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red-warrior 02-22-2012 05:28 PM

I am so sorry for all you have been through. My mother has alzheimer's and I know how hard it is! I will pray for mom and hubby. The quilt is beautiful and a great shield of faith!

TanyaL 02-22-2012 05:47 PM

I think your mother would be proud of you. You seem to be a daughter any mother would love to call her own. Your expression of love is wonderful.

Latrinka 02-22-2012 06:01 PM

Beautiful quilt! You and all your family are in my prayers!

pasolovers 02-23-2012 04:55 AM

So sorry for all the problems you've had. Your quilt is beautiful. Know that we are praying for you and your family.

jad1044 02-23-2012 05:07 AM

It's beautiful and done with loving prayerful hands - she'll love it - and always think of you as she uses it!

Phannie1 02-23-2012 05:12 AM

The quilt is beautiful. I know God does not give us troubles that he does not us strenght to carry us. I will pray for you and your mother. Peace.

SandScraps 02-23-2012 05:18 AM

How wonderful to make such a quilt of love and faith for a beloved mother. You are both very special.

Caswews 02-23-2012 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by dogsgod (Post 4996942)
It is so hard to deal with aging issues in our parents, somehow as long as they are around, part of us can still be a kid. I know the fears you've gone through, I've lost both of my parents and it's hard to face.

I so agree, lost my parents at very early in life and its the hardest thing to face, is life without them around to lean on . I think so many times how proud Mom would of been or Dad would of been or how I wish they could of seen my kids grow up or the granddaughters.

Prayers and hugs go out to you and your family !
BTW LOVE the quilt beautiful job !!

luci4 02-23-2012 06:12 AM

Beautiful quilt. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Blinkokr 02-23-2012 06:27 AM

WOW - Just beautiful, great job, thank you for sharing. Will put your family in our prayers each day.
Have a Blessed day

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