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Buckeye Rose 01-12-2016 08:50 AM

pixelated picture quilt progress
2 Attachment(s)
I thought at the beginning that this was going to be a difficult quilt, 324 pieces in each 18 inch block. But I was so wrong! Here are the first 2 blocks. I can do one block in about 3 hours, but that includes fabric cutting and interruptions from the hubby (he seems to think he needs to eat). Hopefully the remaining 10 blocks go just as fast. ;)

ManiacQuilter2 01-12-2016 09:06 AM

Interesting. Are they characters from a video game?

Tartan 01-12-2016 09:08 AM

Great blocks! Are they QAYG?

Buckeye Rose 01-12-2016 09:18 AM

These are all characters from the video game "Super Mario Brothers"....one I have to admit that I spent many hours playing. This is for the 5yr grandson who loves the game too. They aren't QAYG, just regular blocks....but...each 1.5" square is fused to interfacing with 1.5" grid printed on it. Then you sew the seams. It is so easy and fast, considering how many squares are in each block. The first block (one up mushroom) was a learning process, so it isn't as nice looking...but I don't think it will be noticeable once the quilt is together and quilted. I think I am going to use a clear/transparent thread to quilt so I don't interfere with the pictures.

gram2five 01-12-2016 09:27 AM

Great start, the quilt is going to be amazing! My 2 grandsons are really into Minecraft and I've been trying to figure out how to make them each a quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!

PaperPrincess 01-12-2016 09:32 AM

Wonderful start. Husbands! Didn't he just eat yesterday?

Jingle 01-12-2016 10:41 AM

You are doing a great job.

Doggramma 01-12-2016 11:37 AM

Those are really neat! You have a lot of patience

busy fingers 01-12-2016 11:52 AM

You are off to a flying start. Please keep us posted on your progress.

susie-susie-susie 01-12-2016 11:54 AM

Looks interesting. Isn't that just like a man--he probably wants 3 meals a day, too. lol

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