket pals (probably a 4-H gift for my members) In the pile of jeans were 2 perfectly good pair of his that needed just a little mending. You guessed it--cut the pockets out of his jeans too!

QuiltE 12-12-2011 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 4777008)
QE, DH will never let me forget the time I was cutting back pockets out of jeans to make a bunch of pretty pocket pals (probably a 4-H gift for my members) In the pile of jeans were 2 perfectly good pair of his that needed just a little mending. You guessed it--cut the pockets out of his jeans too!

:) Oh but it was for such a good reason ... 4-H!!! :)
So did he put his jeans and overalls into protective custody whilst you were making the Christmas stockings?

Now please do tell me, what are pretty pocket pals?

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