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-   -   I started this a year and a half ago and I have no desire to finish it (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/i-started-year-half-ago-i-have-no-desire-finish-t51024.html)

cjomomma 06-23-2010 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by UglyCook
It's really lovely. Maybe do a block a day before you get to do something else? That's what I do, and then I often end up getting far more than the goal done.

Good idea.

Pamela Artman 06-23-2010 03:40 PM

I think it looks great and will make a beautiful quilt! But if you hate working on it, then it's no fun. Find someone to give it to who will love working on it. I have passed on a few of my UFOs to my daughter who has recently learned to quilt. But I warn you, you may be sorry! I gave her a project I didn't like, she finished it and now I love it! I want it back!!!!!

Ditter43 06-23-2010 03:42 PM

I have been where you are....I forced myself to get back to it and finish. It was like a weight had been lifted. What you do is up to you, but your friend will love it even if it's not perfect. :) What you showed us looks lovely!

Rob 06-23-2010 03:43 PM

Ya need to finish it! It is a great start and will be a wonderful gift...for someone.

Looks like you have great skills and it compliments you. Rebecca LVQ has a good point too. Maybe not for this friend...maybe someone else.

annette1952 06-23-2010 03:47 PM

Carrie, I think you should just piece a little a day. Before you know it will be done. It is very pretty & would be a shame to be stashed in the closet.

manyana 06-23-2010 03:47 PM

Did not mean to come on heavy to you. I was in the same situation as you. (quilt for a friend). I hated that quilt threw it in a box only partially made. pulled it out a few months later finished it and it was one of my favourite quilts - my friend loved it. (imperfections and all) You need to do what you want just enjoy.

Elizabeth-Liz 06-23-2010 03:48 PM

I would complete it. I always look at them as learning experiences. In fact the quilt in my avatar I threatened to through it away, but it was for my niece and she really wanted it. She does not see the mistakes and I really liked it once I completed it. I hope you will complete it and show it off when you are done. I will not let myself have more than three projects going before I will move on to a new one. The only reason I let myself have three is where I can go to workshops and learn how to do a new pattern are I need to make a gift.

woody1229 06-23-2010 03:48 PM

On the other hand, if it's really not making you happy, you probably won't feel that great about giving it as a gift to your bff. I might be tempted to pass the whole thing off to someone else on the board to finish, and start a new one for your bff that will bring you both joy.

Just a thought -

Boston1954 06-23-2010 03:49 PM

I think you need a deadline like my Rhapsody. Now, I don't want to really push you, so I will say have it ready for their first anniversary. How's that? Now get to the sewing machine!! ;)

ckcowl 06-23-2010 03:49 PM

every once in a while we start a project that just doesn't seem to flow for us...no real reason, not our (thing) or just doesn't come together...happens to everyone at one time or another. sometimes if we put them in a box and come across it months (or years) later and take it out it suddenly comes together...quick and sweet...other times, we take it out...stare at it for a few days/weeks and still...it just isn't going to move for us...when this happens it's time to pass it on to someone who loves it/wants to put it together, cant understand what the hold up is...i have had all of the above situations...and in fact i have one right now...that is about 5 years old, the blocks are together...borders/sashing is in pieces, i love the fabrics, even love the blocks...i try again everytime i come across the box again to start putting it together. i don't know why it wont come together for me...i would love to have it finished.
i have had 2 that sat around in various stages for way too long...occassion came and went, something else was made...i didn't really like them in the first place...i took the blocks for one and gave them to a little quilting group at a senior center. they were very happy to receive them and actually made a really nice quilt out of them,
another one in pieces i packaged up...in a ziplock with a picture of what it was supposed to look like and sold it at a yard sale for $10...and the lady who bought it came back a couple months later and had me quilt it for her...i figured the cost no longer was an issue at that point, what difference does it make if you give it away, or leave it in a box for ever for someone to throw away when you are gone?

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