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tlpa 07-01-2015 10:49 AM

Brought tears to my eyes, for both him in the way he is honoring our country, and you, in the way you are honoring him.
Thank you both!

klswift 07-01-2015 11:06 AM

thank you for sharing his story with us.

tammyg 07-02-2015 09:13 AM

So very awesome......

sewbeadit 07-02-2015 06:06 PM

What an awesome thoughtful quilt and an awesome man!

marcycn 07-03-2015 08:37 AM

Thanks for all the kind words. He is something special in this day and age and quite refreshing. :-) I've sent it off and it's sitting at his PO waiting for him to pick it up. I added some red and blue ties around the pictures before I sent it which made them stand out a bit more. I've never known anyone personally who was so passionate about our country and our flag! :-)

marcycn 07-03-2015 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by Sneed (Post 7244085)
Great idea to make this gift for him and recognize his efforts to show his love of the flag and country. There just isn't enough of this kind of thing. I'm sure he was overwhelmed. I've heard about him and am really touched that you would do this. You're pretty special, too.

Curious! Where did you hear about Dave since you are in KY and he's in WA?

Bigsarge7 07-03-2015 12:59 PM

Thank you!

Originally Posted by marcycn (Post 7242236)
A little background: I've known this guy since 1966 when he was in first grade. He came from a Navy family and when old enough he joined the Marines. He did his time and got out. I lost touch with him so I'm not sure why or how but he joined the Army a few years ago and has done tours overseas. Right now he is in Washington state and he runs between 5 and 10 miles a day with a 6 foot American Flag that weighs 5 pounds. He has quite the following on FB and is called the HWY 2 Freedom Runner.

This is what he has on his HWY 2 Freedom Runner FB page:

"Since February 2010 I have been running with Old Glory in Vancouver and Ridgefield WA and in Salt Lake UT when I was station
ed there. Since then I have run over 3400 miles. Living in my new home town of Sultan WA for over a year now, I have now become known as the HWY 2 Freedom Runner. I run with the Nations Flag for Pride Duty Honor - Pride for how I feel about the country I live in, Duty to the American Armed Forces in which I serve. My oath to protect our great country and the Honor in that I am an AMERICAN! God Bless America!"

The pictures on the quilt are all of him, even the runner on the Sky Valley Sticker.

I just had to make a quilt for him. My quilting with pictures isn't all that great and I'm not sure if he can ever wash it without the ink smearing but I had to put an imprint on what he is all about. :-) It was a QAYG.

Many pictures follow:











Marcy I can't even begin to tell you how much the quilt you made for me touched my heart. I feel extremely honored. When my wife, Christina saw it, she was in tears. I will be posting your photos on my FB page to share with everyone. Thank you soo much!!!

marcycn 07-04-2015 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by heather1949 (Post 7242728)
What an amazing person you are to do this for him, and in turn he also is an amazing man, I am Australian and I read every word and you made me cry, God Bless You :)

It's all about pride in your country - doesn't matter what country. :-) Dave's just happens to be the USA.

mjhaess 07-10-2015 11:45 AM

That is just an awesome quilt....

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