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osewme 10-05-2016 11:39 AM

What a kind thing you have done by making that quilt for her. She will love it & be so surprised.

heather1949 10-05-2016 04:28 PM

It is beautiful :)

judy363905 10-05-2016 04:31 PM

Lovely fabric choices and so kind of you to make this for your friend ~~ she will be thrilled :)

Judy in Phx, AZ

mucky 10-05-2016 04:40 PM

I really like the pattern

Hulalulu 10-05-2016 07:06 PM

You are both so lucky ---- friends for 20 years! She will adore it! and she does you!

quiltsRfun 10-05-2016 07:36 PM

Nice work. She'll be so surprised.

gmarty 10-05-2016 07:50 PM


BrendaK 10-06-2016 02:25 AM

Lovely quilt. BrendaK

jmoore 10-06-2016 03:09 AM

What a pretty pattern and a beautiful quilt. Shucks, after 20 years I wouldn't know where I had put the pattern. LOL

nls 10-06-2016 03:34 AM

Pretty quilt!

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