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-   -   Jeweled Tree Quilt: finished the top (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/jeweled-tree-quilt-finished-top-t39321.html)

mjsylvstr 04-16-2010 12:33 PM

I have been trying everywhere and asking everyone I know, to get this pattern..LOVE IT........

no one that I have asked seems to have the magazine.

I have now written to my cousin and she is going to check with her guild..

I have to find this pattern.......I am addicted to paper piecing.and this pattern is a must .....
love it, love it, love it.........mj

BellaBoo 04-16-2010 01:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
According to the website it's in this issue. ?

:shock: :?:

rootyr 04-16-2010 02:15 PM


SewSew2 04-16-2010 02:39 PM

Stunning, beautiful, and any other words one can use. Excellent job. Like the rich colors

jljack 04-16-2010 02:42 PM

Very pretty. Don't you love how precise the pattern comes out with paper piecing? I vow to do more in the near future.

I'll check tonite to see if I have the issue. if I do, I'll let you all know.

Oh, see what happens when you don't read the whole thread -- WVDEK has it.

mjsylvstr 04-16-2010 02:48 PM


thanks, if I can't find it from my cousins' friends.I will go into the website and order it. thanks for the info

SaraSewing 04-16-2010 03:43 PM


Izaquilter 10-18-2010 10:29 AM

I love it! The colors are great & the borders really top it off

georgiaquilter 08-10-2011 04:12 AM

OMG!!!! YES! That's the one I'm looking for!!!!! How can I get the pattern? Did you make it?!!!


hcarpanini 08-10-2011 04:12 AM

Nice! I love paper piecing!

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